Anna Nostova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Anna Nosathova is the Russian actress of theater and cinema, who has loved viewers of roles in television series for different age groups. She admits that the directions see it more in the images of negative heroines, although the actress itself is confident: with the same ease, it will be able to appear as a tender and touching person, the fatal delibery and even a strict representative of law enforcement agencies.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born in Moscow in the summer of 1984 (zodiac sign - cancer). As a child, Anya dreamed of becoming a man of a creative profession - a dancer or singer, but did not find special vocal data in himself. But the dance girl was engaged in: in 5 years, parents gave daughter to the studio of folk choreography. Having matured, the nosed wanted to make a career of a poultry model. The girl went to casting to the famous School of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Although with an increase of 173 cm, it was lower than the competitors, Vyacheslav attracted attention, becoming one of the thousands of applicants for training.

In a model school, they were taught to defile, taught acting skills and gave other lessons. With teachers in the agency, she took off a couple of dance rollers. Over time, the girl more often began to attract dance. And then the son of Zaitseva Egor, also a well-known fashion designer, offered her to officially take the place of the choreographer in the house of models.

So Anya worked for a couple of years. And when it came to think about the choice of the institute, began to lean to scientific activities. To implement the idea of ​​the nosed, submitted documents to the technical university - "Baumanka". But the couture of the hares, with whom the girl had a good relationship, dissuaded it from this step. The designer-fashion designer saw in it the departure of the future star of the movie and recommended to enter the theater university.

As a result, Anna, before that, without even thinking about such a life path, from the first attempt to go to Gitis-Rati, and after the release he played in the Moscow theaters "Hermitage" and "Master", as well as in the British "Naffield", located in Southampton. In the UK, the artist invited director Patrick Sanford for the role of Lisa in the "Tchaikovsky and Peak Lady". Being abroad, Nedadova graduated from London acting courses.

Personal life

Anna's love story with actor Mikhail Gavrilov, the star of the TV series "Molodechka", began on the set of mystical painting "There is someone here", in which young people played a couple in love. But since the nosed in his personal life is skeptical of flirting, and even more romantic relationships in the process of work, it turned off all attempts by Mikhail to start a close acquaintance.

Gavrilov invited Anna together to meet the New Year, and offered different options for the celebration, from the villages with friends before the trip to Paris together. But she refused, and then I realized that she misses this man. Lovers met on January 1 and no longer parted.

The guys went to relax in the Dominican Republic, where they were convinced that they were created for each other. Soon Anna and Mikhail played a wedding. The fact that the nosedo is pregnant, the fans noticed during filming in the 3rd season of the "closed school", increasingly discussing in the network a changed figure of the artist. At the same time, Anya continued to work in normal mode, however, for the filming of the tricky scenes had to attract a cascade.

And on September 16, 2012, the son was born with son Andrei. There are no other children with her husband yet. The family is a value of both spouses, which can be judged by the joint photo that appears in the open access. Even after the birth of a child, the nostech managed to maintain an excellent figure, which allows her without constraint to publish snapshots in a swimsuit and appear in public events in short dresses.


The popularity of the nosade brought the youth series "Club" in which she starred for three years. Then Anya played the main actors in a number of pictures: the mystical melodrame "Lazi labyrinths", the thriller "there is someone here", the family film "All for the better" and the criminal drama "Payback". In 2011, the artist decorated the series "Made in the USSR" about the family of the Shish, who survived the difficulty of collectivization, military years, thawed. But for the present breakthrough in the creative biography of actress, it was necessary to light up in the rating project, and soon the case was introduced.

The audience discovered the talent of the nostech after watching the youth-free "Closed School", in which it appeared in the 3rd season as a new teacher. Work in the star cast, which included Anton Khabarov, Pavel Priluchny, Tatiana Vasilyeva, raised Anna's rating.

After this project, the actress repertoire expanded the new main roles in popular TV series. In 2012, spectators had the opportunity to admire the favorite artist in the Toptun Multisuine Tape, where she was entrusted with the role of Kati Chepikik, the employees of the specialty for capturing particularly dangerous criminals. In a detective, "Melnik" she tried the form of an FSB employee, in the historic drama "Ekaterina" became Countess Shuvalova.

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In 2014, work was completed on the drama "Women and other troubles" ("Widow") about four women's difficult fate. In addition to Anna, Olga Cape played in the picture, Evelina Bledans and Svetlana Kozhemyakina.

The star work of the nosade became the melodrama "Life is just begins", where her heroine, a successful business woman, Anna Dronova, begins depression. To get rid of a dull condition, a woman on the advice of the therapist (Dmitry Miller) is solved on the experiment.

The main premieres of 2016 in the filmography of Anna Nosade steel Thriller "My Revolution" about the meeting of the city clerk Arthur (Ivan Lodine) and a psychopath (Vladimir Epifantsev), who dreams of war, and a melodramatic mini-serial "Intim not to offer". In the first picture, the celebrity reincarnated to the egoistic former wife of Arthur, with whom she had stretched relationships, and in the second played a friend of the main heroine of Marusi (Anastasia Savosina).

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In 2016, the actress became a student of the Moscow School of Cinema in the specialty "Director". She removes his own work, part of interesting frames lay out on a personal page in "Instagram". At the courses of Nedo, it works with a colleague Christina Asmus, which also decided to experiment.

In connection with great employment, Anna less often began to appear on the screen. In 2017, work was completed on the melodramatic series "Watching Iva", where, in addition to her, Anna Snatkina and Boris Khorzynsky starred. The role of the second plan in the film also played the owner of the actress Mikhail Gavrilov.

In the same year, the premiere show of the County Comedy "Graphomania" about the talented writer Sizukhin (Gosh Kutsenko), which is trying to be creatively destroying, giving off the manuscript of graphomans for his works. Anna's candidacy was approved for the role of the principal secretary.

In 2018, Nathovova showed himself as a director, removing a short tape called "Skier", which entered the competitive program of the Film Festival "In short-2018". To fulfill the main roles, she invited Julia Cherepnin, Timur Badalbely, Boris Barter and others.

The film tells about a strong and independent business woman who is in a hurry to a business meeting. She was accustomed to the world spinning around her, but on this day everything went out of plan. During the tramp of the plug, her car is stuck in a snowdrift, and the only one who can help is a skier passing by. But a man does not want to do it just like that, in exchange for help, he offers the main character to have sex.

And in the fall of 2019, the actress appeared in the Russian detective melodist "Butterflies and Birds", where the main roles were taken by Anne Bashchikova, Maxim Drozda and Kirillus Grebenchekov. Noodova played a girl named Daria, in this image she managed to change the usual role, showing comedy tranquility.

The plot unfolds around Olga, who, having lost his beloved, marries another man Andrei, who accepted her son as a native. He is a caring father, a reliable business partner and a good person, but even years later, Olga does not work with him.

From the side, the family looks safe, the couple owns its own factory for the manufacture of cosmetics, and in addition, Andrei started a restaurant business. But all overnight collapses when a man knows that a young lover appeared at his wife.

Anna Nosadova now

Anna and now regularly receives new proposals from directors. However, 2020, as well as for other artists, began for the nick not too good. She managed to go with his family to the sea, a couple of weeks to relax, and when he returned, quarantine was announced in the country and the world because of a coronavirus infection pandemic.

As shooting temporarily stopped, the actress decided to engage in the promotion of his first director's project - the film "Skier", introducing it on the online cinema website Start. About this Anya reported subscribers through social networks.


  • 2006-2009 - "Club"
  • 2009 - "Lapelings of Lie"
  • 2010-2011 - "Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Office"
  • 2010-2011 - "There is someone here ..."
  • 2010-2011 - "All for the better"
  • 2011 - "Payback"
  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2012 - "Toptun"
  • 2014 - "Catherine"
  • 2015 - "Life just begins"
  • 2016 - "My Revolution"
  • 2017 - "Graphomania"
  • 2018 - "Consultant. Licheful times »
  • 2019 - "Butterflies and Birds"

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