Alena Ivchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Alena Ivchenko - the Russian actress of Belarusian origin, which was able to realize himself in many roles during the film director. These are positive heroines, and incarnationalists, and adventurers, and criminal. Only one thing connects them - a charming smile and a raumous look of the performer itself.

Childhood and youth

Alena Vladimirovna Ivchenko was born in the capital of Belarus in May 1974. Parents are professional musicians, so the atmosphere of creativity in the house of Vitala constantly. In 5 years, Alain already knew that it would be an artist.

From Pope and Mom she got a good rumor, and his daughter attended a music school, where he learned the game on the piano. And Ivchenko managed to engage in dancing and artistic acrobatics.

In the 7th grade Alena Ivchenko translated from the school, where English was in-depth, in an educational institution with theatrical bias, which was just opened in Minsk.

In 1991, having received a school certificate, the girl went to Leningrad, where he tried to enter LIGITMIK, but did not come unexpected for himself. Alena was not desperate and did not change the children's dream.

She settled by the director's assistant to Belarusfilm and was preparing for admission for a year, watching the filming of the "Butterfly flight" carefully. The girl was lucky to conquer the respect of the project's cascaders: she took part in the auto racing stage, where he replaced the main character.

In 1992, Ivchenko arrived in Moscow and entered the Schukinsky Theater School. The girl was enrolled in the course of the famous artist and teacher Yuri Shlykov. It was his first pedagogical experience. In addition to the main master, young actors were taught Lyudmila Stavskaya, Mikhail Semakov, Alexander Grave and others.

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As the performer was confirmed in an interview, in Schukinsky School a serious school of training artists. Students have long exhausted skill in Etudes to the memory of actions, surveillance, and only then in practice independent and pedagogical passages appear.

Personal life

It is difficult to find the second such closed artist as Alena Ivchenko. Personal life actresses, what is called, classified three times. In social networks there is information that it is happy in family life, two children grow up in Alena. But who is Ivchenko's husband and what is the name of the heirs, there is no reliable information.

Journalists never managed to call an extract to frankness. Nevertheless, the minds of the fans excited about the information about the novels of the performer. She was attributed to the relationship with Alexander Dyachenko and Stanislav Erkliyevsky, but the comments from the most Alena Folloviers did not receive.

But on other topics Alena Ivchenko willingly communicates. The actress tells what supports strong relationships with mom, which lives far away - in New Zealand. Relatives regularly communicate on Skype, for which the actress loved the computer.

Over time, the artist has mastered the "instagram" - she had a formal page, where Alena lays out liked photos and introduces the audience with the latest news of his creative life.

About relationships in his family Ivchenko says that they hold on to an infinite compromise. After all, marriage is a titanic work, when two different people for the sake of the overall happy life are obliged to give way to each other.

Alena Ivchenko loves driving a car, likes speed and long-term travel by car. The actress sews and herself comes up with a clothing model to themselves, but recently, due to the huge employment, the tailoring of professionals will instruct. On the figure of the artist with her long legs and a thin waist, any suit or dress look like on the model.

Thanks to attentive attitude to the physical form of Alena Ivchenko, at its age, it looks no worse than in his youth. Fans often compare the artist with her colleagues Maria Kozhevnikova, Alena Yakovleva and Catherine Kuznetsova.

Alena is engaged in various spiritual practitioners. At one time, she met the technique of Teta-Khaling, and also mastered the skills of the Energy Massage Access Bars.

The actress does not comment on information on plastic operations. Thanks to sports training, her figure retains the previous parameters - with a height of 174 cm, the weight is 62 kg.

Nevertheless, the performer is in no hurry to demonstrate its forms in a swimsuit, although it loves rest to the sea. In the usual life of Alena prefers minimum cosmetics, so at their everyday photographs appears without makeup.

In his free time, Ivchenko writes poems and scenarios. Among her favorite films - Soviet classics: "Girl", "Garage", "Service Roman", "Beware of the car".


At the end of the school, Alenu Ivchenko took the Et Cetera Theater Toroupe, where the artist debuted on stage in the play "Uncle Vanya". Then a beginner actress entrusted the key role of portion in the formulation of Robert Stura "Sheilok". For this work, she received the first theatrical award - the Seagull Prize.

Later, Alena began cooperation with the producer company "Empire Stars", where he played in the play "Oscar" by Heroin Bernadette. In 2007, the artist left the troupe and since then participates only in one-time productions.

In 2019, the actress was introduced into the entrepreneurial performance "in one breath," where Alexander Dyachenko spoke her partner. Earlier, Ekaterina Volkov played the main female role. A light comedy about love conquered the cities of Russia and abroad - with the performance of artists visited Baltic States and Europe.


The cinematic biography of Alena Ivchenko began earlier than theatrical. Already in the 1st year, the student was involved in the painting "Brunette for 30 kopecks", in which Anna Samokhin played the main character.

Then there were other roles, but a recognizable recognition, which brought a young artist, got only 28 years old. Ivchenko appeared in the 3rd season of the Rating "Turkish Marsh", where in Tandem with Alexander Domogarov played the heroine Marina in a series called "Transfer to the Light".

In early 2000, the actress filmography was replenished mainly by work in the rating series "Russian Amazons - 2", "Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions - 2. The repertoire of Alena amounted to the role of young journalists and ordinary girls, but there were also historical characters who easily managed to her.

In the screening of "demons" with Yuri Kolfolnikov and Vladimir Vdovichenkov, a girl played by Heroin Virgin. In the TV series "Poor Nastya", the actress tried out outfits of the Freilina of the Imperial Yard.

Noticeable work, which brought a considerable fame to the Belarusian artist, turned out to be the role of Valentina Ilyina in a multi-sieuled melodraman "Doomed to become a star." This tale of the Cinderella of our days went on screens from 2005 to 2007.

Another stellar role got actress when she turned 32 years old. Alena Ivchenko played two heroines at once in the drama "You are me." The piercing picture of the sisters of Elena and the Grech, who divorced fate in the Stalin's years, was remembered to many television drivers. Together with Ivchenko, the stars of Russian cinema Dmitry Dyuzhev and Vladislav Galkin appeared on the screen.

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The negative image of the actress embodied on the screen, starring in the criminal comedy "Zero Formula". Alena appeared in the role of the "sterrene" owner of a casino, which without the reversion of conscience eats up the street of young scientists and a mentor from the laboratory building. To regain the room, scientists decide to go to the Wa-Bank and ruin the casino. Igor Yasulovich, Vladimir Zerebtsov and Svetlana Ivanova played these desperate heroes.

The project that Alena Ivchenko prestigious award was the historical series "Sanctory and Robber", which came out in 2009. Here, the actress appeared in the image of Empress Catherine the second. For the brilliantly performed work, Ivchenko received the prize of the 12th International Film Festival in Berdyansk.

Among the memorable works, Alena Ivchenko - the roles in the films "House of exemplary", "Lovel Method", "Excursant", "Irckka". The actress masterfully is reincarnated in the thief-criminant, captain of militia, speech therapist and the spouse of the general. It works organically in the comedy role. In 2012, Alena appeared in the film "Big Rzhaka" with the participants of KVN.

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In 2016, the repertoire of the performer was replenished with films "More than a doctor", "Vasilisa". In the melodraman "not the field of the berry" Alena performed the main role of Elena Shevtsova, and in the comedy "Eleon Hotel" played heroine Jeanne.

The actress is often attracted to the dubbing and sounding of various projects on CTC TV channels, TV-6, TVC and the first channel. Alena Ivchenko's voice said Sharon Stone actresses, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek.

Alena participated in the sounding of the heroine Scully in the art film on the series "Secret Materials", and in a number of episodes, the franchise "Star Wars" by her voice says. The actress also voiced the characters from the "X-People" rating films, "love and other troubles", "the king says!", Anna Karenina, "Wolverine: Immortal".

On the big screen of Alena Ivchenko in 2017, he did not appear, with the exception of the episode in Sashatany's Shatkom, but she managed to participate in the work on two significant projects.

Alena Ivchenko and Alena Yakovleva

In the criminal blockbuster "Forsazh-8" Ivchenko voiced heroine Saifer (Charlize Theron). In the global box office, the film gathered $ 1.2 billion, and in Russia, as in the rest of the countries, the picture became a record holder at the cash collecting of the first weekend. Ivchenko's voice also says Empress Huban Limai in the fantastic film "Valerian and the city of thousands of planets", who removed Luc Bezson.

In 2018, the project "unequal marriage" started on the TV channel "Home". The main role of Helena Velikanova, a psychologist, an in-family relations specialist, played Alena Ivchenko. Each series of psychological melodramas is devoted to the problems of one family, with whom the audience are found at the reception at the psychotherapist.

Alena Ivchenko now

Now I'm more and more often you can meet Ivchenko in the cast comedy. In 2019, Alena played in the projects of "Beetles", "Two girls per Meli". With her participation on the air channel "Russia-1" started the show of the melodrama "Tomorrow will be a new day." In March 2020, the premiere of the biographical series "Magomaev" took place, in which Alena appeared in the form of Catherine Furtseva.


  • 1991 - "Brunette for thirty kopecks"
  • 2001 - "Gold Ugra"
  • 2003 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2006 - Formula Zero
  • 2006 - "You are me"
  • 2008 - "I'm flying"
  • 2009 - "Sanctuary and Robber"
  • 2010 - "House of exemplary content"
  • 2011 - "Lovel Method"
  • 2012 - "Excursant"
  • 2016 - "Eleon Hotel"
  • 2018 - "unequal marriage"
  • 2019 - "Beetles"
  • 2020 - "Magomaev"

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