Zakhar Smushkin - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Zakhar Smushkin is one of the richest businessmen of Russia, heading the largest timber-industrial company. Smushkin - a shareholder and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ilim Group, whose enterprises today produce most of all Russian cellulose and cardboard.

Khushushin Zakhar Davidovich was born on January 23, 1962 in the cultural capital of Russia in an intelligent family. The childhood of the businessman passed in Leningrad, where Zakhar graduated from high school and received a higher education. In the young years, the future businessman studied diligently and did not give the trouble to parents.

Businessman Zakhar Smushchin

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Smushchin entered the Leningrad Institute of the Cellulosic and Paper Industry, the study in which determined the future scope of businessman's activities. Smushchin was a capable student, so in 1984, at the end of the university, decided to continue his studies in graduate school, from the walls of which was published by a candidate of technical sciences.

In that period, Zakhar Davidovich also received the first professional experience in the paper industry, as it combined his studies in graduate school with work at the Hydrolyzprom NGO, where he served as a researcher. Already at the beginning of the 90s, Smushchin received a leadership position in the Soviet-Swedish enterprise "Technoferm-Engineering", which marked the beginning of a brilliant career of a businessman.


The biography of Zakhar Smushkina as a businessman originates in 1992, when at the time of the collapse of the USSR Smushchin, together with fellow students, Boris and Mikhail Zingrevichi decided to create a company "Ilim Palp Enterprise", which exported paper products abroad.

Zakhar Smushkin and Boris Zingarevich

Having earned first capital, Zakhar Davidovich began to invest in the development of his own small enterprise at that time, turning the company to the largest timber-critical holding company, which includes 30 Russian logging companies. In the first 8 years, the businessman managed to lead the Kotlas PCB, the Bratsky LPK and the Ust-Ima Forest Concern, which thanks to its hard work and professionalism became the largest enterprises of the Russian pulp and paper industry.

Creating the largest vertically-integrated timber industry corporation in Russia, Zakhar Smushchin developed his business and in the field of trade. He founded in St. Petersburg a network of "House" supermarkets, implementing goods for home and small household appliances. In addition, "Forest Magnat" entered the bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, where he headed the Commission on the timber industry complex and forestry of Russia.

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The main achievement of Smushkina in his business is the stability and development of the identification of "Ilim", which in the conditions of the economic crisis was able to maintain the scale of production. At the end of 2015, the corporation revenue amounted to almost $ 2 billion, while registering revenues by 9.7%.

In addition to the forest industry, Smushchin is engaged in construction. A businessman heads the company "Start Development", which currently builds the satellite city in St. Petersburg. The city will be located on the border of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg and the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region. The South General Plan has developed overseas URBAN DESIGN Associates (USA) and Gillespies (United Kingdom).

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Future buildings will be located 5.3 million square meters of land, 4 million of which will go to residential buildings for 134 thousand people. In addition to directly housing, the plan of the city includes infrastructure buildings. In 2013, the development plan was announced, which voiced Yuri Bucky, the director of the NII of the General Plan of St. Petersburg. The plan includes 27 schools, 10 sports and entertainment centers, 12 medical centers, 58 kindergartens.

In 2015, fresh news appeared on the promotion of the construction of the city of South. Smushkina "Start Development" company signed with the American IBM corporation engaged in the production and supply of hardware and software, the Memorandum on the introduction of the Urban Concept "Reasonable City" during the construction of the South. This concept is to integrate the Internet of things and a number of other communication and information technologies into the city management system.

Zakhar Smushchin

The conclusion of the agreement was held at the annual major business event entitled by Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The honors of this satellite city will become that similar innovative and innovative decisions are being introduced into the functioning of the city immediately at the planning stage, which allows not to recycle infrastructure for new technologies, and also makes the project of the city most attractive for investors.

Businessman Zakhar Smushchin

Success clearly lead the business, Zakhar Davidovich did not leave his scientific activity. A businessman is an honorary professor of the State Technological University of Plant Polymers in St. Petersburg and Honorary Dr. Science at St. Petersburg Forestry University of S. M. Kirov. In addition, Zakhar Smushchin received a member of the Supervisory Board of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

Personal life

The personal life of Zakhara Smushkina, as well as most of the largest businessmen of Russia, is not exhibited at the public before the public. It is known that the businessman has succeeded in family life - the Smushkina has a wife and businessman raising her son.

Zakhar Smushchin

In addition to the development of the forest industry in Russia, Zakhar Davidovich is fond of chess and large tennis. He is also interested in painting - he owns a gorgeous collection of the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries of famous artists, among which the businessman stands out Mikhail Vrubel.

Zakhar Smushchin now

At the end of 2016, an art exhibition was opened in the Maneza of the Small Hermitage, the exhibits of which were works from the private assembly of Zakhara Smushchina. The exhibition was called "Perfection in detail. The art of Japan Epoch Maidzi (1868 - 1912) "and included works of decorative and applied art. These are 700 items of the specified era. Materials of performance ranged and included metals with various processing equipment, ceramics, as well as decoration enamel and varnishes.

The reason for the exhibition was the completion of the collection. A billionaire considers his own Japanese collection of completed, and any completed thing should be shown to the public, the businessman believes. For Zakhara Smushkina Collectibles of art - spiritual necessity. According to the billionaire, if Smushkin ceases to be interested in culture and immersed only in the material business, it becomes unnecessarily pragmatic and cynical man. Also for a businessman art is a way to know the world.

Businessman Zakhar Smushchin

At the same time, the businessman himself for the first time, according to his own words, finally saw the exhibits of the artistic collection at full parade and exposed in all shine. Part of the objects Zakhar Smushkin did not even really see before, since the collection items were kept on a specialized warehouse.

In addition, it is known that a businessman also contains a collection of Russian art of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries and modern art. The businessman was also recognized as journalists that in the future plans to advance in the cultural sphere and even open a full-fledged private museum. The museum will appear in the famous project of a businessman - the city of South, Smushchin does not even doubt, but in parallel with this billionaire is negotiating with the governor of St. Petersburg George Poltavchenko on the establishment of a new major museum of modern art inside St. Petersburg.

State assessment

In 2016, in the ranking of Forbes magazine Zakhar Smushchin took the 114th position among the richest businessmen of Russia. His condition is estimated at $ 0.75 billion.

Zakhar Smushchin

In the same year 2016, Zakhar Smushchin took the sixth line in the ranking of billionaires of the "Business Petersburg". The magazine "The city" also made a billionaire to the rating of the most influential businessmen of St. Petersburg, and Zakhar Smushkin annually falls into the top ten, and in 2013 and 2014 even headed this list.

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