Alexander Serov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Alexander Serov - the famous Soviet and Russian pop singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Over the past years, his hits remain among the most executed compositions on most vocal competitions.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Nikolaevich was born in the Ukrainian village of Kovalevka, located in the Nikolaev region, under the sign of the Zodiac Aries. By nationality he is a Ukrainian. My father Nikolai Serov was the head of the Avtobaz, and the mother headed the workshop of the Perfumery Glass Plant. In early childhood Sasha, his father left the family. Mother had to move to earn money in the regional center of Nikolaev, so the burden of raising her son fell on grandmother's shoulders.

Already in the adolescence of Serov, truly loved music and realized that he wants to tie his life with this kind of art. It all started with the songs of Tom Jones Delilah, which the boy once heard on the radio. Since then, Jones, as well as Elton John Steel for Alexander examples of pop execution.

At school, the young man spoke in the student orchestra, which was playing alte. A well-known fact is that Serov independently mastered the piano and even earned the game on it in restaurants and cafes. After school, he entered the music school, which graduated from the Clarinet class.

In his youth, having served 3 years in the army, serov began to build a musical career. At first, he spoke in Krasnodar as part of the vocal instrumental ensemble "IVA", then there were such teams as "singing units" and "Cheremos". And only in the early 80s, a solo singer career began, which brought the artist's success.

Personal life

Alexander Serov is a statical attractive middle-height man (175 cm with weight 80 kg). Therefore, he has always been greatly popular with the opposite sex. Fans attributed celebrities novels with a huge number of actresses and singers. The audience were confident that Serov and Irina Alferova, since they plausible played feelings in the video on the song "You love me." The star "Lenkom" did not immediately agreed to shoot, believing that such work does not correspond to the status of a dramatic actress, but the singer managed to persuade her.

Married artist was only once. Alexander Nikolayevich's wife became an athlete Elena Stebaneva, a master of sports on acrobatic gymnastics. Future spouses got acquainted during the filming of the Serov clip, for whom a girl with acrobatic skills took. Before the wedding, young people met for a long time.

In the Union, the spouses were born a daughter, which, in honor of the French actress, Michel Mercie and American Michel Pfeiffer called the name of Michel unusual for Russians. In addition to the only daughter, there were no more children in the family. Later, the daughter of Serov became a student MGIMO, took the lessons of academic vocals from Tamara Sinyava.

Especially for Michel in his country site Alexander built a house. For some time, the daughter lived there, and then moved to the apartment in the center of Moscow.

After 19 years of living, Alexander and Elena Serov broke up. As the woman said, the spouses simply turned these relationships. After the divorce, the singer did not yet establish a personal life, despite the fact that his name was associated with several young performers, for example, with Elizabeth seven-party. Serov himself confessed in an interview that in recent years completely alone.

In 2011, the journalist Nadezhda Tieler, who has long been living in Germany, officially stated that in the early 90s, Christine's daughter gave birth to an artist. The woman demanded from the singer to recognize the daughter and payment of compensation in 100 million rubles. But Alexander Nikolaevich refused to admit the girl. On the proposal of the ex-wife, Elena Stedenian Mother Christine, bring the daughter to Russia, so that she talked with his father, the journalist responded with refusal.

In 2019, Mishel Serov's celebrity daughter married. However, who was lucky to be Alexander Serov, unknown: Michelle hides its chosen one. The only thing that can be said about him is a wealthy person, because for the proposal of the hand and heart, he chose a gold ring with a diamond from the Cartier jewelry.

After the public announcement of the engagement, the artist at one of the television show said that he would like his daughter to marry the TV host Dmitry Borisov. Musician fans began to suspect that the wedding was canceled. However, the celebration still took place. This is evidenced by the photo in the "Instagram" of the heiress of the singer, on which she is in a wedding dress. Michelle also laid out a roller, where she launches into the sky with pigeons with her husband.


For the first time, the broad masses heard the voice of Alexander Serov in 1981. It was the song "Cruise", filled in a duet with Olga Zarubina and has become a big hit. Then another duet followed with a Tatyana Antsifer "Intercity conversation" and the debut solo composition "Echo of First Love".

The best songs of Serov on the beginning of the 80s amounted to the first album "Peace for lovers". The popularity of the singer was gaining momentum, and after the appearance of Madonna's video clips and "You love me", the demand for Alexander turned out to be phenomenal. The video "You love me" became the first Russian clip, in which a celebrity starred. It was Irina Alferova.

In the late 80s, Serov began to leave the tours abroad. The artist visited Germany, Hungary, Israel, Canada. In the US, the singer gathered a full hall in Atlantic City. He performed slightly and in a duet with Dieter Boulin and Cliff Richard.

The second disk "I cry", which included the hits "Wedding Music", "You are in my heart" and "I have long been in love with you", I had a huge success. It was the star period of the creative biography of Alexander Serov. Together with the composer Igor Cool, the author of his meaningful hits, the singer became the winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

At the same time, the detective film "Souvenir for the prosecutor" came out with the participation of the artist, where he played the musician. The singer appeared on the same screen together with the stars of Soviet cinema Yuri Solomin, Galina Belyaeva, Peter Veljaminov, Svetlana Tom.

The following albums "Nostalgia for you" and "Suzanne" presented the listeners such famous compositions as "I love you to tears" and "Starfall". Then there was a long pause associated with the misunderstanding between Alexander and a permanent author of the songs, Igor Cool composer.

In the early 2000s, the discography of the artist was replenished with the new long-awaited plate "My Goddess", followed by "endless love" and "recognition". In 2012, the disk "Fabulous Versaille" was presented, which included the tracks "I do not believe", "Rainy Evening", "Bird". The next studio album of the singer became "Love will return to you", which came out in 2013.

On March 24, 2015, Alexander Serov gave a solo concert in the Kremlin, fulfilling his famous hits.

TV project

In 2017, the artist appeared in the transfer of Lera Kudryavtseva "Stars converted", where he told about the private life and the causes of the divorce.

In January 2018, Nadezhda Tieler took the second attempt to meet Alexander Serov. The artist agreed, and former lovers appeared in front of the audience on the air of the program "In fact" with Dmitry Shepelev. The transmission was made public the results of the DNA test, which showed that the singer is the native Father Christine. In the television show, daughter managed to meet with his father. Over the first minutes of communication of relatives, the whole country was observed.

In February 2018, Alexander Nikolaevich again became a guest of Lera Kudryavtseva, this time in the program "Secret by Million". The audiences learned that the star of the 90s there is another extramarital daughter Alice, who was born from the fleet of the singer with her mother - the poetess Valentina Arishina. The artist in detail described the acquaintance with the mother of the girl, who at that time was 19 years old. Arishina did not claim the place of the official beloved Serov and even daughter showed only the photo when the girl was already 10 years old. Alice received a photographer profession and now lives in the US with her husband.

At the same time, another frank confession took place, this time the ex-wife Serov Elena in the studio of the TV show "The Fate of Man" with TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov. The woman admitted that the decision was made about the divorce because of the change of her husband and a big scandal with beating. A week later, commenting on the statements of the former spouse in the same program, the artist noted: Elena did not appeal to her daughter and ultimately began to drink.

Previously, the singer noted that before the birth of Michel Serov was already becoming parents, but the first child (girl) was born without hands, and on the third day, he died from stopping the heart.

In September, Alexander Nikolaevich took part in the shooting of the program "Hello, Andrei!". The release was devoted to the work of the artist.

In the same period of 2018, Serov became the guest of the program of Dmitry Borisov "Let them talk." The scandalous participant of the TV project "Dom-2" Daria's friends stated that she had a novel with a famous artist. Moreover, allegedly he raped her and now the girl is pregnant. TV presenter tried to understand the situation. Thanks to the lecture detector, it was found that there was no rape, and Daria with a singer slept for money.

Alexander Serov Now

Alexander Serov is not involved in concerts that are broadcast on television, does not shoot clips, but the public loves him. The singer regularly goes on tour with concert programs and is pleased with the audience.

At the beginning of 2020, the artist was actively toured. In February, he also released a new music album "Creek on the pier."

During the quarantine, Alexander Nikolayevich had a significant income. However, he did not dissolve his musicians and continued to pay them a salary. In order to somehow stay afloat, the singer even began selling his car collection.

The artist almost picked up the virus. In March, at the birthday of sisters, Igor Krathty, he contacted Lvoshechko, who just returned from the USA and, without suspecting, was a carrier of COVID-19.

Serov, like other guests of the event, urgently made the test and began to observe quarantine. For the period of laboratory research, he felt good, but still worried. The result of the test was negative, the health of the artist is in order.

On August 20, 2020, Alexander Serov became the guest of the television program "The Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. In a frank interview, he shared new details of his biography and personal life.

The people's artist admitted that he took his loneliness and is not looking for a soul mate now. According to him, inside everything burned, he went into the space where she believes in God. Alexander Nikolayevich wants to create good and be responsible before his conscience. It actively helps people who have fallen into a difficult life situation.

Follow the life of Serov, fans can via "Instagram". The singer actively publishes the photo.


  • 1984 - "Peace for lovers"
  • 1988 - "Madonna"
  • 1991 - "I cry"
  • 1993 - "Susanna"
  • 1997 - "Nostalgia for you"
  • 2002 - "My Goddess"
  • 2007 - "Infinite Love"
  • 2008 - "Recognition"
  • 2011 - "Fabulous Versailles"
  • 2013 - "Love will return to you"
  • 2018 - "Knight's Songs on Legendary Love"


  • 2017 - "Stars agreed"
  • 2018 - "In fact"
  • 2018 - "Secret by Million"
  • 2018 - "The Fate of Man"
  • 2018 - "Hi, Andrei!"

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