Oleg Dolin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Oleg Dolin - Russian theater and film actor, theatrical director, Nika Prize laureate for execution of the leading role of Dmitry Morozov in the movie "Wild Field". Sympathy of viewers decreasing after the emergence in the lead role in the detective TV series "Police Plot".

Full Oleg Dolin was born in April 1981. He grew up in a wonderful Moscow family. His parents are intelligent and respected people. Mom is a famous poet and Bard Veronica Valley, Sister Alexander Dolina, Philologist-Japan. Father, descendant of the ancient genus Torubovny, professor of physico-technical sciences. In the family, in addition to Oleg, three children were brought up. Senior Anton received a profession of film critic, the younger sister Asya was fascinated by music and journalism, and Junior Matvey is studying at the university.

Full Oleg Dolin

Oleg Dolin, since childhood he had listened to the execution of bard songs, also loved music. The young man learned to play guitar and shock tools. But the scene attracted more than any other occupation. Therefore, after graduating from school, Oleg Dolin went to the WTU. B. Shchukina and immediately arrived. The young man was lucky to learn in the workshop of the professor, People's Artist Yuri Shlykov. In 2001, the valleys received a diploma of the Schukinsky school. In 2003, he was accepted in the Toruda Theater "School of Modern Play".


The theater biography of Oleg Dolina began performances "And then you are in Frace?", "Evening ringing", "harmful advice" and "in their own words". In the center of drama and director, the artist played in the "Transfer" setting. Later, Oleg continued acting at the Studio Studio Site under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov, but he left there to take the student bench again.

In 2009, the actor decided to continue their education. Oleg interrupted the speeches on theatrical stage and in 2009 he entered the guitis by choosing the Director of the Faculty. As the valleys dreamed, the artist fell to study in the workshop of Sergey Genovac, Petra Fomenko's student. Together with Oleg, the children of popular actors became the famous master - Ivan Yankovsky and Gleb Pustopalis became the famous masters.

After the end of the directorial faculty, Oleg Dolin made his debut in the new capacity, putting a ram at the stage called "Medvedko" on stage.

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As for the cinematic career, it began on the valley with roles in the paintings "Stop on demand" and "D.D.", which came out at the very end of the 1990s. In 2003, Evgeny Lungin invited Oleg Dolina to the main role in the adventure comedy "Time - Money". The novice actor played one of the four friends who decided to deceive the fortune and play a teleigrup with the stated prize - a million rubles. In the same year, Oleg reincarnated in the Far Furniture Student Siegfried in the comedy TV series "My relatives".

After a successful debut on the screen, the actor was offered work in the cult youth ribbon "Peter FM". Hero Fedor Although not a central character of the film, but was played brilliantly. Work in the youth acting, which entered Ekaterina Fedulova, Evgeny Tsyganov, Alexey Barabash, Irina Rakhmanova, marked the beginning by friendly relations between artists. In addition, this picture turned out to be a real springboard for Oleg Valley into the world of Russian cinema.

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A truly stellar role came to the artist in 2008. Spectators gladly looked at the movie "Wild Field", where Oleg Valley got the image of a good Dr. Mitya, who treats people and manifests the participation of their difficult life in the Kazakh steppe. For the brilliant performance of the role, the actor was awarded Nicky, which he was presented in 2008.

At the same time, the screens came out the crime film "Unpassed" about the revenge of the former lover. Oleg Dolin played one of the hired criminals, and in the comedy "plus one" reincarnated in the actor of the puppet theater. The Valley's repertoire entered the Military Drama "Heavy Sand", the fighter "Relatives", as well as the series "Zero kilometer", "New Year's flight". With the participation of Oleg Dolina, a detective "bone" was removed, adaptation of the popular American series Bones. The film was completed back in 2014, but on the CTC television channel only two years later.

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In the detective TV series "Police district" about the female investigator Fomina (Anna Snatkin), forced to hide from criminals after the murder of her husband, Oleg Dolin fulfilled the role of her new subordinate - Kaluga Opera Vladimir Rudakov. 2015 brought the actor another significant role - in the film "Moscow never sleeps" the Irish director Johnny O`wlilli. The valleys embodied on the screen the image of the son of Hero Valeria (Yuri Stoyanov). The role of the former beloved young man played Evgeny Bric. The film received a special award of the jury of the Festival "Window to Europe".

In the summer of 2016, the audience saw Oleg Dolin in the youth series "The crisis of tender age," where the actor got one of the main roles. The last to date work - filmography of artist on television has become a role in the social drama "I can knit" about the experiences of a young girl who lost the meaning of life. Together with Oleg Valley over the film, the actors Vladimir Svirsky, Irina Gorbachev, Rosa Hayrullina worked. The premiere took place at the Film Festival "Kinotavr-2016".

Personal life

In the life of the artist there were two marriages. The first happened in student years. Oleg Dolin on the 3rd course met with the future actress and beauty Svetlana Antonova. The broken novel was crowned with marriage. This beautiful couple has always caused a bright envy of colleagues and was considered one of the strongest. The daughter of Masha was born in this union. The valleys came to each wife's premiere in the theater with a fishing colors. But unexpectedly for all the couple broke up after 11 years of living together.

The second wife of the valley was the actress Tatyana Tsirenin. In 2009, the spouses were born daughter Alice. And soon the girl had sisters of Ida and Esther. In the house of actors is always fun. In addition, the valleys have a wonderful pet Pet of Eugene, who was asked to start the children.

Oleg Valley with his wife

Personal life of Oleg Valley today is his wife and beloved daughters. Oleg Dolin is not a supporter of communication with connoisseurs of creativity through social accounts, including "Instagram", but the artist regularly exhibits workers and family photos on a page in VKontakte.

In his spare time, the actor is engaged in music. The valleys plays in two groups - "Trepangi" and "Grenki". In the first, the native sister of Asya, and in the second friend and colleague Evgeny Tsyganov, with whom the valleys played in the Peter FM tape. And Oleg Dolin loves to listen to the disks with the songs of Mom, who are always in the car artist.

Oleg Dolin now

Now Oleg Dolin does not often appear on television. The actor prefers work in the theater. He plays in performances, continues directorial experiences. In September 2017, Oleg Doline as part of a group of colleagues, among which - Anatoly White, Grigory Dancyger and Daria Ekamasov, arrived in Blagoveshchensk at the Festival "Amur Autumn" with the play "Captive Perfume". The production of the director Vladimir Ageev has been in the repertoire of another theater for 15 years.

Oleg Dolin

The performance at one time became the winner of the Golden Mask Prize and still enjoys the love of the audience. After the death of the director, artists continue to gather together to reiterate theaters with their game.

In early 2018, a premiere showing of the "Konovalov" of the early work of Maxim Gorky, which became the director's work of the valley took place at the frame ramp. The main actors played Taras Epifantsev, Dmitry Krivashkov, Polina Vitorgan.


  • 1999 - "D.D.D. Dossier detective Dubrovsky "
  • 2002 - "Fifth Angel"
  • 2003 - "My relatives"
  • 2003 - "Time - Money"
  • 2006 - "Peter FM"
  • 2008 - "Wild Field"
  • 2009 - "Unregistered"
  • 2012 - "Relative"
  • 2015 - "Police Plot"
  • 2015 - "Moscow never sleeps"
  • 2016 - "The crisis of tender age"

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