Alexander Panayotov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



According to many critics, Alexander Panayotova's voice possesses uniqueness, which allowed the singer so rapidly climb the musical Olympus of the Russian show business. The fact that the artist has indisputable talent, testify to the achievements and rewards that are already enough in his piggy bank.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in the summer of 1984 in the family of the cook in the face of Mom and the construction worker. Only the sister of the singer, who studied in a music school was relevant to music. Alexander Panayoteov's biography is associated with music from early childhood: the boy's musical ability manifested themselves early.

The first "concerts", which Sasha gave in kindergarten, were held with a constant fellow. He studied Panayotov in a multidisciplinary school where he chose a humanitarian class.

At the "adult" scene, Alexander Panayotov first came out at 9 years old. The boy sang the song "Beautiful far" Evgenia Kryolov and immediately turned into a school star. Such success pushed the young performer to further improve the talent, and the boy went to the music school. There Sasha signed up in the vocal studio "Youth".

In 15 years, the novice artist has already had its own repertoire. In that period, Sasha's mentor was Vladimir Artemyev, in whose studio whose studio was first staged by audition. Next, the talented guy participated in a variety of musical contests - the Morning Star, the Slavic Bazaar, as well as the "Black Sea Games", which at that time were already out of Ukraine.

A beginner artist graduated with honors from the middle and music schools. After that, Sasha's choice fell on the Kiev State College of Circus Art. Having studied at the Faculty of Pop Vocal, the young man left the walls of the educational institution: participation in all sorts of musical tournaments did not leave free time.

Personal life

In a joke, the artist talks about the first love in kindergarten. Then, like the peers, he started a romantic relationship in senior school classes.

Alexander Panayoteov's personal life has long been interested in the army of fans and paparazzi. But the singer thoroughly hid everything that did not consider it intended for strangers, that it was decidedly nothing to inform about private life.

Nevertheless, the fans noted the fact that the artist during the musical career was significantly transformed. It was 106 kg to slimming his weight with an increase in 189 cm. The singer adjusted the power system, began to visit the gym, to hold a detox program, so soon pleased the fans with a taped figure. His weight after weight loss amounted to 86 kg. The result of changing the image did not make himself wait.

In 2013, Sasha posted an intriguing photo on the page in "Instagram", where the young singer Eva Queen was captured next to the musician. Panayotov congratulated the girl happy birthday. But it seems that if this novel was, then no further consequences in the form of a wedding followed.

The conclusion that Alexander is ready to create a family, fans made later. Panayotov wrote in his "twitter" a concise message - "I want my son!", And I gave a detailed interview, in which I expressed the desire to start a large family, with the number of children at least five.

In 2018, during the presentation of the clip on the lyrical composition "Names", Panayotov admitted that he starred in it with his wife. The singer told that by the time of filming was already married for 2 years on Catherine Koreneva.

The girl works as director of the musician and often appeared on creative events with him as his manager. They kept the intrigue and did not reveal their secret to the artist fans ahead.

Unlike the plot of the clip, in which the heroes are experiencing parting, in the life of the artist and his wife everything is fine. In plans to spouses, the expansion of the family in line with those wishes that Alexander mentioned once mentioned.


In Moscow, Alexander Panayotov appeared on the TV show "Become a star" and managed to reach the final. Returning to Kiev, the singer entered the University of Culture and Arts. Sasha created a musical group by calling the Alliance team. In the ensemble, consisting of five people, Panayotov became a soloist.

In 2003, the guy once again participated in the popular Russian realistic show, which was broadcast on the channel "Russia". It was the competition "People's Artist". And again the victory: Alexander reached the final and received silver. Immediately well-known Moscow producers Evgeny Fridlyand and Kim Brejtburg offered the artist 7-year-old contract that he signed.

Participation in the project is noted by the fact that Panikeov managed to reach one scene and sing the song "Moonlung Melody" by a duet with Larisa Valley, whose creativity guy loved since childhood. In addition, participation in the competition brought Sasha and friendship with Alexei Chumakov. Later Alexander Panayotov, Alexey Chumakov, Ruslan Alekhno sang together the hit "Unusual".

After signing the contract, Alexander, together with other finalists of the "People's Artist" went on tour in Russia. The creative biography of Alexander Panayotova was brilliant. In 2006, the debut album "Lady Rain" came out, and in the spring of 2010, a second disk appeared under the name "Love Formula".

Upon expiration of the term of the Paniket's contract, became an independent artist. Alexander successfully toured in Russia and the CIS countries, and then went to foreign tour to Israel, Germany, France, Spain. In 2013, the singer gave fans the third studio album "Alpha and Omega".

In July 2014, Panayotov presented a new solo program that timed to his own 30th anniversary. The concert took place on the scene of the World Concert Hall. And in May 2015, Alexander trusted to speak in the UN General Assembly Hall. Here, in New York, a concert was held dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. The Russian performer sang well-known military songs accompanied by Oleg Lundstrem orchestra.

In December of the same year, Alexander Panayotov spoke at the concert, which was devoted to the 100th anniversary of Frank Sinatra. The execution again accompanied the Lundstrem chamber orchestra. The singer was among the chadliners of this concert and brilliantly performed a number of sinatra hits.

Speaking about Alexander Panayotov, it is impossible not to mark work in the movies. With such an actively developing singer's career, he has time to light up in cinema.

The film of the artist in 2006 became the series "Do not be born beautiful" with Nelli Uvarov. Here the guy got an episodic role. A year later, Panayotova sounded the song "So close" for the Russian version of the film "Enchanted". I tried myself paniketov and in sounding. On this guy is not going to stop: sees himself in the lead role of drama or fiction.

2016 presented two new track fans of the artist - "invincible", words and music to which the performer wrote himself, and "intravenous." The duet with Julia of the beginning. Together, the artists fulfilled the compositions "Do you remember", "Formula of Love".

An even more pleased the singer of fans by the appearance on the 5th season of the popular TV show "Voice". Speech by Alexander Panayotova with a musical composition of all by Myself on the "blind auditions" produced a real furyor. Mentors of the project All without exception turned to Alexander - and Grigory Leps, and Leonid Agutin, and Polina Gagarin with Dima Bilan. The singer decided to participate in the project by the guard of Gregory Leps.

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At the competitive speech, "Fights", Alexander Panayotov appeared in a duet with Elena Alekseeva, with which Single Single Woman in Chains. For the "knockouts" phase, he used the song Victor Reznikov "Telephone book". Panayoteov's rivals were Darius Stavrovich and Sergey Rushkin. In the quarterfinals, Alexander struck the listeners by the execution of a hit "Why do you need you."

As a result, the mentors gave the singer of 50% of the vote, and the audience - 53.1%. In the final, I was again waiting for the battle with the participant of Daria, but the performance of the song "Do not disturb me the soul, violin" seemed to the audience, and the jury again convincing than the rival. In the final, the artist took the 2nd place, the championship did the participant from Leonid Agutina Darya Antonyuk.

After the end of the project, Alexander and his mentor did not lose their connection: the performer entered the creative team of the production center of the stage Star. According to Sasha, he is pleased that he became part of the lepts team. Grigory Viktorovich added Panikes of Energy and Drive, whom he lacked. Many listeners have previously accused the artist in excessive wellness, although Alexander himself does not think so. With the new producer he managed to modify the stage image.

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Since 2005, Alexander has been attempted several times several times to take the selection for participation in Eurovision. The most successful in this regard was 2008, when Dima Bilan, Dima Bilan, who brought the first victory for the international competition for the international competition. When the national selection began at Eurovision 2017, Alexander declared participation. The singer believed that he could speak at the competition not only as a performer, but also as a peacemaker.

As a result of the selection, Yulia Samoilova was nominated. But the SBU made a girl in the blacklist, and she was denied the entrance to Ukraine. The speech of Russia in the international competition did not take place.

In 2017, the artist conducted a tour "invincible" in the cities of Russia, visited Siberia, in the Urals. He also spoke in Latvia, at a concert in Jurmala, where, together with the Matrahs of the Russian pop, Lime Vaikule and Grigory Leps, sang "Invisible-love". At the same time, Alexander was able to take part in the "new stars factory" as a member of the jury of the 8th reporting concert, during which he went to the scene with the "manufacturer" by Ulyana Sinetsk.

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At the end of the year in Moscow in the Moscow Palace of Sports, Tatiana Navka "Ruslan and Lyudmila", where the vocal parties of the main heroes were voiced by Alexander Panayotov and Ani Lorak. At the same time, the organizer of Tatiana Navka and Peter Chernyshev was shone on the ice. Chernomora voiced Philip Kirkorov. The performance of the artist infected from the pages of the official site, the news immediately picked up the participants of the fan club.

A year later, Duet Panayotova and Lorac took part in the new formulation of the ice show, which was named "Scarlet Flower". Artists again performed the main vocal parties in the performance. The premiere took place in the Sports Palace "Megasport".

In early 2018, Alexander prepared the show "Feel You", which the audience saw for the first time from the "Crocus City Hall" scene. The concert program includes songs "Night on the clouds", "Love, similar to sleep", "Black threads".

The next page of the discography of the artist became the tracks "She's drunk", "Waiba", "exceptionally". Their Panayotov presented to the public in 2019. A duet repertoire singer replenished the hit "Unbearable", who fulfilled with Nazim.

Alexander Panayotov now

Now Career Alexander Panayotova again gains height. In the New Year's lights of 2020, the artist shone in bright duets. In the "extraordinary light", the shooting of which was held in the "Crocus City Hall" hall, he performed the song "Samba White Motyl" along with Albina Janabaeva. And at the concert, which was broadcast on the air of the channel "Russia-1", his partner on stage was the opera singer of Hibl Herrisawa. Together they presented hit Barcelona.

In January, producer Igor Krutoy said that Alexander Panayotov was considered as the most likely participant in the international competition "Eurovision 2020" from the Russian side in Rotterdam. However, the singer was not lucky again, later it became known that the "Little Big" will go to the Netherlands in the Netherlands.

On February 14, 2021, the broadcast of the show "Overview", in which Alexander appeared as a participant began.


  • 2006 - "Lady of Rain"
  • 2010 - "Formula of Love"
  • 2014 - "Alpha and Omega"

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