Prometheus - the history of appearance, myths, chained to a rock, image


Character History

Ancient Greek mythology contains little references on opponents of Lord Olympus. Greeks believed that Zeus were invincible. The only one who dared to contradict the Almighty - Titan Prometheus. A decisive strategist and skillful manipulator managed to deceive the thumbs up. True, the payroll for deception turned out to be cruel and tedious.

History of creation

The description of the Titan himself and his feats gives researchers a reason to argue that Prometheus is the symbiosis of beliefs of the Balkan peoples and the Minoan civilization. The image of titanium includes the features of the corporal patron of a simple people, but it is endowed with relations with the Olympic gods.


In the biography of Prometheus, the transformation of the deity is clearly traced. The hero is alienated from relatives and adjoins new deities, while sorry and soothing the loser (that is, in fact, its own) side. Prometheus retains positive qualities in the new system: wisdom, cunning and generosity. But the Olympic mythology cannot have two leaders at once, therefore, over time, Prometheus is opposed to Zeus.

It would seem that the martyr, which was presented by Titan in myths, the Greeks should be read no less than the thumbnail. But the cult of Prometheus did not get much spread. The altar of the Great Hero is installed in Athens and the Akadema Grove. No less well known statue of titanium in the city of Panofings, but the holidays and festivals in honor of the immortal were not conducted.

Prometheus with fire

An explanation of the phenomenon is simple - in addition to fire, Prometheus gave people the ability to cheat and deceive. The ancient Greeks did not belong to such abilities need to be glorified.

Prometheus in myths

Prometheus is a representative of the second generation of titans. Parents of a bold man - Japet and Clemane (for other sources - a femide). Prometheus is not the only son of a well-known couple, Titan has brothers: Atlant, Mesetia, Epimeus.

From birth, a powerful God is endowed with a gift to anticipate the future, so during the War of Zeus (his own cousin) and Titans (Men's native brothers) moved to the side of the throat.

God Zeus

Thanks to the tactical skills and knowledge of Prometheus, the new Vladyka Olympus won the centuries-old battle. But the long-awaited event was only worsened by the attitude of the thumbs and loyal titanium. From this moment, the main God stopped trusting his own ally.

Having come to power, Zeus decided to restore the scorched lands and settle the planet with living beings. The responsible mission of Thunderstroke entrusted Prometheus and Athena. Titan created people from water and dirt, and the goddess instilled life in the resulting creatures. After completion of the work before the eyes of the hero, a deplorable spectacle opened. People did not know how to build houses, they did not grow cereals and did not use the dishes.

Wanting to help weak and weak, Prometheus taught the inhabitants of Greece crafts and brought a gift to humanity - the fire that a man borrowed from the forge of Hepesta. A new patron taught the most ancient people to extract gold, collecting medicinal herbs and presented hope for a bright future.

Goddess Athena

Such actions were rapid and interested in gods. If earlier people did not imagine much value, then from this moment the inhabitants of Olympus received sentences and gifts from humanity.

To peacefully coexist on the planet, the gods collected the Council - it is necessary to determine the rights and obligations of people. The meeting came and Prometheus, suspecting that Zeus plots destroy the human race.

Statue Prometheus

One of the questions that raised the gods on the Council - sacrifices. Wanting to help people, Prometheus personally killed a bull and separated the carcass into two heaps. One folded the meat and covered the pieces of the skin, put the bones and brilliant, tasty smelling fat. Preparations before Zeus, Titan offered the ruler to choose that people will give the gods.

The myth argues that Zeus understood the cunning trick of Prometheus, but, wanting to settle and punish the naughty titanium, chose bones. For the deception of the stumers deprived the wards of men of fire and sent Pandora to Earth. The response action of the immortal was the new abduction of the spark of life. For such a bold misconduct, Prometheus chained chains to the Caucasian Mountains, so that Titan observes, as humanity suffers, punished due to the intercession of a stubborn man.

Prometheus chained to a rock

The immortal rising against Zeus did not ask Zeus about pardon. The foreseeing future of Prometheus loudly stated that the rule of Lord Olympus would soon end. The arrogant's arrogant was angry, and he sent a mighty eagle to Titan. In the duties of the bird included torturing a chained cliff - to unwind the liver of a man every day. During the night, the body grown again, so the torment continued forever.

Savior Titan from the incessant torture Hercules. The bold hero killed the bird and destroyed the chains, for which Prometheus indicated a man's road to the garden hesperide. True, the murder of Eagle was still agreed with Zeus, who was tired of the permanent hostility and wished to learn his own future.

Hercules and Prometheus

Liberated by Prometheus, famous for wisdom and rationality, went to reconciliation with a cousin. Soon Titan married Oceanide Hesion. Since then, there were no loud disputes between relatives, and Zeus treated people humane.

It is concerned that after a time, Prometheus left Olympus and went down to the ground, where he lost his own immortality. The generous and irreconcilable hero was buried in the city of Argos (on other sources - in the pee).

Interesting Facts

  • There is a theory that Prometheus is not stubbornness, but Athena. Allegedly Titan loved the daughter of Zeus, which did not like the latter. The poet Euphorion argued that Zeus's wrath caused a pedigree man, as Titan is an extramarital son of Gera and EuroMedont. For the misconduct of the wife of the thumbnail, the Father Prometheus was killed, and the son suffers from torture.
Prometheus in cartoon
  • During the struggle for the human program, Prometheus managed to become a father twice. The man was born the son of Genkalion and daughter Io.
  • The meaning of the Prometheus - Thinking Add to Prepictory.
  • The history of Titan is described in detail in the "Prometheus" cartoon (1974). The voice of a decisive man presented the Soviet actor Alexey Konovsky.

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