Alexander Tyutin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Alexander Tyutin - Soviet, and later the Russian actor and movie actor, as well as theatrical director. It refers to those performers who made their way to the scene and in the cinema, having passed the way in another profession. Charismatic and courageous, it is equally harmonious looks in the image of the leader of the world revolution and in the role of the thief in law. But more often he still gets character-villains - contributes to the most likely, the harsh appearance of the artist.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the Moscow region, in the city of Podolsk (there is no accurate information about his nationality in the network). Since both parents of the boy had technical education and worked as engineers, then the Son Parents were accustomed to the exact sciences.

Alexander knew Mathematics and physics perfectly well, and in high school studied even in a specialized boarding school for gifted children at Moscow State University. True, and the cultural and creative upbringing of the tub is not forgotten. Sasha as a child attended a music school in the piano, and later he had mastered the game on the guitar.

After school, Alexander easily entered the Moscow Energy Institute and would certainly go in the footsteps of parents engineers. But it happened that the wonderful student theater worked in this university. Tyuty began to attend the studio, participated in the musical productions in which he sang, and danced, and showed a pantomime. Gradually, he changed the dream and wanted to do the actor professionally.

After serving in the army, Alexander Titin could pick up to the service in Afghanistan, but fate ordered otherwise. I have not received special education, it is part of the Body Hammer Theater Toroupe, and also goes to the theater school named after Boris Schukin - True, to the Directory Faculty. New knowledge helped Alexander play the scene himself, as well as put the author's performances as a theater director.

Personal life

For the first time, Alexander Tyutin tried to create a family in his youth. It happened in the early 90s. The wife of Actor Tatiana also served in the "players" theater. But when the troupe in August 1991 performed on tour, in Moscow there was a coup, several people from the theater, including Tatiana, decided not to return to their homeland. Therefore, the person's personal life did not work out, the marriage turned out to be rather short.

Later, Tyuty became acquainted with Irina Kashirskaya, who worked as a casting director and journalist. At first they were associated only by professional relationships, gradually overshadowed in friendship and love. For more than 10 years, Irina and Alexander Viktorovich lived in an actual marriage before going to the registry office and officially issue relations. Now the actor with his wife together has been over a quarter of a century. But they do not have children.

In the fall of 2018, the actor appeared in the air of the first channel, in the program "In fact," where he has discussed an extramarital daughter. All my life he believed that he could not have children under medical testimony while the former mistress of Maria Zhukovskaya did not declare his daughter born from him. The artist admitted, he really had a connection with the costumes, so when a woman said that the consequence of this novel was her pregnancy, he secretly began to send money to his mistress.

As a result, the artist's spouse noticed this, but did not believe that the girl had her daughter her husband. She called Zhukovsky fraud and tried to convince Alexander. Doubts also arose because initial Maria refused to carry out a DNA test. Subsequently, the woman agreed, and on the air of the program, the whole country learned that Zhukovskaya deceived the actor. According to the result, Tyutin does not have the father of her child.

The celebrity leads a personal page in "Instagram", there it publishes family photos, as well as frames from filming.


The debut films of Tyutin "Odnolyuba" and "went on the fourth year of the war ..." They went out at the time when the actor was still a student of the technical university. Of course, a young man was involved in episodes, but, as Alexander recalls, seeing his name in the credits, the man experienced a real cultural shock. Most likely, after that, it was born a burning desire to devote himself to a scene and a movie.

From the films of the 80-90s it is worth highlighting, perhaps, only the criminal drama "rubbish is good, rubbish - bad", but in the XXI century, Tutin has already had many main roles. The actor was particularly successful in the images of famous people - the revolutionar of Vladimir Lenin in Saga "My Prechistenka", the commanders of Konstantin Tveginin in the biographical drama "Zhukov" and others.

Then the artist starred in the first season of the Kamenskaya series, appeared in the "truckers" and "DRONGO".

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Some time, Alexander Viktorovich played mostly police officers ("quiet hunting", "Hunting on asphalt"), military personnel ("Last Confessions", "Stroybatya") or politicians ("where the Motherland begins", "temporarily unavailable").

In the spring of 2009, the premiere of the series "City of Slazovnov" was held on the NTV channel, where the tube got a secondary role of producer. The main characters played Love Zaitseva (Masha Svetlova), Janina Studilina (Nastya Goncharov), Ivan Nikolaev (Nick Gromov), Dmitry Nagiyev (Lavrenty Pavlovich "Doberman") and others.

In 2013, the actor received a major role in the melodramatic mini-series "Dasha". Alexander Tyutin played the role of the Bogdanov fraudster's role, who is trying to deceive the pupil of the orphanage Dasha.

In the military amplua in 2014, Alexander Tyutin received one of the main roles in a spy detective "where the homeland begins." The actor fulfilled the Deputy Head of Foreign Intelligence KGB of the USSR Viktor Lucco. The plot of the film is spinning around the opposition of the KGB and the CIA in the 1980s.

Alexander Tyutin in the movie Nyukhach

2016 replenished the creative biography of Tutin near secondary roles in films and shows. The actor appeared in the Twistered Sports Drama "Volve Reception". He also played in one film of the detective series "Investigator Tikhonov". In the same year he began to act in the criminal melodrama "provocateur". In this series, the artist continued to play in 2017.

Alexander Tyuty also participated in the filming of the festival comedy "Lyrisms". The film consists of three novels, which show the original, deprived of the pathos look at life in the world of cinema and theater. The picture is filled with self-irony of actors and satire at the film festivals.

Another festival film of that year for the actor was the short social drama "Nevop", shown at the Kinotavr Film Festival.

In 2017, Alexander Tyutin received another bright role - the actor played the manager in the youth scientific fiction film "Dancing to death." The film takes place in the postpocalyptic world, destroyed by cataclysms and nuclear war. The remnants of humanity survive, pumping out the necessary energy from the losers in the deadly dance competition.

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A postpocalyptic film that the authors positioned as the Russian response "Hungry Games" and "Divergent" was not the only picture where Alexander Tyutin played in 2017. The actor appeared in the "Two Wives" melodrama, the criminal militant "Lesnik. His land, "comedy detective" Operetta Captain Krutov "and the Criminal Drama" Death Track ".

In February 2020, Alexander Viktorovich became the guest of the program "Fate of Man", where he told Boris Korchevnikov, as during foreign touring the first spouse left him and how he immediately met a new love. The artist also told about the career in the cinema, about the brightest roles and difficulties that sometimes arose during filming.

And in early June, Tyutin joined the online project of the Moscow Gubernsky Theater "Songs by the Campfire", performed under the accompaniment of the guitar, the composition "Ah Trega you are mine." Since Russia has introduced restrictions on mass events on the occasion of a coronavirus infection pandemic, many have transferred their concerts in the online mode, and the actor decided to support colleagues.

It is worth noting that the voice of Tyutin performed by the songs of his fans heard before. The artist sang the composition about the cart in the play "Energetic People".

Alexander Tyuty now

Despite the solid filmography, the artist and now pleases the fans of a talented game in different projects. In the fall of 2020, the audience learned about the premiere of the 3rd season of the ambulance melodrama "Ambulance" with Gosha Kutsenko in the lead role.

Alexander Viktorovich was also involved in the first two seasons, and the character of Titin - Vladimir Lomagin, left in the third. This 60-year-old emergency doctor, working on the 58th substation from love for profession, is considered to be there the most experienced doctor. His distinguishing feature is the love of reading the works of philosophers. It has a difficult relationship with his son.

In the new series of history will continue to evolve. But besides old heroes (Marina Domozhirov, Stepan Kulikov, Peter Baranchev, Catherine Volkova and others), two new characters joined them: Feldscher Lera, which was played by Ksenia Mont, and Driver Kamyshov (Dmitry Prokofiev).

This time, colleagues will again have to solve personal and workers' problems. Heroes will have to help a person cope with panic attacks, save patients from phantom pain and even take birth in an unusual place. In total, spectators are waiting for 20 issues, each of which will be accompanied by a new story.

At the end of October, the program "My hero" was released, where Alexander Tyutin became the main hero. The artist told how easily it was given exact sciences and how often a schoolboy he won the Olympics in mathematics. Enrolling in the Moscow Energy Institute, he could become an engineer researcher, but at the right moment realized that the theater was too like.


  • 1998 - "Trynza good, rubbish bad"
  • 2005 - "Rope from Sand"
  • 2006 - "My tender and gentle cop"
  • 2006 - "Last Confession"
  • 2008 - "Hot ice"
  • 2010 - "Stroybatya"
  • 2013 - "Contrary to everything"
  • 2014 - "Where is the Motherland begins"
  • 2016 - "Lyrisms"
  • 2016 - "Nevop"
  • 2017 - "Dancing to death"
  • 2017 - "Operetta Captain Krutova"
  • 2017 - "Forester. Own land "
  • 2017 - "Maximum Blow"
  • 2017 - "Death Rate"
  • 2018 - "Grand"
  • 2018 - "Seventh Guest"
  • 2018 - "Ambulance"
  • 2018 - "Tanks"
  • 2019 - "Messages"
  • 2019 - "Ambulance-2"
  • 2019 - "Senior Investigator"
  • 2020 - "Classmates of death"
  • 2020 - "Ambulance-3"

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