Nikolay Valuev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Growth, Weight, Wife, Fighting, Children, Boxing 2021



Nicola Peter, a man-mountain, a beast from the East - as soon as rivals and fans were not called Nikolai Valuev. The boxer graduated from a sports career and showed himself on a political field, becoming a deputy of the State Duma of the 6th and 7th convocation.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Valuev was born on August 21, 1973 in the family of workers. Both mother and father worked at the factory. Childhood and youth of the future boxer passed in Leningrad. Among his relatives there are representatives of Russian and Tatar nationalities, but Nikolai does not know the Tatar language.

Valuev was born a regular child - 52 cm, standard weight. But in kindergarten, the boy rapidly grew up, leaving far behind the peers. Now the boxer has the 52nd foot size, the growth is 213 cm, and the weight at the peak of the sports career reached 146-151 kg. Parents did not have time to buy the Son shoes and clothes, which was problematic at that time.

The boys drew attention to basketball coaches and offered to do this sport. From the 5th grade Nikolai came to basketball. At first he was engaged in the school section, then trained in the sports boarding school at Anatoly Steinbok and won the championship of the country among juniors.

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However, the growth that brought a teenager in basketball has become an obstacle for further career. Nikolai pressed and pulled up with difficulty, he had problems with coordination. Then Valuev moved to the sports academy and engaged in throwing the disc. The guy easily passed the standard of sports masters. Due to the fact that the athlete constantly grew up, the coach had to change the approach to training all the time.

At one time, the young man attended a circus school, then entered the Institute of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgaft. A year later, I threw my studies and recovered in 10 years. Valuev's graduation work was devoted to the issues of psychological training of boxing athletes. Diploma to the famous champion was awarded Valentina Matvienko. But Nikolai did not stop at this, but he went to receive the second higher education. In 2010, the boxer entered Moscow University of Technology and the Office named after K. G. Razumovsky to the Economics Faculty.


The Boxing Nikolai came late - at 20, when other athletes already have a solid experience. Oleg Shalaev became the first coach.

The athlete developed a rapid pace. For six months, Valuev has already passed the standards on the masters of sports. Several months of intense training - and the boxer-novice came into the ring. The beginning of the sports biography was found in 1993.

The first fight took place in Berlin. Nikolai came out against the American John Morton and won. In 1999, Valuev defeated the Russian boxer Alexei Osokina and became a champion of a country in a heavyweight. Next year, the athlete won the champion title of Rava in a duel with a Ukrainian Yuri Elistratov on nicknamed the killer.

The title of Intercontinental Champion Valuev won in 2004 after a meeting in the ring with Richard Bango.

For December 2005, a fight for the world heavyweight world champion title was appointed according to WBA in Berlin. John Rius became an opponent of Nikolai. Upon completion of 12 rounds, 2 of the judges were on the side of Valuev, the 3rd voted for a draw. As a result, the champion belt heavyweight for the first time the Russians got. In 2006, in battle against the native of Jamaica Owen Beck, a Russian with honor defended the title, and in a year repeated the result, opposed Jamil McClein.

One of the best fights in the sports career Nikolai spent in 2009 with the Englishman David Hay, but lost. The enemy almost knocked out the Russian athlete. The media appeared information that Valuev because of the problems with knee joints is close to the completion of the career. Initially, the boxer denied rumors, but soon this information was confirmed.

In 2010, Vitaly Klitschko called Valuev to the duel, but the battle of two outstanding athletes did not take place. Fans still regret it. A year later, Nikolai said he finishes his career.

According to statistics, in the ring, the Russian boxer spent 53 battle, 50 of which ended the victory of Nicholas. Unique physical data, the growth and scope of hands allowed in the ring to seek amazing results. The fans remember the tournament, during which Valuev simply stood with her hand stretched forward, not subwin the opponent close. The opponent did not have anything to do except to recognize his own defeat. It was a fight against American Evander Holyfield.

Films and television

Several times Valuev starred in the cinema. His debut took place in the episodes of films "game without rules", "7 Dwarfs: and a whole forest," and in 2008 played a major role in the painting "Stone Bark". Boxer did not have to invent anything because he played Nikolai himself. An athlete appeared not only in the militants - at his expense role in the rating comedy TV series "Voronins" and a fairy tale "Vintage Watch".

Valuevu offered the role of Rats in the film "Master and Margarita", but the boxer refused this proposal, since he did not allow sports schedule. Offers to play in Hollywood films Nikolay rejects due to the negative perception of the proposed roles.

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Since 2016, Valery Kuzenkov since 2016, Valery Kuzenkov, is leading the program "Big Hobby" on the HD Hunter and Fisherman TV channel. TV presenters go to the hunting grounds and reservoirs of Russia, where they are reviewing the local fauna, talk about how to hunt wild animals and fishing.

In 2016-2017, the ex-champion of the world boxing in heavyweight weight became the leading "good night, kids!" Nikolay admitted that his children's dream came true, because this transmission was his beloved in childhood. According to Chairman of the Board of Directors of the class of Alexander Mitroshenko, Valuev embodied the image of a "powerful dad", since in some families children grow without a father.

Politics and social activities

The politics of Valuev came in 2011. The athlete was running into deputies of the State Duma of the Party "United Russia". At the state office, the boxer was engaged in the affairs of physical education and sports, being a member of the profile committee.

Since 2016, Valuev has been the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection.

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The Bryansk deputy was spoken against the provisions of the Federal Law "On Responsible Intelligence Animal", he advocated the euthanasia of animals, was the author of the law on the legalization of the East of Hunting in Russia, prevented the adoption of the law on the prohibition of contact subranting stations, etc. This led to the creation of a petition with the demand to remove Valuev from office. For July 2021, it was signed by 36,900 people.


In 2008, the media covered as a boxer beat 61-year-old Sport Complex. The man asked the spouse of the athlete to move the car in the parking lot, after which Galina Valueva called her husband who came to solve the fists. Nikolai did not recognize her guilt, but by the decision of the court paid a fine of 30 thousand rubles and 100 thousand in the quality of compensation in favor of the victim with the concussion of the brain.

In 2013, the State Duma deputy posted on his page in social networks photos with killed spleen, beaver and a bear. According to the results of the investigative verification of the legality of the hunt in the initiation of a criminal case, it was denied. The politician himself said that he was getting beast, because he needed to feed the family.

Personal life

Nikolai is a good family man, his personal life does not give media reasons for scandals. In his youth, the athlete met the future wife of Galina. A miniature girl with a growing 165 cm and weighing 100 kg less than the boxer attracted Valuev's attention. Soon the young began to live together.

In the family grows 3 children: the daughter of Irina, the sons of Grigory and Sergey. At one of the TV show, the boxer admitted that the chief in the family is a wife. At the same time it turned out that, Grozny, in appearance, in the soul he remains sentimental and wounded, as well as the faithful spouse. Family photos often appear on the official page of the athlete in "Instagram".

The end of the sports career laid the beginning of the public and creative activity of Nicholas. The main thing for the champion was the popularization of a healthy lifestyle. In 2007, Valuev organized a youth boxing tournament, whose winners, in addition to traditional figurines, cups, medals, also receive monetary and material prizes.

Since 2009, Nikolay has headed his own boxing school, whose branches work in St. Petersburg, and also engaged in charity. Foundation Nikolai Valuev helps Sports School.

In 2016, the athlete opened a wide profile boxing club in Moscow, designed for classes, sparring and master classes for professionals and lovers. There is a club and children's section. In the coaching staff of Valuev selected the best representatives of the Russian boxing school.

Health status

In 2010, Valuev left Sport due to illness. It suffers from acromegaly (hyperproduction of hormone growth), which became a consequence of a benign brain tumor. The deputy has already moved two operations on the brain, but due to the location of large blood vessels, it is completely impossible to remove the tumor. Nikolay passes the necessary therapy every month.

Nikolai Valuev now

In 2021, the former worldwide champion in heavyweight champion stated the media that intends to put forward his candidacy for elections to the State Duma of the 8th convocation.

Awards and achievements

  • January 22, 1999-June 2000 - Champion of Russia in heavyweight
  • June 6, 2000-30 June 2001 - Paba Temporary Asian Champion in heavyweight
  • June 30, 2001-July 2004 - Paba Asian Champion in heavyweight
  • October 10, 2002-September 2003 - Champion of Russia in heavyweight
  • July 24, 2004-20 November 2004 - WBA Temporary Intercontinental Champion in Heavy Weight
  • November 20, 2004-17 December 2005 - WBA Intercontinental Champion in Heavy Weight
  • December 17, 2005-14 April 2007 - WBA World Champion in Heavy Weight
  • September 29, 2007 - November 2007 - WBA Champion of North America in heavyweight
  • August 30, 2008-7 November 2009 - WBA World Champion in Heavy Weight


  • 2007 - "My 12 Rounds"


  • 2001 - "Town", issue number 89
  • 2003 - "Game without rules"
  • 2006 - "7 Dwarfs: and a whole forest"
  • 2008 - "Stone Baska"
  • 2009 - "Path"
  • 2009 - "Fight without rules"
  • 2011 - "Vintage Watch"
  • 2012 - "Voronins"
  • 2013 - "break through blockade"
  • 2014 - "A gift with character"

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