Pasha Pashalsk - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, age, growth, ticks, Egor Ship 2021



Pasha Polandisk - famous Russian ticoceker and singer. His hits immediately find themselves on the mouth of fans, and the rollers are gaining millions of views. After 10 years, the guy sees himself the head of a large family and a successful producer.

Childhood and youth

On the first April 1998 Day in the tiny town of Surage of the Bryansk region in the family of Alexander Polandsky and his wife, Natalia, the son was born, which was called Paul. On the sign of the zodiac he is Aries. The family has already grown up the daughter of Anastasia 1996 born. Also, Pasha has a cousin Egor Ship, also a famous blogger.

Pasha was the usual boy, loved to drive the ball in the yard and run to the Iput river. The butler dreamed from childhood to be glorified, but did not show creative abilities. The baby's soul was to sport, so parents gave it to the football section.

The childhood of Pavel Butler passed in frequent move. Up to 4th grade, the boy lived and studied in the Bryansk region. After watching the series "Cadet", Brother and sister persuaded parents to give them to the Dyatkov Cadet School named after the Hero of the Soviet Union I. A. Kashin 200 km from the native Suraza. But the children did not have time to take care: the family moved to the capital of Russia, and after - in Schelkovo, which is 40 km from Moscow. There Pasha went to school number 6, but after two years the butler again collected suitcases and dashed in the village of Schelkovsky district with the poetic name of the bear lake. There, the boy graduated from the 9th grade and entered the college.

There is no reliable information about the further education of the young man. However, on its page in Vkontakte, the butler pointed out that he studied at Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov.


Popularity to blogger came in the summer of 2019 after the creation of the Yutiub-channel "more less". The butler, together with Yegor Ship, filmed the rollers in which they demonstrated a rich life, played expensive gifts among subscribers. The success of the video in which the brothers in the street was distributed to the passers-by smartphones was stunning. After promoting the channel on the Youtube Platform, the butler took the "Ticking" and quickly became a famous video unit.

Songs brought him a new round of popularity. The first track about the love "Bookmark" came out in the 2020th and conquered the hearts of young listeners. The debut composition of the butler presented to the general public in the online concert "Heat TV". Then the musical piggy bank replenished the hits "Lenses Louis", "football player" and "girl from the club". Popular blogger drove in Hype House Rus - the first home of Russian ticocers, where Valya Carnival, Veronica Goldov, Herman and other idols have lived with him.

Personal life

Sleepy Xiegyglase guy with a growing 184 cm smashed, probably, not one maiden heart, but he prefers not to advertise information about his personal life. Fans attributed to the idol novels with each participant of his videos, but these rumors did not find confirmation. Also, fans suspected that the blogger met with a colleague on the workshop of Veronica Golotovoy, but young people tied only friendship.

The butler himself confessed in an interview, which hopes in the future to supplement the biography of important status - "Father of two children and a caring husband."

Pasha Polandi now

Now the cummy generation of "Titok" made focus on the musical career - in the summer of 2021 he released a new track "Motor Sound".

On the page in "Instagram", the blogger said that at the beginning of the 2021 he became uncle. Photo and video with baby Along with funny rollers and clips often appear in the social networks of the butler.

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