Lyudmila Svitova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Lyudmila Svitova - Russian actress, leading role in popular domestic TV shows. It is absolutely not similar to the heroine, which plays on the screen - mostly audacious and foolish. In life, charming and feminine Lyudmila disarms the kindness, which is poured from the inside.

Childhood and youth

Lyudmila was born in June 1986 in the Moscow region, in the city of Shatura. There were no artists in the family nor people associated with art. It is not known where the girl had a desire to become an actress, but at an early age Svitov knew who would be.

At 7 years, parents sent daughter to music school. The girl gladly began to occupy, as it was believed that the real actress would certainly be able to play the instrument and sing. And in the middle classes, she began to visit theatrical circle, where he learned the Azam acting skills.

The girl prepared for admission and from the first attempt was enrolled in the school-studio of MCAT named after A. P. Chekhov. Lyudmila took on the course of talented actors and teachers of Dmitry Brusnikna and the novel Kozak. The graduates of the graduate were the roles in the play "White Nights" on Fedor Dostoevsky and "Platonov, or Piece without a name" by Anton Chekhov. For participation in the second stage, the girl was awarded the nomination for the Golden Sheet Prize.

Personal life

Actress often has to be broken between family and work. She comes many offers from directories, because of which it is difficult to find time for loved ones, but the houses of Lyudmila understand. After all, the husband does not observe what work is on the set. Yuri Popovich - director. The director filmed a tango threesome melodrama, where his wife performed one of his star roles.

True, at the time of filming Svitov and Popovich were not yet spouses. This project has brought young people. The actress conquered the director with his character and a pretty appearance, it is often compared with Natalia Oreiro. Soon, Yuri and Lyudmila "Dancing Family Tango" Threesome: In 2010, the couple had a charming daughter of Polina.

Today, the personal life of the switch is quite happy. A woman has a favorite family, children and work that she dreamed of from childhood.

In his spare time, which is very little, Lyudmila is engaged in sports, dancing, sings (she has a magnificent soprano) and loves to drive a car. The actress has a personal account in "Instagram", but the photo page is open only for friends.


In 2007, the actress passed the selection and was adopted in the Toroupe of the Mossovet Theater. Theatrical career Lyudmila rapidly gained momentum. The artist was immediately involved in several productions at the same time.

Theatrians first saw the actress in the play "Husband, wife and lover", staged by Yuri Eremin based on the works of Russian classics. It is noteworthy that the appearance of the Diet really "Turgenevskaya", which in the future influenced its filmier. The debut on the scene was successful. In the play, she appeared with the famous Valentine Gaft, whose skill produced an indelible impression on the girl.

For the scene of the famous theater team, Luda also went out in the "Silver Century", "Foma is also described." The actress "Polonaise, or the evening of the absurd" director Sergey Jurassic became bright work in the repertoire of the actress. On one stage, Svitova plays with Mikhail Filippov, Alexei Grishin.

The cinematic biography of Lyudmila Swistovaya takes the beginning with an episodic role in the TV series "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...", the plot of which was similar to the American rating series "Sex in the Big City". The cast for the film was filmed with starry. Julia Menshov, Lada Dance, Alika Szekhova, Jeanne Apple played the main roles. This allowed the young artist from the first days of working in the cinema to put a high bar.

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Next, the girl began to offer more noticeable images. The role in the Russian-Argentine project "Tango Threesomes", filmed by Yuri Popovich, made a retortion recognizable. Lyudmila reincarnated to the young daughter of the researcher Yuri Surkov (Andrei Rudensky), who arrived in the capital of Argentina to develop a vaccine against an unknown disease. According to the story of Heroine Lyudmila in love with the young man Esteban (Santiago Ramundo).

A year later, the main role in the comedy melodrama "" was followed. The actress embodied on the screen the image of a frivolous girl Sony, who could not decide on the feelings to two young men, Sasha and Peter (Alex Anyshchenko and Peter Kislov). The role brought her a nomination for the "Spirit of Fire" in the category "Best Women's Role".

After a number of episodic works in the series "One Night of Love", "Ceremonary. "Again the new!" "," I am a bodyguard "," Tango with angel "Lyudmila passed the casting in the melodrama of Farhshatov's fluids" hear my heart. " Her heroine is a girl from the province, workers in a roadside cafe. Once Tanya Klochakov meets the metropolitan entrepreneur Kirill (Dmitry Isaev) and departs with the beloved to Moscow.

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The image of the "Turgenevskaya" girl was useful on the filming of the rating historical series "Institute of Noble Maiden". The focus of the Glazhenka turned out to be such as he descended from the pages of the works of classics of the 19th century. Soon on the actress, one for another major roles in the separation projects were fell: mystical detective "Object-11", a lyrical comedy "Cucumber Love", drama "Made in the USSR". An artist appeared in the biographical drama "Comrade Stalin", where Sergey Yursky, Mentor Lyudmila from the theater, played the main role. Mossovet.

And in the film "Jamaica", the celebrity appeared in front of the audience to the "Putsanka" by the Supil, which during the action of the picture is reincarnated in a real lady. The plot unfolds around the poor girl Natasha. Since childhood, she dreams of singer's career. To at least somehow feed yourself, sings in the transitions. Once she imposed a false accusation and conclude. Once in prison, the girl passes through numerous tests that temper her character. At the same time, she does not let his children's dream.

Working on the role was given by Lyudmila not easy, as part of the scenes was filmed in the current female colony. Actress for a long time did not succeed in the episode in the prison dining room, where it had to have something to give prisoners. Natasha's musical compositions performed the participant of the 2nd season of the TV show "Voice" Galina Beruck, including the song "Your".

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With his game, the actress once again proved talent for reincarnation and the ability to be organic in any amplua. In 2013, she was awarded the nomination of the Held Prize in the "Best Women's Role" category.

No less interesting projects for the artist were family-run Saga "Care" with Alexey Chadov and Andrei Chadov starring, melodrama "Love without unnecessary words" with Emmanuil Vitorgan and "Summary Sister" with Stanislav Bondarenko. In 2016, the filmography of the actresses decorated the role of the heroine of Martha, the beloved of the school teacher Zhenya (Mikhail Wheat) in the film "Sergeka Kazanov".

In 2016, the artist starred in the comedy of Ivan Merezhko "find a husband Daria Klimova", where, in the acting ensemble, Maxim Leonidov, Nikolay Fomenko and Ekaterina Gusev played with her.

In 2017, the melodrama "Vera" came out, where Svitov reincarnated to the main heroine, which turns out to be an extramarital daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur.

Lyudmila Svitova now

Now Lyudmila continues to regularly appear on the screen. Every year, the actress is removed in 1-2 projects. In most cases, these are the main roles.

In 2019, the crime film "Master of Hunting for a Unicorn" was released on the screens, consisting of four episodes. He tells about Alexandra Korzukhina. A customer comes to the girl who offers her ancient tapestry. Sasha agrees to search and falls into the binding of mysterious events. She finds out what other people are chasing the artifact. In the painting, Lyudmila played the secondary role of Kati.

In 2021, the TV series "Caspian-24" with Lyudmila is planned on the NTV television channel. This is a detective story, the plot of which unfolds around Polina Queen. Woman wins tender for the creation of a governor television channel in Astrakhan. However, to implement the project is not as simple as I thought. Plans confuse misunderstanding from local residents, the disadvantage of televisers, personal problems and circumstances. The production of the series was completed back in 2017. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk played the main role.

In addition to filming the cinema, in 2020, Lyudmila continues to serve in the Theater named after the Mossoveta. She takes part in many productions.


  • 2005 - "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...- 2"
  • 2006-2007 - Tango Threesome
  • 2008 - "I am a bodyguard"
  • 2008 - ""
  • 2010-2011 - "Institute of Noble Maiden"
  • 2010 - "Hear my heart"
  • 2011 - "Apple Garden"
  • 2011 - "Comrade Stalin"
  • 2011 - "Made in the USSR"
  • 2011 - "Cucumber Love"
  • 2012 - "Jamaica"
  • 2013 - "Summary Sister"
  • 2013 - "Case Come"
  • 2015 - "Marigree Casanov"
  • 2016 - "Find a husband Darya Klimova"
  • 2017 - "Vera"
  • 2019 - "Master of Hunting for the Unicorn"
  • 2020 - "Caspian 24"

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