Dasha Astafieva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Dasha Astafieva is a Ukrainian fashion model, a soloist of the Nikita group, TV presenter and film actrix. The first popularity came to her after the artist fell on the cover of the anniversary number of the male magazine Playboy.

Childhood and youth

Dasha Astafieva was born in the Dnepropetrovsk region, in the small town of Pokrov, which was then called Ordzhonikidze. Parents were working people: the father worked on the railway, and the mother worked as a worker of the greenhouse plant. The family also grew the younger brother Dasha Eugene.

In childhood, Daria was a versatile child - he went to a circle of needlework, painted talented and danced, she was engaged in sports acrobatics for many years, he was fond of music. But at school she had problems: Astafieva studied not too diligently, interrupting the triples on the fours.

In addition, the girl had difficult relationships with the peers due to the fact that Dasha had a slender body, as well as traces of allergic rash often appeared on her face.

After receiving the certificate of maturity, Dasha Astafeva entered the directorial faculty of the Dnipropetrovsk school of culture, where he revealed immediately in several areas. First, the lessons of vocal skill led the girl to the casting of the Ukrainian "Star Factory", and secondly, she blossomed as a woman that he had no unnoticed representatives of modeling agencies.

Personal life

Already in his youth Astafieva experienced a sense of love. The first choice of Dasha became a boy from her school, and it was the girl who performed the catalyst and the engine of these relations. Young people spent together about seven years, but then their life interests and priorities began to vote too much, and the couple broke up.

When Daria took the leading position among Playboy magazine models, began to chase her novel with an 82-year-old founder of this publication Hugh Hefner. But, despite the fact that the billionaire showed a certain attention to Ukrainian beauty, there were no relations between them, except workers and friendly.

Later, Astafyev was repeatedly seen in the society of the Ukrainian businessman Ivan Tarshin, who is actively engaged in charity, helping disadvantaged children. Subsequently, a long time, the heart of the spectacular and attractive model was free for new love.

Daria tried not to speak with journalists about personal life, as she did not want to demonstrate the relationship that were dissatisfied, or the moments of searching for a life satellite. But in 2017, she openedly declared that he was happy, as he met, finally, the man himself.

The singer told in an interview that his name is Artem Kim and he is a businessman, but no other details of the person of his beloved person did not open. The boyfriend singer quickly joined the company of Darya's friends, and also began his friends with the younger brother of the girl, which is very important for Astafieva.

According to the singer, already a month after dating, lovers thought about the wedding. And Dasha, and Artem are sure that they found a person with whom they want to live life and make children. But at the same time, with the ceremony, lovers decided not to hurry.

Later it became known that Artem was brought to criminal responsibility for the spread of public funds. The court decided to return 27 million hryvnia in the treasury. The businessman himself does not recognize guilty, but all his accounts were arrested.

Dasha told that one time she lived with a civilian husband only for funds earned by her. Astafieva noted: In his youth, she was always ready to substitute his shoulder close to a person, so Alphonses were often next to her.

In 2019, the artist admitted that because of the constant nervous stress she could not become pregnant, despite the fact that she, together with Artem, wants to create a full-fledged family. Dasha does not lose and hopes to correct the situation in the near future. She is engaged in yoga that helps stabilize mental state.

Bright on stage and in the frame, such Astafieva remains in life, largely due to its zodiac sign. Dasha patronizing the royal symbol - lion. Even staying without makeup, the performer makes others turn around to their side.

Repeatedly experts from all over the world tried to catch a beauty in the use of plastics, but the model itself rejects all rumors about plastic operations. The singer is not afraid of experiments with appearance and with haircuts, but once appeared at all before the amazed public bald. Today, with growth, 173 cm its weight does not exceed 60 kg.

Dasha loves animals. Now the celebrity has two dogs at home. The first appeared in the Chicico family, the moon joined it later. For the sake of their four-legged pets, Astafieva is ready to get up at 6 am and go for a walk.

Model Career

At the age of 16, Dasha Astafeva participated in the beauty contest "Miss Dnepropetrovsk", on which useful dating. Colleague advised the girl to make a professional portfolio model. Daria went to the photographer and, except for standard photos, made a number of shots in the style of Nude.

Thanks to this photo card, the girl was interested in the editors of the Ukrainian version of the Playboy edition, became the girl of the month in April 2006, and already in 2007 was called the girl of the year. That photo session of the young Ukrainian model was reprinted in 15 foreign magazines, and interest in this photo series allowed her to enter the number of six brightest beauties of the world in the anniversary magazine dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Play Boy.

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In November 2017, Daria Astafieva participated in a professional photo shoot, which also emphasized the feminine forms of the model. Kiev photographer Anna Panchenko captured Daria without lingerie, and the fans of Astafieva were able to admire almost bare singer.

The body of the model covered only a black "dress" - drapery with a belt, which was completely absent on the back. New photos, in addition to positive, received negative reviews, commentators noted that in creating erotic personnel, you need to dwell on time.


In parallel with the career of the fashion model, Daria Astafieva began to break through the musical Olympus. At first, the girl successfully passed the casting in the realistic show "Factory of the Stars" and even got into the final, although she did not get a prize room. And then the singer together with Yulia Kavtaradze formed the Nikita duet.

In 2009, the Group released the Debut Album "Machine" and became a contender from Ukraine to a trip to the Eurovision International Competition. A very wide resonance received a video clip on the song "Rope", first of all due to the assignment of the video of the status "18+". We also enjoyed the success of the hits "Itemsay", "Queen" and "Soldier".

In 2014, the light saw a new "master" album, recorded in another composition. To Dasha, instead of Yulia Kavtaradze joined Anastasia Kumeiko, and then Julia Brichkovskaya. The most bright songs from this plate were "avocado", "chemistry" and "do". The latest songs of a full-fledged team became new singles "inhale" and Ropes.

In 2017, a new single "Nessemaya" came out. The song was different from the previous songs of a group of sound, but the main difference was the fact that the track and the Press Daria recorded alone, without colleagues. After the release of this song, and conversations began about the collapse of the team. The fans found out that at the time of the release of a new composition, only one member of Daria Astafieva.

In an interview about what is happening with the creative team Nikita, the girl joked that he just fired. But seriously Astafieva added that in fact the group continues to work together, but speaks only on exclusive private events.

Shortly after this news, another - Daria also stops acting under the name of the team and begins the solo creative biography. The symbol of the beginning of the new stage was the release of the song "Wedding", which Daria presented as an independent performer.

In December 2017, the singer presented the video to the new composition "The most important thing". Here she also did not fail to shine the figure and starred in a translucent dress, as well as in white body. Professional ballet dancers Freedom took part in the shooting of the roller.

Later, the repertoire of the performer was replenished with the tracks "Winter", Asta La Vista, "White Pearl". In 2019, the premiere of clips on the hits of Playmate and the "main instinct" took place.

Films and television

Model and musical career Talented Dasha Astafieva was not limited. The girl tried herself in the role of the TV host entertainment program "Cinema", then led the weather forecast on the M1 TV channel. She also became the author of his own erotic heading in the print edition "Blik".

In addition, Daria has always been interested in cinema. Back in 2005, the girl first appeared in the episode of the American Sitkom "Neighbor", and then starred in Ukrainian and Russian projects. The bright works of the actress are considered to be a melodrama "Lovers in Kiev", the adventure comedy "Luck Island" and the romantic humorous picture "Night of St. Valentine".

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In the filmography of artists there are such paintings as the comedies "What Men Creative!" And Swingers. In the second film, Dasha performed a major role along with Olga Polyakova, Mikhail Kuzkuk, Alexey Vertinsky. Film has brought High fees to its creators, so the 2nd part appeared soon.

In April 2017, Dasha Astafieva became the Guest of the transfer of Olga Gorbacheva. The conversation of two stars was held in the Public Talk format. Olga compared his colleague with Merlin Monroe, with which many fans of the artist agreed.

Dasha Astafieva now

Quarantine in 2020 Daria decided to spend with benefit. She visited her parents and brother Eugene. Family photos of the actress posted on the page in "Instagram". In an interview with Astafieva also told that they saved friends from home imprisonment, lenting them for walking their dogs.

The celebrity leads an active blogger life. On her page, she places advertising posts, announcements of gear with their participation, as well as personal pictures, including in a swimsuit. In May 2020, Astafieva became a member of the direct ether in "Instagram" on the topic "Sexuality and career".

Dasha loves to surprise subscribers. Part of her pictures is devoted to yoga: the actress demonstrates various asians and exercises that contribute to the strengthening of the muscles of the back and legs.


  • 2009 - "Machine"
  • 2014 - "Master"
  • 2015 - "Vodka"
  • 2015 - "Inhale"
  • 2016 - Ropes.


  • 2005 - "Neighbor"
  • 2011 - "Kostoprav"
  • 2011 - "Lovers in Kiev"
  • 2013 - "What men do!"
  • 2013 - "Luck Island"
  • 2016 - "Valentine's Night"
  • 2017 - Swingers
  • 2019 - "Producer"
  • 2019 - Swingers-2

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