Zoe Diagel - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, movies 2021



Zoe Diagel - American film actress, who received the audience after the appearance in the films "All real girls", "always say" yes "," 500 days of summer. " But Successful actress Zoe made the main role in the TV series "New".

Zoei Claire Deschanel is such a complete name of Hollywood's singing kinodyiv - born in January 1989 in a family associated with the world of cinema. Father Caleb Deshipel was nominated for Oscar. He works as an operator and director. And Mama Mary Wair Actress, in whose filmography there is a film sedeller - TV series "Twin Pix".

Actress Zoe Diagel

In Zoe Diafell - so often pronounces this name by Russian fans - a lot of blood mixed up. According to the girl, there are French in the family, the British, Irish and Swiss. A girl in Catholic traditions was brought up. Zoe is the younger sister Emily Deschanel, actresses, which was starred in the rating series "Bones".

The star future for Zoe Deschanel was "programmed" from the birthday. Even the name of the girl was given not just the first most liked, but in honor of the hero of the story of Jerome Sallinger.

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The home of the family of Deschanel was in Los Angeles. But because of the work of the Father, frequent business trips happened in which all relatives were sent after the head of the family. Zoe hated these moving, because friends and favorite places remained in their hometown. In the Preparatory School of Santa Monica, Deschanel met with future actors and colleagues in the shooting of Jake Jillenhol and Kate Hudson. In school years, the girl was seriously fascinated by vocals. The girl dreamed of a career in the music theater.

After graduating from School, Deschanel entered the university, but did not learn about the year. Shooting in the cinema did not allow Zoe to be distracted by the educational process.


The cinematic biography of Zoe Diagel began with an episode in the TV series "Salon of Veroniki", released on screens in 1998. Soon, novice actress was offered a role in the full-length comedy picture "Dr. Mamford".

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In 2000, Zoe got a role in the musical drama "almost famous". About such work - Acting and Vocal skill - a girl and dreamed. In this tape, the actress got the image of the sister of the chief hero. Critics highly appreciated the picture itself and the work of Zoe, although the film did not bring the expected cash collections.

In the early 2000s, Zoe Deschanel starred in several ribbons, but all the roles were secondary and special fame did not bring. The artist understood that for the real fracture and career jump need a key, star role. And she appeared in 2003. For this work, Deschanel refused several roles of the second plan. The drama "All real girls", in which Zoe got the image of 18-year-old Noel, really brought the artist fame and the first prestigious award - the "Independent Spirit" award.

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Behind this successful project immediately followed the second - comedy "Elf", which received huge ratings from the audience. It was the first tape that brought Zoe Diafell fame and commercial success.

After two named projects, the actress is regularly removed in the rating patterns. Since 2004, the actress appeared in the sensational tapes "Mad Funeral", "Living Winter", "Love and other troubles" and "Live freely or die." In all these films, Zoe Deschanel played the main characters.

From the film projects of the late 2000s, in which the actress was filmed, the audience attracted the Thriller "phenomenon" and the comedy "always say yes. In the second picture, Zoe Diagel became partner of Jim Kerry. In the comedy melodrama, the stamp Webba "500 days of summer" actress played a frivolous girl Summer, beloved Tom (Joseph Gordon Levitt). During the story of the representation of each hero about love, the Summer is beginning to relate to feelings seriously, and that is disappointed in relations with girls. For work in the last Zoe was nominated for the Golden Globe.

In recent years, the Hollywood Star has pleased the fans of the Comedy "Brave with Pepper" and the youth series "New". For the main role in the second film, Zoe has repeatedly honored nominations and television premiums.

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The actress fans have long noticed the amazing similarity of Zoe Diagel and the American singer Katy Perry. Girls look like twin sisters, and even growth (168 cm) and weight (56 kg) Zoe is practically similar to Katie's parameters.

Zoya Deschanel's voice is often used to sound animated projects and children's films, such as "American Dad!", "Catch the wave!", Simpsons.


All this time, that Zoe Diagel was filmed in the cinema, the girl did not forget about the hobby of music. Fans love actress for excellent vocal data. Songs performed by Zoe Deschanel sounds in the film "Cool Guy", "Bridge in Terabitiya", "Elf", "Always say" yes "," 500 days of summer "and others. Zoe Diagel became the author and executor of the soundtrack for the TV series "New, where he played a major role.

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Since 2001, in addition to working in cinema, Zoe Diagel develops the singer career. Together with the colleague Samantha Shelton, the girl organized a duet, jazz-cabaret "IF All the Stars Were Pretty Babies". In addition to singing, Zoe mastered the game on the keyboard, the Hawaiian guitar and banjo. In 2006, Deschanel founded the folk duo She & Him together with the artist Matt Ward. The ensemble has released albums "Volume One", "Volume Two", "A Very She & Him Christmas" and "Volume 3".

Personal life

Now the Hollywood actress is in the second marriage. The first husband was a vocalist and the musician of the American group "Death Cab for Cutie" Ben Gibbard. Wedding took place in the fall of 2009. But after 2 years, the couple broke up. Zoe explained the rupture of relations with a fairly streamlined wording - "irreconcilable disagreements."

Zoe Diafell and Jacob Petenck

Personal life Zoe Diagel settled 3 years after parting with a musician. In 2015, the actress played a wedding with producer Jacob Broth. Couple met from 2014, since working on a movie "Rock in the East", but the beloved preferred romantic relationships from journalists. In the same period of 2015, in July, Zoya and Jacob had a charming girl, which spouses called Eli Otter.

In early 2017, the spouses could no longer hide the fact that Zoe is again pregnant. And in May the heir appeared to the world, who was called Charlie Wolfe. Contrary to the expectations of reporters who assumed that Zoe will again hide the newborn from the eye of Parapazzi, the actress itself appeared with a 4-month-old son in front of the charitable shares of Baby2Baby. Zoe Diafell tries to spend as much time as possible with children, but sometimes resorts to helping the nanny.

Zoe Diagel now

In connection with the pregnancy and birth of the son of the Son, the actress reduced the number of television and film projects to a minimum. In 2016, Deschanel participated in the voice acting of the cartoon musical "Trolli" from the Scriptures of Kung Fu Panda and Monsters against Aliens. In addition to Zoe, who voiced the main heroine, Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake also participated in the dubbing.

Zoe Diafell in the series

In 2017, the actress managed to work on the final season of the series "New", in which Zoe is starring in the lead role of heroine Jess since 2011. The show of the film, which took place in the second half of January 2018 on the Fox TV channel, the actress announced from the page of his "Instagram", where he placed a photo of the advertising poster.


  • 1999 - "Dr. Mamford"
  • 2002 - "Good Girl"
  • 2002 - "Big trouble"
  • 2003 - "All real girls"
  • 2003 - "Elf"
  • 2005 - "Living Winter"
  • 2006 - "Love and other troubles"
  • 2007 - "Bridge in Terabitiya"
  • 2008 - "Pressure"
  • 2008 - "Always say yes"
  • 2009 - "500 days of summer"
  • 2009 - "Bones"
  • 2011 - "Brave Pepper"
  • 2011-2017 - "New"
  • 2015 - "Rock in the East"

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