Pavel Novikov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Pavel Novikov is a Russian film actor who has become popular at the dawn of acting biography, playing the main character in the criminal series according to the scenario of Viktor Merezhko "Mole". Among the significant works of the artist - the key roles in the films "they danced one winter", "Nostalgia for the future", "Picture".

The future artist was born on August 12, 1971 in Murmansk in a family of long-range sailor. Grandfather Paul was also a sailor. Paul from early childhood considered himself a creative person, but not going to associate life with the acting profession.

Paul himself was a sports guy: a high, strong physique, could go in the footsteps of the Father, but chose the Pedagogical Institute. Immediately after school, did not file documents at the university - I wanted to serve in the army first in the Airborne Forces. The desire of Paul is clear, because by the age of 16 he had three parachute jumps behind him. The young man passed all the tests and got into the Airborne Forces. Pavel Novikov served in the GRU special forces, the division was located in the city Pechora Pskov on the border with Estonia - subsequently, this experience was useful to Novikov in the profession and in adulthood.

After the service of Novikov, he entered the historical faculty of the Pedagogical Institute, successfully graduated from the university and got a job to work in school, but not specialty, and physical education teacher and obzh. Work at school at first seemed to young man interesting and exciting, but at some point Paul realized that he would like to do more - Novikov decided to enter the Theater Institute.

Pavel Novikov

Chose the institute The future actor is extraordinary: with a friend wrote the names of creative universities on paper, threw them into the header and revealed on fate. Paul fell LIGITMIK. Fate did not let the young man - in the Theater Institute Novikov came from the first attempt. At that time, Paul had already been 26 years old, so the choice was conscious.

After graduating from the university, a young man moved to Moscow, but it was not possible to get a job in the metropolitan theater - everywhere refused. As a result, Tatyana Doronin invited the actor to work in MCAT. Delivered in him Pavel Novikov only for a year, then I realized that he wants to move on. The rehearsal of new performances for 5-6 months seemed to be tedious, and they didn't like the flashes.


Pavel Novikov began to film in 2001. The debut of the actor became the main role in the TV series "Mole", which immediately brought Pavlu's popularity and the love of viewers. The actor did not have to prepare for shooting for a long time - the Army experience of special forces helped. Hero Pavel Novikova is a young specialist Sergey Kuzmichev, who is being introduced into a criminal gang in order to expose. In order for the operation to be immaculate, Sergey has to put a cross on personal attachments and forget their own past.

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Two years after the first star role, the actor played a key hero in the melodrame "they danced one winter." Parabe with Pavel Novikov played the star of Soviet cinema Galina Belyaeva. After filming in a number of episodes, the artist received another major role, this time in the Drama "Nostalgia for the future". Here he embodied on the screen the image of Viktor Founded, who remains faithful to the ideals of youth. And the star of the screen was the Star of the screen - the actress Olga Cabo.

In the late 2000s, the previous filmography of the artist adds new projects "Flying Drug", "Pathfinder", "completely different life", in which Paul appears in the foreground.

In 2010, the actor embodies on the screen the image of the Eusin lawyer in the Melodrame "Efrosiny" about the girl (Anastasia Makarova), living in a deaf taiga together with his grandfather and grandmother. And in two years later, in the TV series "Skarka", Novikov is transformed into a businessman who fell into the girl Lesia (Julia Kadushevich), which has a gift of healing.

Interesting projects for the actor were films "Bones" and "Irckak". In both of them, the actor appeared in front of the audience as an investigator. In the melodraman "weak woman" actor played a despotic husband of Heroine Lucy (Glafira Tarkhanov), who drives out his spouse from the house, learning about betrayal. Novikov appeared and in the sixth season of the popular TV series "Kitchen", fulfilling the role of Tumanova.

Personal life

Pavel Novikov was married twice, but both marriage ended with parting. The actor does not like to remember these periods of life, and there is a little talking about personal life. It is known that the artist has kept a good relationship with both wives.

Full Pavel Novikov

Paul is associated with romantic relationship with Anna's girl, which is much younger than artist and works as a psychologist's teacher. But the photo of the girl, as well as family members, Pavel Novikov, saves for a personal archive, not posted them before the public.

Paul Novikova has its own design and architectural bureau. As a versatile person, the actor is engaged in several things at the same time: playing the guitar, leads a dramatic circle, loves to travel, wants to try himself in painting. There is an actor and dream - Paul wants to establish a nomadic theater, which will tour in small cities and villages and give views for local residents. In district centers, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the performances of Moscow and St. Petersburg theaters. By the way, Pavel Novikov dreams about the nomadian theater and is not going to give up a dream.

Pavel Novikov now

Now the career actor develops no less intensively than at the very beginning. For 2016, five projects were published with Pavel Novikov on the screens, among which the Cuba detective, the Biographical Melodrama "Margarita Nazarova", the criminal series "Rounded". Novikov also appeared in the militant "Shelest" and in the Criminal Ribbon "provocateur".

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In 2017, the shooting of the Melodrama "Love for Survival" was completed, where Paul fulfilled a negative role - the actor appeared in front of the audience in the image of the customer Mikhletsky, who set out to survive the main character of Irina (Irina Verbitskaya) from his own apartment.

Pavel Novikov is not limited to acting craft. Among his hobbies - music. In 2017, the Actor entered the judicial composition of the festival contest "Flowering Talent", organized for children. At the beginning of 2018, the artist became a member of the jury of the festival-competition of children's talents "Music Metliament", which was held in Moscow.


  • 2001-2002 - "Mole"
  • 2004 - "They danced one winter"
  • 2008 - "Nostalgia for the Future"
  • 2009 - "Bear Angle"
  • 2010 - "Efrosinya"
  • 2012 - "Skarka"
  • 2014 - "Weak Woman"
  • 2014 - "Quiet Hunting"
  • 2015 - "Life just begins"
  • 2016 - "Kitchen"
  • 2016 - "Shelest"
  • 2017 - "Love for survival"

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