Julia Mikhalchik - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Songs 2021



Julia Mikhalchik - singer, composer, the author of the songs, whose career has received its development after participating in a major musical reality show. A talented actress with a strong voice caused admiration not only among composers and producers, but also loved listeners. Today, Julia fruitfully cooperates with famous authors and continues to create new hits.

Childhood and youth

Yulia Mikhalchik was born on February 2, 1985 in the town of Slant of the Leningrad Region. The parents of Jeanne and Sergey recall that the music was involved in a daughter from an early age. Seeing the ability of the child, she was given to a music school in the piano class. At 6, Yulya debuted on stage with a funny song "Kis-Kis-Myua".

In 1995, Julia and Mom came to St. Petersburg, where the girl first made a serious festival "Samantha". After that, Mikhalchik outside the competition took into the Choir of the fifth canal of St. Petersburg. For several years, Julia spoke with the team in contests and festivals, in 1999 received the Grand Prix of the International Festival "Corporate Voices". Then there were other contests and victories.

In 2002, Julia graduated from school, received a silver medal and entered the Humanitarian University in St. Petersburg at the PR faculty. At the same time, began to cooperate with the Korone group of producer Sergei Koka. With the team, Julia recorded a number of compositions, including the "night blues", "Blue Eyes", "This is not love."

In Yulia, Mikhalchik could not combine rehearsals, the work of the TV host program "Youth TV channel" on TNT and study at the university: from the university, the girl was expelled after the 1st course for skipping. Julia was not upset because she went to the dream. Later, the girl resumed his studies for the same specialty, but already in the RGGU.


In 2003, the South Night Festival took place in Moscow, which came Mikhalchik on the semifinals. The girl's speech was noticed by Alexander Shulgin and offered the singer to participate in a large-scale television show of the first channel, which played an important role in the creative biography of the singer.

In September 2003, Julia Mikhalchik came to the project "Star Factory - 3", which became a start for the girl's solo career. During the factory, Mikhalchik recorded the composition "Bird", which became the first hit vocalist and for a long time was considered its business card. The artist took on the project 3rd place by giving the first two Nikita Malinin and Alexander Kireyev.

In 2004, the cooperation of Julia with the Production Center Victor Drobysh began. Soon the song Mikhalchik "White Swan" has already sounded on the air of Russian radio stations, and in a year video came out. At the same time, the premiere of the first video of Yuli "with ice" took place.

The singer made his debut in the Kremlin Palace with two numbers as part of the Al Bano and Lady Concert Program. Then a speech was followed at the concerts of the "melodies and rhythms of foreign pop in Russian - 2", where the artist performed in a duet with Ricardo's fouls "forget-me-not,". The year ended with the solemn sense of Yulia Mikhalchik of the People's Prize "Golden Gramophone".

In parallel, Mihalchik worked on the recording of the 1st album "If Winter comes," which was released in 2006 under the leadership of Victor Drobysh and Sergey Kokta. Music and text to many songs Julia wrote herself.

The first album followed the second - "braids." A year after his release, the singer decided to participate in the selection for Eurovision 2008, reached the final with the English-speaking version of the Hit "cold fingers" - Cold Fingers, but in the national selection, then Dima Bilan won.

Later, the singer's acquaintance with the composer Evgeny Kryolov, who gave her a song "Save and Save" and a number of other musical compositions.

In the fall of 2011, the album Retropes was released, over which the singer worked since 2008. And in December of the same year, the premiere of the song "Mother River" took place, which became a soundtrack for the film "The heart is not a stone". A year later, a video appeared on this hit. In 2013, Julia Mikhalchik recorded 10 songs from the Valentine's repertoire Tolkunova for the film about the fate of the singer "she could not otherwise .." director Alexander Efremova.

At the closing ceremony of the International Competition of Young Artists "New Wave - 2019" in Sochi, the singer presented a new song "Again and again." European composers and producers worked on the single, poems wrote Mikhail Gutseriev.

Personal life

At the "Star Factory", Yulia Mikhalchik had an affair with Alexander Schulgin. The tutorial did not embarrass the 20-year-old difference, the presence of children in the previous marriage, the scandalous divorce of the producer with the singer Valeria.

The girl was sure that the personal life was happy. But these dreams were not realized: the couple broke up. Heavy gap influenced Yulia's health: Doctors put her diagnosis - anorexia. Helped to get out of the crisis parents. Today, with a height of 164 cm, the weight of the artist reaches 55 kg.

From that moment on, Mikhalchik decided that he would not put personal on the universal review. She carefully hides the chosen. But in the media at the same time rumors about the novel of Julia with Evgeny Anegine appeared, with which the singer associated creative obligations.

In 2012, journalists learned that the singer married. Spouse Vladimir Goev, who is 2 years older than Her, has no relation to the work and scene, is engaged in business. In March 2013, Julia gave her husband to Alexander's son. Unfortunately, the first pregnancy of the star ended with miscarriage on a rather large period.

After 4 years in the media, information about the parting of Julia with Vladimir appeared. A man against the background of professional difficulties began to move away from his wife, who resumed his career after a month after the birth of the Son. In addition, Julia had evidence to change it. At the initiative of the artist of spouses, officially divorced in the Ostankin district court of Moscow on March 3, 2016. Sasha stayed with his mother.

In the autumn, the artist was the Guest of the Transmission of Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man", where he told about his novel with producer Alexander Schulgin and opened the curtain of secrecy over other facts of his personal and creative life. Photo from the Studio of the channel "Russia-1" Mikhalchik laid out in "Instagram".

Now the artist declares that there is a place in her life only for the son and parents. Julia does not lose hope to meet a man who will "answer for his words", and is very afraid to be mistaken once again.

Julia Mikhalchik now

Fans are increasingly falling by idols with questions about new tracks and albums. The actress remains in a certain creative vacation - everything is less common on the stage and is practically not engaged in studio activities. Sometimes Michalchik gives charitable concerts to help children's funds.

In 2021, rumors appeared in the network that Julia plans to go to the monastery after her son will grow up. The lack of new hits is not the last reason, due to which fans of creativity of the finalist of the "Star Factory" express similar thoughts.


  • 2003 - "Songs from the project" Star Factory - 3 ""
  • 2005 - "If Winter comes"
  • 2007 - "Spit"
  • 2010 - "Retrohites"

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