Danko (Alexander Fadeev) - biography, personal life, photos, news, singer, daughter, "Moscow night", "Kid" 2021



Danko is a scenic pseudonym of the singer Alexander Fadeeva. He performs his own songs, and also often acts as a composer. In addition, Danko was also realized as an actor and businessman.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on March 20, 1969 in the intelligent Moscow family. Father - a scientist, engaged in physics, mother - vocal teacher. Later, the parents diverged, and the stepfather of Fadeev became a scientist-mathematician, a well-known Bard Alexander Sukhanov, the author of the lullaby "Green Coach". Subsequently, he had a great influence on the step in the creative plan.

Danko since childhood dreamed of a singer's career, apparently, mother genes affected. Parents did not mind, and at 5 years old, the boy was already soling in the choir, and at home was engaged in vocals with her mother. After 6 years, choreography classes were added to singing: at 11 years old Danko entered the choreographic school with the Bolshoi Theater. In 1995, at the competition held in San Francisco, he was awarded to the silver prize.

In 19 years already received the central and main roles in the production of the Bolshoi Theater. Alexander took lessons from outstanding teachers in choreography, he was called a promising dancer and the audience loved. But this young man was not enough. Danko Grezil pop and scene and was looking for the opportunity to realize the dream.

In 2000, he entered the correspondence department of Rati (in the past guitis), and after 5 years he received a diploma manager diploma. This period was the most successful and in his creative career.


Danko's song began with visits to creative evenings that organized his stepfather. There were first solo performances. After one of them, the producer Leonid Gudkin approached the novice singer and offered cooperation. The first hit of Alexander "Moscow Night" came out in 1999 and immediately headed Russian hit parades. Less than a year later, Danko-2000 album was released.

The beginning of 2000 - the best period of his work. At this time, Danko had many solo and prefabricated concerts, interviews, tour. Soon he pleased the listeners with new hits "Kid", "The first snow of December", "You swore."

The singer was offered cooperation between the Diesel and Hugo Boss brands, he became the face of the advertising campaign of the NAF NAF brand.

By 2004, the popularity of Danko reached a peak. His asset was replenished with two more solo albums. Then followed the decline. New songs did not justify hopes: the listeners perceived them cool.

In 2010, Fadeev recorded the collection of the best songs and "Album number 5". And again unsuccessful. The plate criticized, calling the song "Forgot" the only successful. Some attention also attracted the lyrical composition "She".

However, the singer was not desperate and in 2013 recorded and presented a new record. The disc was called the "point of no return". According to the artist, it became more experimental than previous ones. The main composition of the album was a fresh song called "Coast Paradise". Danko recorded two musical clips on it - on the original composition and on the remix.

In 2014, Fadeev released a collection of his own songs (reprinting the first three albums) called the Best. The output again attracted attention to the work of the artist. In addition, the musician recorded the Single Venice and the video clip on the composition. Today it is the last major work in the discography of the artist.

Theater and films

Alexander Fadeev works at the "Bridge" theater. At one time, he was invited there director Evgeny Slavutin. Danko was activated in the main roles in the "Airport" and "I will get acquainted with it." The musical "Mata Hari" was successful, in which he also participated.

There are artist's acting career and several television projects. He starred in the series "Classmates" and "bullet-fool", and then Dmitry Fix invited him to one of the main roles in the film "Moscow Gigolo". Partners in the shooting area were Olesya Suzilovskaya and Sergey Gorobchenko. And everything would be fine, but the work in the frame did not give him pleasure. Then Danko decided to tie with filming in the cinema and focus on the theater.

Personal life

Alexander always differed excellent external data. Thanks to the physical preparation and classes of dancing, its weight with an increase of 180 cm did not exceed 82 kg. The opposite Paul Fadeev has been successful that in the future affected his personal life.

Alexandra had a novel with Tatiana Sparrow. They met for more than three years, but did not pretend to the relationship. Soon the couple broke up. About another serious relationship with Veria Sotnikova became a few years later. In 2021, in the transfer of "Stars came together" both decided to tell the press about it. According to the Sotnikova, these were incredible feelings, but all spoiled Mom Alexander.

Danko himself is now sure that faith made the right choice when he broke up with him. He then was a "snotty little boy", so he could brake her career in the theater and cinema. The musician admitted that she became his first real love.

The following serious attitudes at the singer were with the model Natalia Ustineneko. In 2003, the media appeared on the fact that Danko will soon become a father. In January 2004, Sofia daughter appeared. Natalia's birth was complicated, but the girl was born healthy.

On April 19, 2014, they had the second daughter of Agata. Doctors put the girl diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Danko told about his tragedy in the program Andrei Malakhov "Let them talk." According to him, on the eve of Easter, Natalia opened bleeding. A woman urgently hospitalized.

The child was born with multiple injuries of the brain. Doctors put a terrible diagnosis: due to numerous damage, the girl will never be able to hear and hear, and also walk. Doctors advised to leave a newborn girl in the hospital, but the parents did not agree to it.

Natalia and Danko supported fans and part of the familiar pop stars. The singer said that the sick child lives and rejoices, despite his health problems. Rehabilitation does not pass in vain: Agatha demonstrates a positive trend, externally, it is almost no different from healthy children.

To make money for a daughter's treatment, Danko engaged in business - organized the production of sausages and meat products with each other. In addition, the musician has started the official website, where offers its services both in the role of a guest musician at a private event and as leading holidays.

Later, the singer together with the doctor Natalia Poytina, who treated Agatu, opened a rehabilitation center for special children.

The child's disease became a turning point in the biography of celebrities. According to Danko, the difficult health problems of the daughter opened the singer's eyes on the duplicity and hypocrisy of the stars of the Russian show business.

The singer argues that to the problems that naturally hit the popularity of the artist, Danko drove friendship with Olga Buzova, Jeanne Friske and even with Philip Kirkorov. But when the musician lost his position in charts, former friends stopped communicating with him, and in secular events began to ignore attempts to tie dialogue.

Alexander responded negatively and about charitable foundations. In an interview, the singer stated that such organizations operate only for the sake of a PR, but not to help people.

In 2017, it became known about the novel Danko and Dana Borisova, which occurred 14 years earlier. Together, the couple starred in a frank clip, after which the romantic relationship began, which quickly ended on the initiative of the man. The TV presenter told on the transfer of the "secret to a million", where the artist himself was invited. On the air he asked for a former beloved forgiveness.

Later, Fadeev threw his wife with children and started a novel with DJ Maria Siluyanova. According to ex-spouse, the singer stopped communicating with his family. The artist himself explained the reluctance to communicate with the youngest daughter by the fact that she does not understand who are such mother and father.

With his daughters, the musician paid alimony, but this natalia seemed a little. She placed the plaintiff in court, demanding from the former husband to pay her a million rubles. At first, Alexander considered the requirement unreasonable and was sure: Ustinenko will refuse. However, everything went through another scenario. For six months, Fadeev sought acquainted with the documents and subsequently made a complaint. Moscow City Court in April 2021 canceled the recovery of funds from the artist.

Together with the new choices, the artist settled in a country house, afterwards the couple moved to the Crimea. Siluyanov put up for sale a country college located in the village of Lakeetskoy, as well as a river boat. The cost of the proprietary property was 14 million rubles.

The main time the artist spends in Livadia, where, together with Maria Silyanovoy, raises her child from previous relations. Often Fadeeva can be found on television, where it is filmed in a different kind of show. In one of the last interviews, Alexander spoke negatively about his native daughters, saying that they "wipe their legs about him." News from the creative life of the singer regularly appear on his page in "Instagram". Here the artist places family photos.


In May 2017, Danko, together with the former wife, became the guests of the show "In fact" on the first channel. In the studio program TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev asked a couple of spicy questions. The reason for the campaign to the talk show, in which the stars share secrets from personal life, was the scandalous statement of the musician. Fadeev accused his spouse in treason, and he claimed that he brought up and treats someone else's child, and the real father of Agati was a certain Swiss billionaire whose behalf he did not name.

On the transfer it turned out that Alexander's mother became the initiator of the proceedings. Elena Leonidovna also passed a lie detector. Experts commenting on the show, found out that the musician's mother has a strong influence on a star son.

The woman originally opposed Alexander's marriage with Natalia and has repeatedly declared it. Elena Leonidovna also stated that the spouses should have leaving a sick agate in the hospital. She believes: strong must give way to the weak, and since Danko is growing a healthy daughter, then it follows her.

Subsequently, the mother Fadeeyev began to suspect that Agata is Alexander's escaped daughter, and infected the Son's suspicions. During the inspection at the Polygraph, Danko asked his wife, whether he changed him, but after that the viewers learned unsightly details about the life of the musician himself. Natalia stated that the person who left the family itself was for a month, then half a year and started the novels on the side, it does not have the moral right to ask his wife about cheating. The focus of the conversation moved to the past artist's relations.

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Nevertheless, the singer decided to finally check whether the father of the child is. Danko passed the DNA test, the results of which received right in the Tele Show Studio. He lived in the live broadcast that Agatha was without a doubt his daughter, which was incredibly delighted.

In 2019, Danko was a frequent guest on television, but not as an artist, but an invited guest expert in various shows. So, on the air of the program "Let them say", Alexander spoke about the supremely died singer Julia to the beginning. According to him, Julia, like many creative people, early left life due to the characteristics of the profession. Musicians and singers touring a lot, do not respect recreation, sleep and nutrition, often go to victims for the sake of a beautiful "picture" and visual perception. All this can not not be hit on health.

Danko himself leads a healthy lifestyle, abandoned alcohol, improper nutrition, visits the hall. Fadeev is confident that it is only so possible to fix your health and in the future to circumvent the problems that a person who has awarded himself due to the wrong way of life.

In 2020, a new scandal was followed: on the ether of the program "In fact," the mother of the singer told about the disrespectful of Mary Siluyanov. Danko's bride repeatedly raised his hand on an elderly woman, and because of the desire to take hold of the fur coat, Elena Leonidovna, which her son was presented, and the mother of his chosen was beaten. In proof of what happened, she presented bruises under the eyes, on the face and on the neck. Later at the polygraph, it turned out that all these damages are a consequence of cosmetology procedures that Elena Leonidovna passed.

The clarification of the intramearial conflict negatively affected the relationship of Danko with his beloved. After his mother's complaint, he pounced on Maria with fists in the studio. According to the artist, the parental for him is the main woman in the world, and he is not going to endure insults to her address from civil wives.

Danko now

Now Danko performs at prefabricated concerts, participates in corporate enterprises. Information about the speeches appears on the official celebrity website.

The artist often goes to the scene in the framework of charitable shares. For example, on the eve of Victory Day in 2021, he visited the Center for Rehabilitation, where children are treated with hearing impairment. Video report about the event Alexander posted in instagram account. However, after the past trial with the ex-wife and scandals, despite the noble gusts, on the page of the singer in social networks, most of the subscribers contain a negative opinion.


  • 2000 - "Danko"
  • 2001 - "My Talisman"
  • 2001 - "Don Juan de Lux"
  • 2004 - "When a man is in love"
  • 2010 - "Album number 5"
  • 2013 - "Point of Impression"
  • 2013 - "Singles"
  • 2014 - The Best

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