Vyacheslav Shalevich - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Vyacheslav Shalevich - People's Artist of the RSFSR, famous for the dawn of Soviet cinema, thanks to the participation in the paintings "Three Poplas on Plutch", "hockey players" and "seventeen moments of spring".

Vyacheslav was born and grew up in Moscow. The boy was brought up by her mother's mother and her native sister. Father Anatoly Shalevich was an NKVD officer who married not in love on Elena Ivanovna, Mother actor. The wedding took place in Minsk. When a woman realized that her husband was not feeling any feelings for her, she, despite the late period of pregnancy, escaped from the spouse to the capital of the USSR to her sister.

Full Vyacheslav Shalevich

For a long time, Shalevich thought that his father had died at the Finnish War, and only when the actor had already been the fourth decades, Vyacheslav met the parent, who, as it turned out, was repressed and spent many years in the link.

Since the glory has grownless, he was a rather hooligan boy. Aunt, trying to tear the nephew from the influence of the post-war street, drove on the performances and various ideas, trying to instill love for art. This woman succeeded, as Vyacheslav began to dream of a scene.

Vyacheslav Shalevich in his youth

After school, Shalevich entered the theater school them. B. V. Schukina, and in 1958 he entered the theater troupe. E. Vakhtangov. By the way, the initially young artist in the lists of graduates adopted into this troupe did not come. Then the young man boldly went to the leadership of the theater and almost made hearing how to read the text of the play. And then Vyacheslav was enrolled in the cast.

On the stage of the Wahtang Theater, Vyacheslav Shalevich spent actually all his life. Although much later, the artist was headed by the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after Ruben Simonov, but continued to play on his native stage. 20 years after the release of Schukinsky school, a talented artist sat down again at the desk and graduated from the highest directorial courses in Gitis.


The debut role in the movie Vyacheslav Shalevich was the character of Alexey Shvabrin from the filmization of the Pushkin "Captain Daughter". Then the artist played in the Military Drama "The Saved Generation", the thriller "Barrier of the Unknown", the tragedy "Now let it goes out." The first fame of the actor brought the image of the captain of the team Anatoly Duganov in the sports drama "Hockey players".

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The next loud works of Shalevich were the family story "Three Poplas on Plutch", the humorous show "Zucchini" 13 chairs ", Military historical tape" Red Square. Two stories about the working and peasant army, "My Street Melodrama and the Military film" City near Lipami ".

In the filmography of Vyacheslav many paintings for military topics. It is impossible to pass by the political pamphlet "Paradise Apple", the television series "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and the military drama "South Thunder" code name. The artist is easily reincarnated in the Red Army Commissar ("Red Square"), the White Guard generals ("Chokan Valikhanov"), Soviet officers ("special division"). In the repertoire of the artist of the 70s and 1980s, the heroes of different nationalities are Georgians, Americans, Poles, the British.

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The best works of the 90s were the main roles in the films "Love of the Emergency Man" and "Forgiveness". In 1994, the artist reincarnated in the high priest of Joseph Caifu in the Mystery Drama "Master and Margarita" Yuri Kara. Together with Shalevich, Viktor Rakov, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Nikolay Burlyaev, Mikhail Ulyanov, Valentin Gaft, Alexander Filippenko, Vladimir Peplov, played by Viktor Burlyaev.

Shalevich was equally convincingly looked as an aristocrat, director, composer. Vyacheslav Anatolyevich for the acting career played the Soviet politicians twice - in the autobiographical tape "Brezhnev" reincarnated in Alexey Kosygin, and in the historical TV series "Delion" Case No. 1 "performed the role of Leonid Brezhnev.

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In the new century, Vyacheslav Shalevich began to be filmed in TV projects, among which the criminal tape "Instructor" was particularly popular, the militants "Fighter", "Fighter. Birth of the legend ", adventure melodrama" Legacy "and the drama" Moscow Saga ".

Personal life

When Vyacheslav Shalevich studied in the 8th grade of high school, the young man began to meet a girl, his own peer. Although in many biographies, the actor argue that young people were classmates, it's wrong: the actor studied at school only for boys. Upon reaching 18 years of age, the beloved immediately went to the registry office and issued relations. But this increasing union lasted a little over two weeks, and young people broke up.

Valentina Titova and Vyacheslav Shalevich

In the early 60s, the artist married again. With the second wife he lived for three years, the Son of Vladimir was born from the spouses. But this family broke up, this time due to the love of Vyacheslav to the actress Valentine Titov. Colleagues began to meet and even lived together, in the personal life of Vyacheslav, harmony came. But then the woman left the beloved to the actor and director Vladimir Basva, for which married officially.

Vyacheslav Shalevich with the Third Woman Galina

After the second marriage, Shalevich had a series of loud star novels. Since the artist has always remained a gentleman, the names of these actresses Vyacheslav does not call and the public knows only romantic relationships with Elsa Lezhdey simply because this connection was in sight. Nevertheless, none of the actresses could be sunk Shalevich so much so that he decided to the next marriage. But the artist-fashion designer named Galina to charm artist was able, and the spouses lived together for more than 30 years, right up to the death of the third wife Vyacheslav. From these relations, the actor remained the second of the children - the son of Ivan.

Vyacheslav Shalevich and Tatyana Vinogradova with daughter Anna

The artist is incredibly hard survived the care of Galina. He worsened relations with the youngest son, who pulled into a terrible passion for drugs. To get out of a deadlock situation and Vyacheslav Anatolyevich, and Tatyana Vinogradova, the doctor, in the specialty, who became the fourth and last spouse artist, helped. In 2001, when Shalevich was already 67 years old, the actor became a father again: the daughter of Anna was born, which already shows interest in the theater and engaged in the acting studio.


At the end of autumn 2016, Vyacheslav Shalevich suffered pneumonia with complications. The disease suggested the health of the artist, but Vyacheslav did not stop appearing on the scene. December 1, while the actor played Galileo Galilee in the play "Pier", he became ill, was caused by "ambulance". The proposal of physicians about hospitalization Shalevich answered with refusal.

The crisis caused lung disease, pneumonia with complications. Two days later, the state of the artist deteriorated sharply, the convulsive syndrome began, and Vyacheslav Shalevich was placed in intensive care. There, without coming into consciousness, the actor died on December 21, 2016. The official cause of the death of Vyacheslav Anatolyevich is the complications obtained after the suffered pneumonia.

Grave Vyacheslav Shalevich

The death of the artist has become a blow for loved ones, because a minor daughter smashed into the family. Civilian Panir took place on December 23 in the theater. E. Vakhtangov, to whom the actor dedicated life. Farewell to the artist passed to the music from the last performance in which Shalevich was playing. From the hall, the coffin was carried out for loud applause. I buried Vyacheslav on the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Now the grave of the artist is decorated with flowers, it has a cross and photo of the artist. The burial place of Vyacheslav Anatolyevich is located next to the graves of other celebrities: Andrei Mironova, George Vicin, Oleg Daly, Alexander Abdulova, Leonid Filatova.


  • 1964 - "Hockey players"
  • 1967 - "Three Poplas in Plyukha"
  • 1970 - "Red Square"
  • 1971 - "City near Lipami"
  • 1973 - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"
  • 1977 - "It was Kokand"
  • 1980 - "South Thunder" code name
  • 1990 - "Love of the Emergency Man"
  • 2003 - "Instructor"
  • 2005 - "Brezhnev"
  • 2008 - "Fighter. Birth of legend "

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