Katya Cake - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Camping Ekaterina Aleksandrovna is a Ukrainian journalist, a TV presenter, a secular lioness and model. The journalistic biography of ospoca is associated with lighting news from secular life. TV presenter style is characterized by empty, provocative and uncomfortable issues of well-known personnel.

Katya was born in the city of Kiev in a prosperous family in 1983. The head of the family - Alexander Vladimirovich Osadchy - worked as the Director-General in KyivPribor. The mother of the girl worked as a librarian, but decided to devote himself to the family and became a housewife. Also in the family there is a boy who is younger than Kati for several years.

TV presenter Katya Saddy

Katya saved since childhood grew by a creative girl. I visited music lessons and stubbornly practiced in the dance ensemble "Sokolita". Catherine, while as a child, was different from his peers rather high growth and had expressive and correct features of the face: no one even doubted that the girl was waiting for a successful model career.

Thanks to the help of parents, the girl began to make the first steps in the model career. Katya went to the Kiev model school "Baghir", already thirteen years old successfully graduated from studying and entered into the world of model business. At fourteen years, immediately after Ekaterina graduated from the ninth grade, the girl with the consent of the parents signed the first model contract and went to Tokyo for three months to shoot. The girl possessed a podium growth of 180 cm, so the model's career Kati quickly went up.

Katya saving in childhood

The work of sipha in Tokyo was so successful that the girl immediately began to invite to the shooting and to other countries. Catherine managed to work with model agencies of Paris, Berlin and London. But the school classes did not have time left for school classes, so the graduation exams Kate had to be externally, as the girl was waiting for shooting in France.

Already by 18, Katya, Catying, lost interest in the model business and returned to Ukraine - for a new dream. Now the girl dreamed of engaging television journalism. Since the girl was poorly owned by the Ukrainian language, Kat had to attend classes to improve the diction and voice formulation. In parallel with these classes, Catherine graduated in absentia, the Faculty of History in the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko.


During the work, the model abroad Katya, Chatting, began to show interest in television, the girl carefully watched the work of foreign journalists, as they ask questions to popular personalities, as behave. After the end of the model career, Kati was the main goal of a television journalist.

Katya Saddy

To his own goal, the girl was very stubbornly: studied world television, followed the Ukrainian channels and tried to choose the one in which Katya herself could work.

To start a career on television, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna has been on all possible castings. Soon the girl smiled at luck: Catherine learned that there was an entertainment project on the First National Channel, in which there was a free vacancy of a freelance correspondent. The girl managed to get on this work, which became for Kati on the beginning of the journalistic career.

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In the spring of 2005, Tonis TV channel announced a casting for a new program called "secular chronicles". Directors needed a provocateur journalist, and precipitated perfectly approached this role. Catherine liked the viewers so much that in March 2007 it took a TV host to one of the most popular programs of the National Television of Ukraine - "secular life".

Catherine was supposed to visit closed secular parties and ask the famous personalities provocative and even banging questions. She had not only the original manner in a conversation, but in appearance - always high heels, magnificent outfits and chips Kati - fashionable hats. The rating of this TV program has grown so quickly that the popular publication called Focus enrolled the girl in the list of hundreds of the most influential Ukrainian women. In the ranking "100 most influential women of Ukraine", the girl took the 96th place. Five years later, Katya Saddy rose strongly in the ranking and took the 64th place.

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In 2009, Katu Sideli was invited to participate in the second season of the TV show "Dance for You", which went out on the channel "1 + 1". Partner of the TV host became Andrei Rat. And in 2011, sediming became the TV host project "Voice of the country". In 2012, the show "Voice. Children, "where the TV presenter had to help not worrying to children before reaching the scene. Since 2015, Katya appeared in the role of TV host in the "Little Giants" show.

Personal life

In 2001, Katya Sadden married a national deputy from the "Party of Green" and a successful businessman of Oleg Polisterchuk. And in September 2002, Ilya gave birth to Son.

Katya Saddy and Oleg Polishchuk

Unfortunately, the marriage quickly broke out: in 2004, Katya and Oleg divorced. The main reason for divorce has become mainly personal ambitions and a busy schedule. Catherine does not prevent the communication of the former husband and son. Oleg Polishchuk often communicates with Ilya and rides with him in different countries.

Despite the fact that immediately after the birth of a child, Camping took up his own career, a woman still finds his free time to spend it with her son.

Katya sedimble with son

TV presenter does not like to talk about his own personal life and trying to hide the details as closely as possible. Until 2017, journalists knew only that the star of television may have a young man who is not a public person.

On the other side of Catherine cameras, Catherine does not wear hats and heels, the journalist prefers to wear jeans and sneakers. In his free time, the TV presenter almost does not attend noisy parties, but spends this time with his family.

Katya Sidigible now

In 2017, fans and press hit the sudden news: Catherine is pregnant and married the father of his own child - Actor Yuri Gorbunov. And this news did not spread the will of Paparazzi, but at the request of Catherine. Happy future parents became the participants of the family photo shoot, in which the scarlet dress emphasized the consenssed stomach stomach.

Katya Saddy and Yuri Gorbunov

In addition, the journalist and the actor gave not one interview both about marriage and the preceding wedding relationship. Catherine and her husband stated the press that they want a joint child to be born in a legitimate marriage, and this was the main reason for the ambulance.

Also, the lovers told that by the time of the wedding, the Roman Star lasted for two years. TV presenter and the actor began romantic relationships on the set of teleconcurs of "Voice. Children". Also, the spouses stated that they decided on such a detailed conversation about personal life only because of the birth of a child. In the future, the spouses do not plan to tell the press on family matters.

TV presenter Katya Saddy

On February 18 of the same year, the newlyweds were born Son Ivan. The difference in the age of two children a journalist turned out to be impressive - 14 years. The name of the newborn parents opened the press only two weeks after birth. And the first photographs of the child, parents shared in their own "instagram" -Acuts, when the son turned four months.

The birth of a son, as the first time, did not prevent Catherine to return to work, so soon after the news about the replenishment in the family the TV journalist again appeared in the transfer of "secular life". But this time the television format has changed. Catherine is occupy periodically occupied with the child, so in the work on the transfer of the journalist it took assistance. Sadden acquired reporters among Ukrainian celebrities. For example, the role of reporters tried Olga Polyakov's own singer's strengths and Nadezhda Dorofeyev, a soloist of the popular musical team "Time and Glass".

Katya Saddy

And at the end of 2017, the fans of Kati Sidsee suspected that the TV presenter is pregnant again. The journalist posted a photo on which the unbuttoned jacket created the illusion that Ekaterina again rounded the belly. Fans began to desire a woman hints about the replenishment in the family and say other warm words, but the TV presenter itself did not comment on these rumors.


  • 2005 - "Square Chronicle"
  • 2007 - "Silent Life"
  • 2009 - "Dance for you"
  • 2012 - "Voice of the country"
  • 2012 - "Voice. Children"

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