Elena Golunova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Battle of Psychics 2021



Elena Golunova is positioning himself as a Siberian sorcerer, clairvoyant and even necromancer. And her son Vlad Kadoni, known to fans of the "House-2" show, called the mother of the most dangerous witch in Siberia.

Childhood and youth

Elena Valerievna was born in Novosibirsk in April 1968. As she claims, in childhood she began to manifest extrasensory abilities. A little witch could communicate with the dead, preferring this "Communication" relationship with live people.

Parents of the fortune tellers divorced when she was a child. To avoid choosing, with whom of the 2 most expensive people to stay, daughter decided to live with her grandmother. That "oddities" granddaughter understood immediately and was not surprised.

According to Galunova, grandmother was a sorcerer. She passed the granddaughter's ability, which passed only on the female line.

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When a young witch was 17, her suffered a terrible blow. Not the only native man is grandmother. Parents about the daughter have long forgotten, each of them has a new family, in which she was not there.

The girl met an adult 35-year-old man who was industrial with a racket. Elena Valerevna became pregnant and gave birth to a boy (the most Vlad Kadoni, more precisely, Viktor Golunova). But soon after the birth of a child, his father was killed. The young mother-single had to survive heavy times, including human conviction.

Elena Valerievna turned out to be stronger circumstances. She managed to get an education - learned to an accountant, worked for some time in a specialty. But soon the witchcraft turned into a major profession. The glory of the sorcerer and the necromancer Galunova, to which the queues of those who wanted to receive the answers of interest or somehow solve their problems, spread around the city and beyond.

Personal life

The audience "Battle of Psychics" with great curiosity followed their favorites. No wonder that personal life of Galunovoy them was acutely interested. As it turned out, this life was very good. Shortly after the death of the father of Vlad, Elena Valeryevna married and gave birth to 2 children - the sons of Dmitry and Lion. Dmitry Golunov's husband had nothing to do with witchcraft and did not understand anything in the magical rituals of his wife. He has a small car business.

After participating in the TV show on the black sorcerer, real fame collapsed. Therefore, today a black witch lives between two cities - Novosibirsk and Moscow, where customers are waiting for it.

In June 2019, extrasensus in the 3rd time married. It does not hide my personal life - the photo of her family and children can be seen in the microblog, but it is known about her new spouse that his name is Oleg.

In November 2020, Golunov at the age of 52 gave birth to a daughter - this news she shared with subscribers on her page in "Instagram". Psychic hid that pregnant. However, it did not compile difficulties - from the spring, a hereditary witch was on self-insulation due to coronavirus and left the house only for products.


Elena Valerievna, as psychic claims, sees life in all dimensions. The supernatural gift manifested itself in her childhood. Then the girl saw a stranger woman in the room. Parents passed through this woman through, did not see her and at first did not believe her daughters. Then a little witch learned also to hear spirits.

As a child, the ability of the Galunova was rather modest: the girl guess who would go to the room, a few seconds before, and determined the time, despite the clock. But the abilities developed.

Interest in black magic, which became a specialization of the hereditary sorcerer, woke up only by 30 years. Elena Valerievna began to regularly hear the voices of the dead. With the help of his own gift, Golunov began to help people and even advise law enforcement agencies in search of missing or dead.

As conductors of their own mystical forces, the extrasens uses gold jewelry, which plays the role of a black handkerchief mask and a dagger, which the necromance is powered by blood for communication with the dead.

Today, the famous Witch works and helps the suffering. Golunova does not promise inflamed miracles, but guarantees help in difficult situations. On the main page of the site, the cost of reception is not specified, but it is separately noted that the Siberian sorceress does not work remotely, and such services offer only fraudsters. Also, psychics warns customers that even talented healers do not treat cancer of the last stage, and suggests not to spend the remaining time.

The necromancer leads the official website where, in addition to contacts and information about the Galunovoy, is also invited to buy amulets and charms. On the psych of the extrasens you can buy 4 standard types of faces: protection against enemies, health protection, to improve personal life and to improve income. And it is also possible to order an individual amulet.

In addition, the website of Elena Valeryevna posted a link to the official website of Vlad Kadoni.

The fight of extrasensories

For a long time, the creators of the TV show "Battle of Psychics" were kept Golunov to become a member of the project. Helped to persuade mother Son, who took part in the 2 previous seasons of the program.

The biography of Nekromanta has been enriched with a new chapter after this woman with a gloomy look appeared on the screens to the millionth army of lovers of the "Battle of Psychics". Siberian sorcerer got into the 13th season, which was broadcast in 2012.

The audience were somewhat shocked by the fact that Golunov ranked herself for black witches and openly announced the commitment of necromancy. She wore with them "dead water", arguing that this liquid has healing properties, and cemetery land. Even in a larger shock, the audience was attracted when they learned about bloody rituals and sacrifices to which the extrasens resorted. In the urgent magical attributes, which added her strength, the sorceress believed gold and sharp dagger. A favorite place where she drenched energy, Elena Valeryevna called a cemetery.

When a competition was held for the search for shares of MMM at the bottom of the reservoir, the witch greatly damaged the vessels. She stated that in this way "attracts his assistant to the man of the lake in the lake." Despite the considerable skepticism of the film crew and the boat prettyly pleaded with blood, the Galunova coped with this difficult test.

But not all tasks extrasensus performed successfully. For example, the mystery of Dyatlov's passage was never revealed. In particular, according to the Galunovoy, on the dead young people influenced the otherworldly.

Elena Valeryevna believed the main contender to win. However, the gloomy train, stretching for the "hazardous Siberian Witch," scared the audience from her. TV viewers preferred "lighter" Dmitry Volkhov. But then, unexpectedly, the winner of the 9th season of the television show Natalia Banteaeva appeared on the scene. The colleague said he believes Golunov the strongest and therefore gives her a prize - "the hand of fate."

In December 2017, Elena Valerievna appeared again in the "Battle of Psychic" show, but already as a guest, whose fate should read the contestants. Konstantin Gezaty's match told TV viewers about the details of the Witch's life in youth. The medium saw in the past the necromancer of a kind of man who tragically died. At the same time, Gentsy called and the cause of death: This man died from a bullet in his heart. But the main shocking viewers the detail was the fact that Golunov blamed himself in his death and believes that the prophecy has become blamed everything.

The Siberian Witch confirmed all the words of the contestant. Elena Valerievna said that it is obviously about the death of the 1st spouse of the Galunova, with which she still cannot accept. A week before the death of the sorcerer husband gave him a Soviet icon "Tag shooter" and now sees a naked curse in this.

In 2018, Golunov became a member of another project about people with extrasensory abilities - "Psychics are investigating. The battle of the strongest. " In the 1st season of the show, together with the hereditary witch, Alexander Sheps, Lilia Khgai, Alexander Litvin entered the team of the strongest mediums.

Interview with clairvoyant can be seen on the Yutiub-Channel dedicated to the "Battle of Psychics".

Elena Golunova now

In March 2020, the premiere of the 1st book from the trilogy of the finalist of the 13th "Battle of Psychic" was held. In the "Death Dara (Beginning)" Elena Valerevna talks about the peculiarities of magic and its use in real life

Clairvoyant gave a variety of predictions for 2020. And at least Golunov did not foresee the epidemic and quarantine, she is sure that there will be a breakthrough in medicine, and the crisis in the global economy will go to the decline by the end of the year.

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