Kirill Kozakov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Kirill Kozakov - the actor and cinema actor, who received All-Russian glory at the dawn of creative activity. The artist selectively refers to its appearance on the screen and in media space. He believes that he must remind himself not to various interviews and flashes in a television show, but new interesting works.

Childhood and youth

Cyril was born in the famous creative family. His father is a famous actor and film director Mikhail Kozakov, the star of the Soviet fantastic film "Man-Amphibian". And Mother Greta Tar, Estonian by nationality, worked as one of the leading costumes artists on central television. The family also brought up the eldest sister of Cyril Catherine. Interestingly, in addition to the Baltic roots, among the ancestors in the father's line were the Greeks, Serbs and Jews.

When the boy turned 3 years old, the parents parted. But Kirill retains warm friendship with his father. Mikhail Mikhailovich killed his son to classic fiction, and also gradually put a thought in his head to choose any profession except acting. As a child, thanks to the father of Kozakov met such outstanding personalities as Evgeny Schwartz, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Anatoly Mariengoof.

As a result, after school, the junior kozak tried many specialties, without even thinking about the continuation of the dynasty. So, in the youth, Cyril was a concrete-book, postman, a bakera, a cook, illuminator, installer. The moment came when he began to prepare for admission to the Faculty of Vgika. As another university, the guy examined the MCAT school studio. Kozakov removed a lot, was fond of photography, took lessons from the artist.

Despite long-term training, during the exams, he changed his mind and became a student of the acting skills of the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Schepkin. His master was Viktor Korshunov. The father experienced shock from the offense of his son, after which Mikhail and Kirill Kozakova did not speak almost 2 years.

During the career, the artist changed a lot of slats - he acted in the theater of the Russian army, the Moscow New Drama Theater, and longer went to the scene of the theater on a small armor.

Personal life

According to parents' stories, the junior kozak was born small - his weight was 1.9 kg. This did not prevent it later to form in a young man with a tightened figure and bright appearance. Today, Kirill Mikhailovich, with growth, 187 cm weighs about 79 kg.

Kozakov was married 3 times. From the first marriage, which the artist signed at an early age, he has a son Anton, who then moved to the American city of New Jersey with his mother Julia.

The second spouse Kirill is the famous actress Alena Yakovlev, the daughter of the Soviet star Yuri Yakovlev. The daughter of Maria Kozakova was born in the family, but when the girl was only 4 months old, the union broke up. For some time, Kirill had to see the daughter, but now their relationship is restored. Masha was even filmed with his father in one film, as she continued the case of parents.

Now the former husband of Alena Yakovleva is married to Maria Shengelaye, the daughter of the screenwriter Yuri Ryashetseva. They do not have joint children. And after the press swallowed a rumor about the difficult gap of the actor with the second family, he prefers to keep secret all what is happening in his house.

Outside the official interview, it is almost impossible to receive information about the personal life of Kirill Kozakov. The artist is not a fan of social networks, as well as, in contrast to younger colleagues, is not interested in promoting its own image in "Instagram".

It is interesting that outwardly on the son of Mikhail Kozakova, judging by the photo and frames of the video, it looks like the actor of the Russian cinema and theater Gosh Kutsenko. In his youth, he even gave himself for the heir of a popular artist. But brother and even a relative, Kirill Kocesenko not have.

At the end of August 2020, Kirill Mikhailovich visited the daughter's wedding: Maria married an actor Ivan Zotev. The solemn event was noted in the Moscow region.


The first appearance on the screen Kirill Kozakova was directly related to his theatrical activity. He began to be filmed in the screening of performances. And the first cinematic project of the actor in his creative biography was the historical series "Mikhailo Lomonosov" with Viktor Stepanov in the lead role. Then he appeared in the criminal drama of Sergei Solovyov "ACCA", with Valentine Gaft in the "football player", with Catherine Vasilyeva in the drama "Lady Visit".

Kozakov's great popularity brought the role of the duke of Anjui in the historical television series based on the novel by Alexander Duma "Countess De Monsoro". This is a 26-serial tape based on the plot of the famous novel by Alexander Duma - Father. The action unfolds in France during the famous religious wars between Catholics and Huguenotes.

The film is devoted to the confrontation of two aristocratic families, representatives of different religious flows, in the struggle for the crown of France. The series also starred Gabriella Mariani, Alexander Domogarov, Yuri Belyaev, Evgeny Dvoraztsky.

Due to the noble appearance, Kirill Mikhailovich is often invited to perform images of aristocrats. For example, the audience could see it in the picture of such a genre "Romanov. Venetian family. "

The Mystical Filmalmans "Black Room", Military Drama "My Border", the Adventure Comedy "Russian tool", Melodrama "Carmelita. Gypsy passion, "Melodrama" Woman without a Past "with the participation of the artist.

And in 2012, Kozakova's star hour returned when the demonstration of the mystical series "Fifth Guardian" began, where he played the role of Vampire Felix's Vampire. In the center of the plot there is a detective agency in which all employees, as well as the boss, are supernatural creatures and people with paranormal abilities.

However, the "fifth guard" is not a classic detective, which is only competed by mystical notes. Detective Agency - Cover for a group of hunters on a dark killer, a mystical creation, working on the dark forces and violating the global balance of good and evil. At the same time, the Kirill Hero is elected, which is destined to kill Dracula and defeat the dark forces. This picture has passed several seasons. In general roles, in addition to Kozakova, Majo Voznesenskaya starred, Daniel Vorobiev, Valery Zynov, Andrei Iron.

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On the popularity wave, the actor became a guest of mystical TV shows "Invisible Man". This is a show that is leading Evelina Bledans. It is devoted to how experts with supernatural abilities or deep professional knowledge (magician, fortune teller, shaman, chiromant, as well as a psychologist and criminalist) try to tell the facts from the biography of the guest guest. At the same time, the invited celebrity sits in a closed secret room, and the heroes of the transmission do not see and do not hear it, but have a sample of blood and a number of guests of the guest.

Soon the artist fans were able to see a pet again in other projects. In parallel with the filming in the new seasons "Fifth Guardians", Kozakov appeared in Fantasy "Mystical Comedy" and the historical and biographical drama "Sofia Paleolog", where, besides him, such stars like Maria Andreeva, Yevgeny Tsyganov, Boris Nevzorov and many others are involved.

The series came out under the shortened name "Sofia" in November 2016. In the biographical 8-serial film, Kirill Mikhailovich played the role of Leah.

At the same time, the show of the melodrama "For the sake of love I can,", "where Kozakov reincarnated in the director, in love with the heroine of his ex-wife Alena Yakovleva. The daughter of Mary artists also appeared in the film. Kirill Mikhailovich said that he was easily played with the ex-wife, since they have long been for each other with their own people. The entire film crew applauded a pair after they were portrayed in one of the scenes passionate tango.

In addition, in 2016, the actor replenished with two more paintings filmography. He starred in the TV series "Mysterious passion", based on the novel of Vasily Aksenov called the same name. The specificity of the novel and the film is that the author talks about people with fictional names, but in the same time the famous Soviet Persons of the 60s of the last century clearly read in the images.

Also, the artist played the role of a merchant in criminal melodrama "Son of My Father."

Kirill Kozakov and Gosha Kutsenko

In 2017, Kirill Kozakov reincarnated in Psychiatra-hypnotist Konstantin Berkovich in the Criminal Drama "Torgsin". The film takes place in the USSR in 1934. This is a period of great hopes and undertakings in the life of the Union. The plot was based on everybody of special types of shops - Torgsinov, designed to trade with foreigners. Their main goal is to collect currency and gold that will go to the objectives of industrialization.

Exemplary "Torgsin" shows well-being and abundance, and the owner of the store believes that at the same time helps the development of the native country. The series focuses not only on the bright side of trade with foreigners, but also shows underground shadow orders, through which high-ranking ranks provide themselves with scarce goods and elements of luxury.

In the same 2017, Kozakov appeared in the mystical adventure film "Eclipse", where he fulfilled the secondary role of Shaman. The picture begins with a melodramatic scene of dating young boys and girls, which is poured into the plot about the opposition of two powerful sorcerers who use unsuspecting people to get more magical power.

Kirill Kozakov Now

Now the main time of the creative life of Kozakov pays theatrical work. In 2019, he visited London with the formulation of the "Law of the Effled Third".

In 2020, the actor continued to support the historian Yuri Dmitriev, who for several decades has been searching for mass executions in the North-West of Russia for several decades. The case is instituted against the scientist, which threatens him with imprisonment for a period of 20 years. Inna Churikov, Ksenia Rappoport and other celebrities are also in his defense.


  • 1986 - Mikhail Lomonosov
  • 1987 - "Higher than all other things"
  • 1989 - "Lady Visit"
  • 1992 - "Daphnis and Chloe"
  • 1997 - "Countess de Monsoro"
  • 1998 - "Romanovs. Venetian family "
  • 2002 - "My border"
  • 2007 - "Woman without the past"
  • 2009 - "Carmelita. Gypsy passion "
  • 2010 - "Russian Chocolate"
  • 2012-2016 - "Fifth Guard"
  • 2016 - Sofia
  • 2016 - "Mysterious Passion"
  • 2016 - "Eclipse"
  • 2017 - "Torgsin"

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