Alexander Astashenok - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Singer, Actor 2021



Alexander Astashenok - the ex-soloist of the Korni Youth Group, became famous for participating in the "Star Factory". However, now his career is developing in the acting direction, it successfully works as an artist of theater and cinema who has recognized after roles in several popular Russian projects.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born in Orenburg in November 1981. Musical abilities manifested themselves from Sasha early. In the music school, the parents gave the boy, already in childhood Sasha mastered the game on the accordion. Excellent hearing helped themselves to learn how to play guitar and keys. With younger brother, Dmitry Alexander visited the choreographic school.

Movable and active teenager with pleasure engaged in different sports. Alexander sailed perfectly and could even win first place in the city championship. However, to all hobbies of Astashenok treated seriously. Handing dancing, mastered various types, from classics to modern, and was able to become a certified dancer.

But after graduation, Alexander did not decide to enter theatrical or music university. On the advice of parents, the young man chose a serious profession - an accountant economist. But after the end of the Orenburg Technical School, I realized that work in the specialty nothing but zeewings does not cause. Therefore, went to local television, where he soon began to lead the author's program.

I did not throw Astashenok and the music, gathered the children-like-minded people and created the Rock team "Arazol". The group quickly gained popularity in Orenburg and won on a number of regional festivals.

Personal life

With the future wife of Elena, the Hungarian soloist of the Korni Group met in 2002. Elena worked as a concert director of the team. Despite the difference in age (she is older for 13 years), romance broke out between young people.

Personal life Alexander Astashenka, who was at the peak of popularity, was interested in millions of fans. Behind the musician hunted paparazzi. But the lover did not allow the beloved producers of the group. The singer violated all the rules and played a wedding in 2004. A year later, Victoria daughter was born in the family family. The name Alexander gave a girl in honor of the hit who had fallen into the rotation in the same happy year for him.

Astashenok has always had close attention of the press, and therefore any "awkward movement" immediately appeared on the discussion in newspapers and magazines. At one time, the reporters began to notice that Alexander too often appears in public events in the company of the company of the group "Factory" Sasha Savelyev, which spawned certain rumors about their possible novel. However, comment on this couple refused. The fans of artists remained only to guess whether the feelings broke out between young people, or this is the usual provocation on their part.

For some time, rumors periodically appeared in the network that Astashenka had a divorce with his wife, but they all turned out to be "duck". Alexander and Elena and now together bring up a stupid daughter. About the harmonious and happy family life of the artist also speaks numerous photos that he publishes in "Instagram".


To conquer Moscow, Alexander began in his youth, in 2002. The musician passed the casting on the project "Star Factory". It was the first television day season. The charming guy left indifferent thousands of fans who voted for him.

As a result, Astashenok entered the final and together with three participants - Alexei Kabanov, Pavel Artemyev and Alexander Berdnikov - became the winner. The producers "scalled" from the fourth group "Roots", which managed to continue to continue until 2010.

The musical career of the collective began with loud successes: participation in the international competition "Eurobest" in Cannes with Queen's hit - We Will Rock You; The release of the album "On the century", which included the singles "I lose the roots", "Plate Birch" and "You will recognize it"; Rotation on the best radio stations and music channels of the country.

It is noteworthy that het "Happy Birthday, Vika!" Posted by Astashenok. The song has fallen into the rotation of 2004. Musical compositions regularly became soundtracks to popular TV shows: the song "Angry with the Wind" sounded in the "Cadet", and hit "Close your eyes" - in the film "Waiting for a miracle." The popular hat "You will learn it" with the new text regularly sounded in Sitkom "Happy together". In 2008, the musicians conquered the United States by the tour.

At the peak of popularity of the group Alexander decides to move on. Astashenok became a student of guitis by choosing the acting department, and in 2010 received a diploma of the university. At the same time, the artist completed the musical career in the "roots" group.

But he did not stop the singer's career and in 2013 for the series "Berezka" recorded the composition "Let's live easily", which sounded at the end of the series.

In 2017, Sasha resumed cooperation with Igor Matvienko and began writing new hits, which he was happy to inform the fans from the page of his own instagram account. Also, the artist announced the new long-awaited hit - "Come on with me," which appeared on digital sites. And then recorded on it and the clip.

Another prime minister took place in August of the same year. The song "My Paranoia" first appeared on the net, and then Alexander presented it on the radio "Country FM".

In the fall of 2019, the release of the new composition of Astashenka "Girl-Priadonna" took place, which immediately fell on the radio "Sea", "R52", "March", "Hit". And after, he told about his career in the studio of "Life" programs with Yulia Yagafarova.


The cinematic biography of Alexander Astashenka began a little later the theatrical. At the end of the first year of study, Alexander debuted in the play "... While death does not give us ...", which was shown at the Institute of the Russian Theater. Together with Alexander, another ex-solser group "Root" was played by Pavel Artemyev, who also left the musical team in 2010. The production received high assessments of the audience and critics.

The inspired by the first acting success Alexander went to the casting of the 120-serial series "Dar". The project went on screens in 2011 and turned out to be a rating. Astashenok met on the shooting area of ​​the series with many famous actors.

The following project was equally rating. In the TV series "Closed School", Alexander got the role of a negative, but colorful character - a spy, which, under cover, penetrated the territory of a closed educational institution. The secret biography of the Hero of Astashenka was his long relationship with the employee of the SS - the agent's grandmother at one time was the Nazi. At the same time, his hero, Alexei Baryshnikov, appears love in the form of Victoria Kuznetsova (Tatiana Kosmatacheva), the best friend of Dasha Starkova.

Soon, the artist appeared on the screens in the TV series "Dad in Law" and the drama "while still alive", where the main characters played. For the second painting, Astashenok wrote 3 musical compositions as a soundtrack. In 2014, the actor filmography increases on 2 films - "Carnival in our opinion" and "Third Attempt." And in 2015, Alexander starred in the romantic comedy "Josephine and Napoleon" in the main role of the Jewelery of a large firm, which is not easy to develop relations with the boss (Anastasia Stitch).

In 2015, Alexander completed the work in the melodrama "Where does Nadezhda live?", Fulfilling the role of Showman, the popular TV host. The plot is built around the measured life of two wealthy women, mother and daughters of Piras (Larisa Udovichenko, Evgenia Dmitriev), until one of them finds a letter of the former beloved of the deceased son with a request to take care of a common daughter. Ladies are sent in search of mysterious hope.

In 2016, the shooting of the 8-serial tape "Money" on counterfeiters in the Soviet Union, in which Alexander appeared as an employee of the special services Vadim Yakushev, a participant in the investigation on financial crimes.

And again the image of a character who gotten Astashenka was interpreted ambiguously. "The villain, forced to play on the side of good," Alexander himself called the Vadima himself. The partner actor on the workplace was Olga Dykhovichnaya. The actress played Major Filatov.

Then the artist was studied at the courses of the Hollywood acting studio Ivan Chabbak. She is known for talented students, among whom Charlize Theron, Brad Pitt, Jim Kerry. Astashenok plans to continue their education in Los Angeles and dreams of a career in Hollywood.

In February 2018, the premiere of the Drama "Bloody Baryn" took place, where Astashenok starred in the role of the second plan. He got the image of Stanislav understood, the second favorite of Empress Catherine. Then Oleg Panic played in the TV series "Ahead Day", Oleg in "When the Sun will go", as well as singer Valentina Larina in a melodraumatic television series "Birch", based on the history of the same name academic choreographic ensemble.

Alexander Astashenok in the series

The actor also worked on the role in the film "Gadalka" together with Mikhail Porechenkov and Catherine Olkina. The capital Major Alexei Potapov is located in the center of the plot together with the provincial Luce Nekrasova, they are investigating crimes. But Lucy is an unusual girl: after the murder of his sister, she becomes an indispensable employee, as it opens the gift of clairvoyance and helps to establish the exact place of murder and other details.

Her chief of Potapov, anchored skeptic, refuses to believe in Lucy's ability, he needs facts and evidence. But when the work of Nekrasova brings certain fruits, he is forced to believe in the ability of the fortune teller. Astashenka there was the role of Maxim Solovknikov, in love with Luce. The premiere of the tape took place in February 2019.

And later the comedy-adventure feature film "Podkin", who became the remake of the same name of the Soviet tape of 1939. The main roles played Malik Lapshin, Vitaly Gerasimov, Sergey Makovetsky, Pavel Barshak, Irina Verbickskaya. Astashenka got the image of a minor character, her husband Nina, the mistress of the Yorkshire terrier Audrey.

Alexander Astashenok now

Astashenok and now remains in demand by artist and with pleasure agrees to participate in different projects. In September 2020, the showing of the 2nd season of the series "Gadalka" was started, where Alexander appeared with all the already loved actors and new heroes.

The plot of new episodes revolves around Potapov and Lucy, who is already ready to make her an offer. But the bride of Major suddenly comes a vision, the death of Alexei is coming right at the wedding: during the celebration, the sniper releases Lucy bullet in the groom. Now she will come up with how to protect her beloved from death.


  • 2011 - "Dar"
  • 2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2013 - "Third Attempt"
  • 2013 - "while still alive"
  • 2013 - "Dad in Law"
  • 2014 - "Carnival in our opinion"
  • 2015 - "Money"
  • 2016 - "Josephine and Napoleon"
  • 2016 - "Where does Nadezhda live?"
  • 2017 - "Bloody Baryna"
  • 2018 - "Birch"
  • 2018 - "When the sun goes away"
  • 2019 - "Gadalka"
  • 2019 - "Podkinysh"
  • 2020 - "Gadalka-2"


  • 2004 - "Vika" (as part of a group of roots)
  • 2013 - Just One More Night (OST "is still alive")
  • 2013 - I Wanna Feel IT (OST "is still alive")
  • 2013 - You are perfection (OST "is still alive")
  • 2018 - "Come on with me"

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