Santa Dimopoulos - biography, personal life, photo, news, singer, ex-participant "VIA GRA", Husbands, children 2021



Santa Dimopulos - a talented Ukrainian singer, having managed to win a large army of fans. The performer pleases the fans with bright romantic compositions and exciting performances. In addition to the music scene, a vocalist managed to become a member of various shows.

Childhood and youth

Santa Yanisovna Dimopulos (this name of the singer) was born in May 1987 in Kiev. In her veins, Ukrainian (from Mother Ludmila Ivanovna), Greek and Assyrian (from the Father, Janis Dimopulos) were mixed. Hence the exotic name, and catchy appearance. Parents divorced early, but the man continued to participate in the upbringing of the girl. In 2004, Santa survived a personal loss - the cause of the death of Janis Dimopoulos was an oncological disease.

The girl from an early age showed amazing plastic and danced perfectly. In this regard, Santa began to visit the choreographic school and managed to achieve the title of "Master of Sports" on this field.

The ideal parameters and bright model appearance of Santa did not slip away from the attention of model agencies. In the youth, Dimopoulos signed a contract with the capital Agency "Karin". In 2006, a 19-year-old girl participated in the Miss Ukraine Universe project, which ranked 3rd.

In 2011, when Santa was 24 years old, the girl managed to conquer the championship title on fitness and bodybuilding. This event occurred in Bangkok, where the World Championship was held. The girl was awarded the 1st place in the category "Female Model Body".

Photoshoot Dimopulos often placed glossy magazines. In 2014, by that time, the popular actress had already become an invitation from Maxim's publication. For publication, the brunette starred in a frank photo shoot and gave a detailed interview. At the same time, Santa did not abandon education. In 2011, at the insistence of the mother received a diploma of Kiev University and a specialty lawyer.


In addition to excellent plastics, the girl had in stock and good vocal data. The first stage of the singing biography Dimopulos began with participation in the minor-known Ukrainian group, which was called the "Seventh Heaven". With the participants of the music team Santa appeared in the clips for the hits "On Love" and Stranger. But soon Dimopulos left the team.

The second step is the popular teleproject "Star Factory". Kiev woman fell into the 3rd season of the Ukrainian show in 2009. Here, Konstantin Meladze, who performed the duties of the project, drew attention to the bright performer. The seriousness of the project attached presence in the jury of influential persons - the producer of "Russian Radio" in Ukraine Sergey Kuzina, Choreographer Dmitry Kolladenko, teleproducer Valentina Koval, producer of the new Canal Irina Lysenko.

On TV show Dimopulos lasted for a long time and left long before the final. Recalling Sante Konstantin Meladze had to be in December 2011, when Nadezhda Granovskaya (Meikher) left from VIA GRA. Kiev woman replaced the resulting soloist team. Together with Santa, the team appeared another member of the "Star Factory 3", the finalist of the competition Eva Bushmina, and Albina Dzhanabayev. As part of the trio, the girl went to touring tour, participated in photo shoots.

But in October next year, Dimopoulos left "VIA GRU". As part of the team, the performer managed to sing only one hit under the name "Hello, Mom!". On this composition, director Alan Badoev removed the memorable clip remembered.

Another song that appeared in the repertoire of the singer during this period is the duet of I Don't Know Why, filled with Vasily Bondarchuk. In 2012, Santa released the video to the hit "In joy and in sadness", where the staff appeared, on which the singer appeared together with Vladimir Samsonenko.

Santa Dimopoulos announced plans to start the solo career. Indeed, in the spring of 2013, the artist presented a debut song called When Whe Move. The record of the next musical composition did not make himself wait - the track "Run" soon appeared.

In the same year, it became known that the singer would take part in the new show Konstantin Meladze "I want in VIA GRU." Previously, the producer declared the termination of the popular team and the decision to create a draft of a new format. During the competitive program for the right to enter the new team, talented participants competed.

The leaders of the program were Vera Brezhnev and Vladimir Zelensky, and Santa, together with other ex-singers, Alaina Vinnitsa, Anna Sedokovoy and others - spoke as part of the jury. The program did not cost without scandals - Dimopoulos eventually came out of the project, refusing to oversee the participating trio. The performer explained his decision by the fact that she did not believe in the "truthfulness" of the show and that her wards had a chance to win. Eric Herceg, Misha Romanova, Julia Lauta and other artists came to the final.

In the same year, the vocalist tried herself as the organizer of the brand boutique Gold Vintag, which opened with the colleague Julia Kovaleva. Soon it became known that the ex-participant "VIA GRA" was seriously thinking about the acting career. In addition to participating in the shooting of Commercials "UkrSibbank", Drink Energo Brand "Biola", Dimopulos decided to receive profile acting education. In 2014, Santa reported on the successful end of the New York Film Academy.

In November 2016, the actress has rebooted the singing career. Together with the ex-soloists "VIA Gra", Olga Romanovskaya and Tatiana, a girl became a soloist of a new musical group organized by Producer Sergey Kovalev.

The team received a loud name Queens. Soon there was a release of the first single of girls - "Why," which immediately came to the concert program of awards ceremony of the Golden Gramophone and in the rotation of the leading radio channels of Ukraine and Russia. In this composition, the Group lasted long, already in April 2017, the girls changed the successors. Further, the artist continued to solo karter and already in 2018 released the romantic song "Touch". By 2020, 4 mini-album was included in the discography of singers.

Personal life

Much more attention is attracted not a career, but a personal life of Dimopoulos. Beauty regularly "throws a twig" in this non-dayable fire. The first husband of the dark singer was the Ukrainian showman and TV presenter Andrei Dzhadzhula. This couple was considered one of the most beautiful in the show business of the country. Spouses in October 2008 born the son of Daniel. As the singer noted, she dreamed of his son with the same name from ornamental years. But soon the marriage gave the crack. Santa and Andrei diverged with scandals and mutual accusations in which the fans became one, then on the other side.

In the autumn of 2012, it became known that Dimopoulos arranged a personal life with Kiev businessman Vladimir Samsonenko. The rumor was that the marriage ceremony took place in the luxurious old castle in Italy. Snapshots from the celebration for a long time considered and commented on everyone. But next year, Santa surprised the statement that the wedding with Samsonenko was unreal.

In 2013, the publication was sent to the headlines reporting that the singer destroyed the marriage of the ex-participating in VIA GRON, Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky. In an interview with Dimopulos reported that there was a friend of a couple, was not going to break a family. About the photo on which Paparazzi managed to capture Grekunkka and Max, the performer said that the pictures were made after the divorce of the saddle with his spouse.

In the summer of the same year, new rumors appeared in the press - this time about Santa's novel with a popular singer Sergey Lazarev. Previously, the artist starred in the clip of the artist on the song "Tears in my heart". Later, young people appeared together on the MUZ-TV premium. Fans noted that they resembled a couple of lovers: went to the embrace and exchanged kisses. However, the relationship did not receive the development, being most likely advertising. And in August, it became known that the brunette was among the guests of the Grand Celebration - the 30th anniversary of Raper Timati, held in Monaco.

Autumn 2015 again brought fresh news about Santa. As it turned out, the girl married the watery Kiev entrepreneur Igor Kucherenko, the owner of the network of sports clubs and co-owner of a large construction company. About Kucherenko also talked about gold mining. The difference between the spouses amounted to 18 years. In the summer of 2019, journalists became aware of the pregnancy of the artist. In September, the performer gave her husband to his daughter Sofia.

The singer maintains physical form at the same level. When height 173 cm, Santa weight does not exceed 52 kg, and the parameters of the figure (89-60-90) are as close as possible to ideal. But the desire to look better did not have a beauty. Over time, Santa was fascinated by the plastic lips, which can be judged by the photo from the instagram account of the singer. Now the performer regularly makes hyaluronic acid injections.

At the end of January 2018, Dimopoulos held the baptized holidays in Miami in the company Philip Kirkorov and his children, as reported from his own page in "Instagram". The artists have already communicated earlier - in 2009, Philip Kirkorov, Santa and Tatyana Vorzheva performed hit "Just give" at the concert of the "Star Factory". Free from the shooting time performer is trying to spend with children.

Santa Dimopulos now

In the 2020th singer took part in the Ukrainian show "Dancing with the Stars". Her partner was Maxim Leonov. The couple became the winner of the project, fulfilling a sensual rumb in the final program. True, at the last moment Santa gave his cup to another participant - Yulia Sanina, which with a partner Dmitry Zhukov took second place.


  • "Hello, Mom!"
  • "Touch"
  • "In joy and in sadness"
  • "Running"
  • "All OK"
  • "What for"

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