Ilona Armored - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Films 2021



Ilona Armored - famous singer, actress and TV presenter. At one time, the artist became the winner of the All-Union Vocal Competition in Yalta, where he received the first recognition. The glory of the armored vehicle brought the activities of the TV presenter. Today, she is known as a kindergarten and a public figure who helps not only the brothers to our smaller, but also people who need emergency treatment.

Childhood and youth

Ilona was born under the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius in mid-February 1961 in the family of creative people. Mom is a popular Soviet singer of the Polish origin of Edita Pieha.

Father Alexander Bronjvitsky is a composer and a conductor, founding the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Friendship", which became incredibly popular in the USSR. Among the ancestors of Ilona many representatives of various nationalities. These are the Poles, Latvians, and Germans, and Belarusians.

As a child, Ilona's parents saw not often, since his father and mother were constantly on tour. Grandma Erica Karlovna was engaged in education. As a schoolgirl, Ilona hid from classmates and teachers what her mother is a star.

Bronzhetsky wanted to be treated as an independent person, and not as an artist daughter. The daughter did not even let Piefa on the graduation ball. Ilona still appeals to the mother by name - just Edita.

Having received a certificate of maturity, Ilona went to study at the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. Bronzhetsky chose a resistra specialization, but also studied dramatic art. After graduating from the university, a beginner singer consisted in the Music Theater "Buff", and then since 1986, over the course of two years, played in the mother's team.

Personal life

Like Mother Edita Pieha, Ilona Bronvoyitskaya tried three times to arrange a personal life. Each of the spouses of the singer was directly related to music.

At the first husband, the Lithuanian jazz musician of Petras, Gorulis, the girl fell in love with another age. The chosen was 10 years older than Ilona, ​​conquered her with his charm and charm.

Armored person skipped for a long time, but, having married, he soon realized that he had invented a man who was actually no. The man sat down at home at home with friends, despite the pregnancy of the spouse. Such a husband's behavior was not satisfied with a young girl. She filed for divorce.

This short union gave life to the firstborn, son Stanislav. The boy of the first years was the name of the Father, but then at the insistence of her grandmother's birth certificate was redone, and his beloved grandson became Stas Piey.

In addition to music, since childhood, Stas was fond of hairdresser and even made a haircut mom. He graduated from the Choir School of Leningrad Capella named after Glinka and Spanish school in the specialty "Stylist Hairdresser".

A terrible test for Ilona and her family has become the narcotic dependence of the Son. In early youth, the guy began to use forbidden funds, which was not suspected of his mom and grandmother. Natives tried at the moment when he was on the verge of death.

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In his interview, Ilona explains: at that time she did not understand that it was impossible to quit this destructive habit. Only the common efforts of Stas managed to put it in the hospital, and then start a long restoration by occupation with a psychologist.

With the second spouse, pianist and composer Yuri Fastrov, Ilona met the case of the actress "Buff" theater, which a man led. He attracted the attention of the girl with his talent. Earlier, Yuri graduated from choir school, as in his time and father Ilona, ​​studied at the conservatory.

Together, the couple successfully toured in the country, speaking by a duet. Eric's daughter was born in this marriage, the only one of the descendants of Odita Piekhi, who abandoned the scenic career. When the girl grew up, he became an architect and an interior designer.

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With the last husband, Evgeny Timoshenkov, Armorovitsky began to meet in the 90s. The young man worked as a keyboard player Svetlana Lazareva and conquered Ilon in that he perfectly revealed with the children of the singer. Despite the fact that Eugene always looked like a boys, the difference in the age between him and Ilona was small - just a year and a half. The family moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The marriage existed for 25 years, after which the spouses decided to part.

Ilona is an animal lover. The artist in the house at different times the dog of the breed of Levretka and even the Vietnamese hanging pig nicknamed Pumba. In addition, Ilona Aleksandrovna carries out major support for nursery for homeless animals.

Today Ilona Armored - happy mom and grandmother. She raises two grandchildren. In the family of her daughter in 2013, the granddaughter of Vasilisa appeared on the world, and a year later, Stas became the father of the boy Peter.


In 1988, Ilona Bronvoyitskaya successfully performs at the All-Union Competition of the Artists of Yalta-88, which receives one of the main awards. After that, the girl is solved on the solo career. True, the first in life, an independent concert of the armored car, which took place in the city of Irkutsk, has come only ... 7 people. But it was the very first pancake, which is obliged to go com.

Gradually, the singer was gaining popularity. Based on the songs "Far", "Our Love Radio" and "Cute Piero" Singer in 1995 recorded a debut studio album "Dancing for breakfast". A year later, the new disk "What do you want, customers?" The compositions in this work were humoring, so the record was not met with delight. Even the title of "Children's Singer" even was entrusted for Ilona, ​​which the artist decided to perceive as a compliment.

Only a decade after a decade, the armored vehicle released the third album, whose name is consonant with the debut - "Songs for breakfast." It sounds like solo compositions, and songs that Ilona perform with Mom Edita Pieche and the son of Stas Piehe.

The actress repertoire includes the compositions "Let's not talk about love", "Cinema", "Childhood Last Call". Also popular became the song "Family Album", which did not fall on the planing of Ilona Armored.

Television and films

After success at the Yalta-88 vocal festival, Ilona Bronvoyitskaya began to build a musical career. But soon in the creative biography of the artist began a new page. Ilona offered to try themselves in the new role of the TV presenter. The decision was influenced by the fact that, first of all, the entertainment program "Shiry Circle" was already popular with the audience, besides the two famous singer Vyacheslav Maja Mikhail Muromov turned out to be the colleagues in this show.

Later, armored vehicles appeared in an even more popular music program - Sunday program "Morning Mail", which Yuri Nikolayev had previously led, and now the face of the program was Ilona Armoredia, along with Svetlana Lazareva singer. Also on the account of the soloist's own project "House", which was broadcast on the radio station "Russian Radio".

In addition to music and television, the girl still visited the student on the set. In 1981, Ilona starred in the role of student Herki Fradkin in the comedy historical children's film "Our vocation" of schoolchildren of the 20s of the 20th century. At the same site, Ilona was lucky to work with Pavel Kadochikov, Elena Shanina, Valentina Telikna, Valery Zolotukhin, Savvina.

Five years later, the same role was recreated in the continuation of this painting "I am the countertime of the outpost." In the film, we were talking about the same schoolchildren, only in the conditions of Pioneerlage. In Kinocartina Ilona Armorovitskaya starred, being a pregnant second child. According to the actress, on the screen it appeared "with five kilograms of Erika in his stomach."

Also, the artist, together with Igor Kornelyuk and other Soviet pop artists, was filmed in the musical picture "Kud-Kud-Where?! ..", where he played the main character.

In 2010, the artist participated in documentary tape Mikhail Shirvindt about the vigi to other countries of the Travel. After 3 years, armored vehicles became the guest of the Telf Study of Yulia Little in the program "Alone with all".

Social activities and business

Ilona Bronvoyitskaya occupies an active civil position. In 2016, in the elections to the State Duma, the artist was represented by the party "United Russia". Ilona Alexandrovna participated in primariza, which was reported from the pages of the official site.

The artist put forward a candidate to deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma in the Lytkarinsky single-mandate electoral district. The social life of Ilona Armorvitskaya also covers in his own "instagram", where family and working photos are placed.

Help in any of her form was interested in Ilona from youth. Bronzhetsky regularly participated in charitable promotions, later the community attracted the tasks of the regional scale. Ilona Bronvoyitskaya also involved in the work of the Public Council at the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, the artist is engaged in explanatory work with the parents of adolescents, who collided with the problem of drugs.

Now the main cause of life for the singer was the protection of homeless animals. The artist organized Ano "Center for homeless animals", for which he scored the team from six people. The company is engaged in catching, vaccination and sterilization of homeless dogs and works on state procas.

In addition to the business, Ilona Bronjvitskaya holds the position of adviser to the governor of the Moscow region on a public basis on the humane regulation of the number of non-post-free pets, which allows the artist to oversee charitable organizations, shelters for dogs operating in the territory of the Moscow region.

The public is not essential fate and other animals. In 2016, the artist participated in redemption of 13 cows from the liquidating dairy farm. All animals were to die on the slaughterhouse, but thanks to the help of Sergei Lazarev, Nikolai Baskov, Singers Valeria managed to take out saved cows. It was later decided that milk, cheese and oil obtained from burenoks, artists will hand out in need of retirees.

Ilona Bronvoyitskaya now

Now Ilona Bronvutsky dedicates all his time social activities. The singer also appears on television. In March 2020, she visited the studio Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man", where he told about his family and work.

The kindergarten visited the Yakut Point of Overseas Animals, which appeared in the news as a place of ill-treatment of animals. Ilona did not find traces of atrocities in PPBJ. She gave the head of the organization several councils for catching and the content of dogs and was convinced of the proper state of the material and technical base.


  • 1995 - "Dancing for breakfast"
  • 1996 - "What do you want, customers?"
  • 2005 - "Songs for breakfast"

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