Anna Lezhilova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Anna Lezhilova - Actress and director, wife of the actor and director. Perhaps so it is happy in the profession and in personal life. Understanding, good advice, participation in each other's projects is not an ideal of marriage. Someone will say that EE filmography is modest, but this role, for which not ashamed.

Childhood and youth

Childhood and early youth Anna passed in Minsk, but it is impossible to argue that it is Nationality of Belarusian: native on the mother line - Poles. The daughter of an economist and a journalist patronizes the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Grandmother baptized Any with Brother Pavel in the Catholic Church, almost with infancy read poems. Father actress wrote songs, so EE creative biography is explainable.

The girl had a difficult, freedom-loving character. In the school of Legheilov, defending justice, fought with the boys, received for this from teachers "Nevada" on behavior. At home, loved to be swirling in front of the mirror, draw and read at night under the blanket.

True, waking up in the mornings and sitting in the lessons was difficult, but Anna learned well. In the movie, she for the first time he fell in the 1st grade, watched the "monster" comedy with Jean-Paul Belmondo, and in the fourth wrote in the questionnaire that would be an actress.

After school, the girl unsuccessfully tried to storm Moscow theatrical universities. Returning to the capital of Belarus after the next failure, Anna graduated from the local theatrical studio, then the academy, played in the House of Culture and worked on television and radio.

At 30, at the age, when few people decide to sit on a student bench, she entered the experimental scenic and directorial courses to Vladimir Khotinenko. Commune Leghilova said that the sin's sin installed by the master was to drop, therefore he does not remove the long-playing "soap", for which the audience is enough, without looking at its quality.

"Many troubles go from frankly bad scenarios. If the dramaturgy is nikudushny, the director and the actors will not save. I have complaints and subjects - remove the same thing. The said applies to the cinema. And since it affects ideology issues, we can talk about obvious omissions in the state policy. "

Moschilova came to Moscow, when the creative intelligentsia, on the contrary, was leaving in search of the best lobe, lived in a hostel. It was difficult, but interesting. Anna recalls that the watch is often not recognized, because the actress was always different.

Personal life

Husband is the only person whose opinion, whose criticism has a value for the artist, whose praise she boldly trusts. Anna and Igor Barochkin met in 2000 on the stage of the Pushkin Theater as partners in the performance of "travelers in the night". According to the scenario, the barrel pushed Leftilov on the bed, but did not calculate the forces. The actress fell and badly hurt. Doctors diagnosed brain concussion, tendon rupture and hand fracture. Anna laughs that Igor did not have anything, how to marry.

After 2 years, colleagues officially became spouses. For Bochkina, this is the fourth marriage, as shown years have shown, the happiest. In the second he was born daughter Alexander. Svetlana, the mother of the girl, lives in Spain and see native people forbids.

Anna's "Instagram" is regularly divided by news from the world of cinema and theater, laying out a variety of selfie, liked landscapes, boasts a tightened figure in the yoga hall (the weight of the actress is 65 kg with a rise of 167 cm). Frank shots in a bathing suit she avoids.

The photo, published in 2019, attracted Follovover with a sensational commentary - Lezhilov and the barrel became their parents. And a happy event happened in three years earlier. There were assumptions why the actress kept the birth of the son of Vanya in secret. One thing was that in 46 years she endowed the child itself, but asked for help to the surrogate mother, and the other was the boy and adopted at all. Anna and Igor preferred nothing to explain.

Lezhilov admitted that it refers to the category of women who permanently monitor weight. For the sake of the role of Salami, she had to recover by 5 kg, and without working work. Worried more about how to lose weight.

Actress - Vegetarian, meat prefers fish, in the diet there are also cheese, green tea, fresh juices and salads. She never eats what is served on the set, eliminated sweet. A woman in the chair of the director does not attach the importance to what looks like, but Anna-actress, if necessary, sits on a diet. I am not ready for plastic, because "it's more pleasant to see a beautiful man looking for your years than on an artificial person." In addition, there are no such operations in Russia.

The weekend and free time of the actress holds at home for reading or watching the TV, "in parallel tells Ivan the fairy tale and peers at the phone." Or rests on the sea, sails away from the coast, where freedom is felt. Festivals and secular events of the spouses do not like to walk, visit them only when there are movies of each other in the program. Anna says she is very comfortable next to Igor Barochny. But, if the work appears, it is immersed in it completely, forgetting about food and rest.


The first roles of Lezhailov played at home. These are episodes in the paintings "Epilogue", "Landscape with three swimsters", "Brunette for 30 kopecks". Not successful, they did not bring any idea, but became invaluable experience in the frame.

The situation has changed in 1998, when Melodrama "Crossroads" came to the screens. Anna played a major role - school teacher Lyalya. The film turned out to be emotional, "hooked" the audience. Anna Lechchailov began to recognize the audience, she had fans.

Then the actress starred in several pictures of Dmitry Astrakhan. These were the projects of the waiting room, "Alchemists", "Contract with Death". She was often invited to shoot and other directions. Lezhilova starred in the central and main roles in the TV series "Karambol", "Moscow Saga", "Gemini", "general therapy", "Take me with you", "truckers."

In 2011, the audience saw four series at once with her participation. These are the projects of "Dove", "Diamond Hunters", "Salami" and "Manna Heaven." And in the last two actresses performed the main roles.

In the 4-serial picture of Salami, the artist plays precisely Salami, this is the nickname of the main character, the former workers of the Research Institute. She finds a job in a shipbuilding company, and with this love.

In the comedian melodraman "Manna Heavenly", Anna Lezhilova played the role of a lip of Libe Savushkina, who, after a divorce with an alcoholic husband, glow two children. A woman moves to the Tver region, where the gold hidden by the thieves-hidden courier and even though he leaves wealth, where I found, but still seduces and lays out a piece of golden record.

In his youth, Anna believed that the actor and director in one person was wrong, because the director does not see himself from the side. This point of view has changed when she started shooting itself.

"I just love movies very much. I feel great in it in any hypostatas. Sometimes I really like to be a director, sometimes - actress. In the world of cinema, I am comfortable as fish in the water. I think this is: the main thing is that your business brings you pleasure. "

As director Anna debuted in 2003 - she took off the detective film "Taste of the murder." This work followed the following directorial projects of the Lightille "Freight", "Treason" and "Bidniestnik". In the last two films she sacrificed in small roles.

The psychological thriller "Owning" proposed to remove the general producer of the Ren-TV channel Dmitry Lesnevsky, on the order of which "taste of the murder" was created. Anna was attracted by "Banal, on the other hand, an interesting, purely female story" and the life finale.

In 2016, the actress appeared in the Lex Talionis drama, translated by Talion Principle. This is a complex festival cinema, the premiere of which was held at the Rostov Film Festival "Bridge of ARTS". The main theme of the film was the deficit of parental love, as well as misunderstanding between generations and the principle of "Returning Equal".

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In early 2017, the fans saw Anna Lemilev in the main women's role in the militant Petrovich. The actress played the role of the wife of the former OMON fighter Ivan Petrovich Kalugina, or just Petrovich, whose name and was submitted to the name of the witness film. The main male role was performed by Igor Bochkin.

In 2017, the actress received secondary roles, but also in interesting projects. Anna Lezhilova and Dmitry Astrakhan, tried out the images of spouses in the comedy melodrama "Civil marriage". The picture shows the heroes of Denis Kukukyaki and Agatha Mutzing, who want to be together, but do not want to repeat the fate of their parents with their measured life and the routine consisting of family and work.

Another film of this year was the detective "Altar Tristan", filmed based on the same name of the authorship of Anna Malysheva. The tape is included in the detective cycle about the artist-restorer Sasha (Elena Velikanova), which helps investigators to find criminals in affairs, anyway related to painting, paintings or art exhibitions.

In the comedy "diplomat" Leggilov reincarnated into a loyal spouse of the staff of the diplomatic department. The heroine, in fact, made her husband a career, tolerates his intrigues with other women and in the end also turns a novel on the side.

Anna Lezhilova now

After the birth of the son of the actress builds a work schedule so as not to part with Wanney more than a week. Now she is more thinking about himself, his own health and comfort of loved ones. While the child stays at home with a nanny, and when it is growing, Anna plans to take it on shooting and touring.

In 2019, the Ukrainian Channel "Inter" presented the series "On different shores", in which Anatoly Kotetenev and Tatyana Lutaeva acted as partners. In Kiev, in Kiev, a dismanting meloder "whirl" was filmed about the relationship between the owner of the Yacht Club and his spokesperson. The first film at the beginning of 2020 saw Ukrainian spectators.

Fans in Russia seized the melodrama "in step from Paradise". Anna appeared in the frame in the ensemble with her husband, Maria Mironova and Yaroslav Boyko. Igor Bochkin played the head of the family, in which everyone has its own problems. Hopes for the future they connect with winning the lottery, but get millions are not so easy.

Comedy "Sample" - a film about how the film is removed. In the center of the plot - the director of the television "soap", in whose ability to remove a full-format picture do not believe their colleagues. Producers do not give money, the actors do not want to play, but the main character is stubborn in achieving the goal. Lezhilov is busy in the project along with Elizabeth Arzamasova and Yulia Aug.

In the theater named after A. S. Pushkin Anna no longer plays with her husband. Igor left the troupe, considering the work with the new Khrukuly Evgeny Pisarev uninteresting. Yes, and Leghelova is not officially not in the state, it works under the contract, because it is so easier to remove the filming in the movies.


  • 1998 - "Waiting Room"
  • 1998 - "Crossroads"
  • 2000 - "Alchemists"
  • 2001 - "Truckers"
  • 2003 - Kidnepping
  • 2006 - "Enchanted Plot"
  • 2007 - "The limit of desires"
  • 2007 - "Diversants. END OF WAR "
  • 2010 - "General therapy - 2"
  • 2011 - Salami
  • 2011 - "Manna Heavenly"
  • 2014 - "My sister, love"
  • 2016 - Lex Talionis ("Talion Principle")
  • 2017 - "Petrovich"
  • 2019 - "Diplomat"
  • 2020 - "In step from paradise"

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