Evgeny Volovenko - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies, actor, filmography, Roles 2021



Evgenia Volovenko has no acting education. However, the directors lead a real hunt for him, and the filmography is replenished at the rate that the owners of diplomas of theatrical universities would be envied. The absence of theoretical knowledge performer compensates for the advice of senior colleagues, self-analysis and observation. Even now, becoming popular and recognizable, he believes that the profession is only at the beginning of the road.

Childhood and youth

Eugene was born in April 1972 in Kaliningrad, he graduated from school there, he was fond of sports. Interest in the theater woke up at a young age, but actor Volovenko did not see himself.

The information about parents and elder brother as if implace taboo is superimposed. In an interview with Evgeny, he mentioned that his father worked on a trawler, for months disappeared into the sea. The nature of the mother's classes, like the national affiliation of the family members of the artist, is unknown.

Not having time to move to Moscow, the young man went to give the duty to his homeland, served 2 years on the fleet, and after demobilization, he thought about the future. According to Volovenko, the process of conquesting the capital was a secretive. There were plenty of difficulties until one day a cute guy with the eyes of green and the growth of 186 cm did not allocate the President of the President "President" in the crowd.

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The bright appearance of Eugene was applied, as it is called, in advertising - in advertising and clips of popular performers. His photographs decorated the pages of clothing and glossy magazines. But walking on the podium and everything connected with this, Volovenko considered the work, not a decent man. He remembered the words of the mother that he myself would not be rebored, but in moderation. A woman on the root was pushing the admiration of her neighbors who celebrated the attractiveness of the boy, and stated that the son was not standing out against the background of the peers. Therefore, when it turned up the opportunity to play in the movies, Eugene did not miss the chance to change the niche.

To the status of a sex symbol awarded to him by fans, the actor belongs to humor. The fact that beauty is a very unreliable and perishable product, Volovenko was convinced of his youth - during the filming, he accidentally broke his face. Bruises and abrasions passed slowly. And then the artist first thought about the fact that the main thing in his craft is still not an appearance, but skill. Does the case have an attitude towards the appearance on the face of the scar, not specified.


The cinematic biography of Volovenko is a favorable confluence of circumstances, multiplied by hard work and congenital artistry. The artist began to be filmed in the cinema in 2004, played passing, poor roles, not honored mention in the credits. But these episodes were worth the expensive, because the actor appeared in popular TV series "Kulagin and partners", "Airport", "Soldiers", comedy melodrama of Gigineishvili "Heat", awarded 7 nominations on MTV Russia Movie Awards.

The first luck and the main role - in the melodrama "Women's Stories". The audience saw an unfamiliar, but charming and bright artist as Boris. New offers from directors did not have to wait long. So, on the airwoker, the militants "Bear Hunt" and "Joker", detectives "Weather" and "wild", Melodrama "Wedding Ring" and "Jamaica", TV series "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva" and "Deffchonki".

"Batagi business" is an attempt by Russian filmmakers to attract foreign stars in their own projects, and at the same time reveal a couple of secrets of the Prosecutor's Unit to protect witnesses. In the militant, in addition to Eugene, Mark Dakascos is involved and achieved recognition in Hollywood National Igor Zizhikin.

The lattice of genres was added and variety of images. Volovenko reincarnated in a dishonest banker in the "spanner tool", in a talented chemist in the "Dead Heart", a doctor in the "Kiss!", In a journalist in the "Party for the champion". In the mystical drama "Premonition" he played a hired killer, in the film "Lecturer" - a diplomat, and in the "Nutalka" - an amateur of carefree life.

Artist's character in Criminal tape "Suspicion" - Major FSB, investigating the links of an organized criminal group with foreign intelligence. After the suspects begin to die one after another, the main character is accused of treason. Confirm or refute the involvement of the officer to the discharge of information should be the best friend.

The role of a person who drives the cowardice and the carriage, went to the artist in the painting "Alien Life". A man throws his beloved with a child and a bunch of debt and hiding. A woman has to pretend widow, invent stories, and even try to justify the hopes of countrymen who are not suspected of deception.

Another way of law enforcement Actor tried in the film "Blood with milk". He reincarnated in the prosecutor, which, and after the divorce, you have to look after the ex-wife in the face of Olga Fadeeva, because it accidentally draws into the adventure.

In 2016, Volovenko performed the main masculine role in the melodrama "His Son Son." Played secured widow, grooming on a young woman and a submissal child away abroad under the pretext of studying. The young man unleashes the "quiet war", confident that the stepmother is deceiving the head of the family for the sake of money.

Close on the content of the picture "Keep my hand." Only this time, the hero of Eugene's hero in his arms left three children. To cope with the mess in the house, the businessman hires a nanny. The film shows the development of the relationship between these two people with a tragic destiny.

Thriller "Quiet People" affects the theme of family values, the ability to hear, understand and forgive each other. Here the actor starred in the role of a policeman, whose wife, like four more people, won the lottery. However, the money will receive the one who will commit murder.

In the TV series "Temptation", the Contractor turned into a father of an assistant oligarch. His son has to unravel intrigue and fight the all-powerful owner for the heart of the same girl.

A wealthy person, for whom there is no obstacles, the artist played in the tape "Coach". In the story of Hero, Eugene, who has useful ties, promises a dismissed sports mentor to return to work if he prepares a daughter for the marathon.

In the center of the "fatal SMS" narrative - the love triangle of the Characters of Volovenko, Elvira Big and Nikolai Ivanov. Artists to impart the necessary nature to their heroes had to go for some sacrifices. Eugene took the lessons of playing the cello and badly removed from the tool sounds. And Elvira, albeit at low altitude, ventured without a safety cable on the railing of the balcony.

In 2016, the premiere of the drama "according to the laws of military time" was held, and at the actor who played Ivan Rokotov's lawyer, the imminal love of viewers fell. In the caster of the first historical film he fell from the 2nd attempt. At the sample, the performer arrived directly from the aircraft, and the shooting turned out to be crumpled. But Volovenko fatalist. He believed that four more applicants would go. Hope was justified.

The image of a military prosecutor, in love with the heroine Catherine Klimova, the artist considers the most important in his career. In 2020, the 4th season of the picture was released on the screens. In the 1st, the heroes had a novel, in the 2nd they played a wedding and because of the circumstances parted. After 3 years, there are already many who have already understood and overestimated, but people who are still loving each other. In the continuation of the film, the action unfolds in peacetime under Koenigsberg, practically in the Motherland Volovenko.

In addition, the artist fulfilled the role of a second plan in a detective thriller "The Mystery of the Last Chapter" about a girl around which murders are committed in accurately according to the book that she translates. The acting ensemble included Alexander Nikiforov and Konstantin Soloviev, with whom Volovenko worked on the TV series "not a couple".

In the Ukrainian project "Selfiece Children" Eugene and Marina Volkov played a childless married couple, resolved to resort to surrogate motherhood. Just the mothers turn out to be two, and the child of the heroine Alina Lanina Biological parents refuse.

Personal life

In conversations with representatives of the press, Volovenko's personal life does not affect. Whether this is the omission of journalists, whether he is simply virtuously bypasses sharp corners. Only by chance of a random phrase that his children are able to walk the "intelligence pitch", it turned out the presence of Yevgeny heirs. Social networks, from where the public is traditionally learns news, the actor does not use as a family album - in "Instagram", "Facebook" and in "Vkontakte" there are no appropriate photocheaters.

Daughter Anastasia, born in the first marriage, already adult, graduated from the Faculty of International Law at the University of Poland. With the former spouse, Volovenko remained a warm relationship.

The current wife of the artist Diana Rosovan ran from Ukraine, younger for 18 years, a colleague by profession - starred in the films "Dog", "The Last Yanychar", "Mother's Heart". Externally, she is a copy of the singer Nastya Kamensky, and in Evgenia fans find similarities with Cyril Safonov and Andrei Chernyshov. In this marriage, the daughter of Emilia appeared.

Volovenko with trepidation refers to the places where he spent childhood. But, coming to Kaliningrad, is frustrated, seeing how people and their attitude to local nature are changing at the better. The gait, not leaving the traces, the acting family has mastered because it is not damaged to the forests, the sea coast. Together with friends, Eugene participates in charitable events for the preservation of the National Park "Curonian Spit".

"All who loved this place on Earth know that you will not find this anywhere - this is a work of art from nature. Now this time is when everyone is used to only take and nothing is given in return. Nobody is ashamed. No respect. It is sad".

On April 15, 2021, Evgeny Vladimirovich visited Boris Korchevnikov in the program "Fate of Man". On the air, the actor spoke in detail about the shooting of the series "according to the laws of wartime". In addition to the creative path, the project's hero shared and the details of his personal life. For example, he told about his killed brother, who replaced his father, because he was often in long flights.

Another, the actor shared the fact that he has a son Yaroslav, which appeared even before the acquaintance with the current wife of Diana. With the mother of Yaroslav, a man met in the club, originally they reached each other, felt sympathy. But after the birth of a child, they realized that it was not able to create such a family where the heir would be comfortable. Today, the boy grows in Moscow, Evgeny Vladimirovich tries more often to see him, hoping that he will not keep offense at him.

Evgeny Volovenko now

One of the most anticipated Prime Minister of 2021 with the participation of Volovenko was the yield of the 5th season of the series "According to the laws of military time". New characters who have already been admitted to the top three, which were played by Denis Nrulin, Andrei Rapoport and Dmitry Isaev.

The director of the ribbon Sergey Vinogradov set the main actors in new, unusual conditions for them, in which it is difficult to figure out where our, and where the enemies. As for the film processing process, the executor of the role of Rockot was happy, because the location of the 5th season was his native region - the Kaliningrad region.


  • 2005 - "Airport"
  • 2006 - "Heat"
  • 2010 - "Joker"
  • 2011 - "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva"
  • 2008-2012 - "Wedding Ring"
  • 2012-2017 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2013 - "Fucking"
  • 2014 - "Suspicion"
  • 2015 - "According to the laws of wartime"
  • 2016 - "Your Alien Son"
  • 2017 - "Keep my hand"
  • 2018 - "Fatal SMS"
  • 2020 - "Aliens Children"
  • 2021 - "According to the laws of wartime" (5th season)

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