Natalia Shkuleva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Andrei Malakhova 2021



Natalia Shkuleva is the Russian publisher of MARIE CLAIRE magazines, Elle and "home. Interiors plus ideas. " Its professional biography is primarily connected with the publishing business, but the public in recent years speaks of it primarily in connection with marriage. Since 2011, Schuchev has been a spouse of the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Shkuleva was born on May 31, 1980, under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini. This event occurred in Moscow in a family, which is directly related to media. Victor Shkulev, Father Natalia, is engaged in work as president of Hearst Shkulev Publishing and General Director of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

Tamara Shuchev, mother, together with her husband, has been working in the "IntermediaGrup" holding, is engaged in public relations and recruitment of personnel for the company.

Since Natalia's parents are highly educated, they have learned a daughter from an early age to study - the main thing in life. By graduation, School, Schuchev had a serious luggage of knowledge, which could easily enroll in the Faculty of International Law in MGIMO, the prestigious university of the country.

One diploma Natalia was not limited to and continued to education outside of Russia. In the youth, Shkulev additionally graduated from a special business course with the International Federation of Prints in London.

Personal life

In the personal life of Natalia Shkuleva, too, everything has developed successfully. In 2011, the girl officially married his chosen one - the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, whom the TV viewers know about the talk show "Let them talk."

Natalia and Andrei met at work, as a man, in addition to television, collaborated with Starhit magazine, which is part of Holding Viktor Shkulev. Lovers for about a year lived in civil marriage, after which we looked at the relationship. The footage took place in the Versailles Palace. At the request of the family and the newlyweds themselves, the solemn ceremony was carefully hidden from unauthorized persons.

Before making their bride, the proposal, Malakhov introduced the elect with Lyudmila Nikolaevna, his mother, who before that did not approve of the Son's previous elect. But Natalia came to her soul. Yes, and the TV presenter himself says that he does not represent another woman next to him, because the spouse does not even consider the opportunity to become a housewife and limit life only to the care of his family.

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Despite the rapidly developing novel, Malakhov and Shkuleva did not even think even at least for the day to throw their career. Each of them lives his rich professional life. Malakhov's wife is no less successful in his work than her husband, so they not only love, but also appreciate and respect each other.

The lack of children from a couple more than once was discussed in the press. The audience constantly spread rumors that Natalia is pregnant.

In 2016, allegedly Andrei Malakhov wrote in the network "Instagram" under one of the photos of the glue, on which a woman posing in a free dress that they expect the appearance of "little happiness." But Natalia made a refutation of these words and stated that the phrase, and the page itself in the social network - Fake.

In 2013, Hello magazine! Turn on Natalia Shkulev in the number of contenders for the title "The most stylish in Russia". In addition to her, in the nomination there were other prominent representatives of the Russian show business. Against the background of candidates of the wife, Andrei Malakhov, it looked worthy, because it has repeatedly appeared in secular events in interesting outfits and prefers to dress in a classic style.

Andrei Malakhov even turned to fans with a request that he had never heard before: the TV presenter asked to support the spouse in the "fashionable battle".

"Support Natasha Shkulevu! Please! " - asked Malachov fans in the Twitter microblogging service.

Not only the problem of the appearance of heirs in the family of a television journalist and the publisher worried about the public. The press repeatedly appeared information about the coming divorce of the pair. Andrei attributed a novel with Nick Belotserkovskaya, and the daughters of media signal - relations with the general director of the Journal Yachts Sergey Rybakov. Later journalist denied all rumors.

In August 2017, the Russian media reported that Natalia Shkuleva was pregnant. This has become one of the most discussed topics in secular circles. After six years of family life, Malakhov's wife was preparing to give a popular TV presenter. Soon, on the Starhit website, Andrei confirmed that at the age of 45 years old will be the father.

"I have a hurry to give good citizens and those who within six years of our marriage attacked my wife with unceremonious questions about the perinatal situation in the family. Yes, we are waiting for the firstborn! " - informed the Russian community TV presenter.

According to the TV presenter, he did not expect the main news on Russian TV his maternity leave. In turn, Natalia Press Publications about his pregnancy did not comment.

On August 10, 2017, a joint photo of Malakhov and a glued together appeared in Instagram. "The girl is waiting for," the network users suggested, considering the photographs of the wife of the Russian TV presenter.

According to some Russian media, in the summer of 2017, Andrei Malakhov and Natalia Shkuleva held a vacation in Sardinia. A man organized a romantic evening for chosen evening with candles. On the Internet there were fresh photos of the hide from the rest, on which family idyll is visible.

The husband surrounded pregnant Natalia care and love, fulfilling every whims of his beloved spouse. For a couple, this child was first, and Malakhov did not hide his joy.

Despite the happy changes in personal life, Natalia does not forget to attend cultural and secular events. In June 2017, the French company Cartier organized a reception at the Arkhangelskoe Museum. At the event, except for Natalia Shkuleva, profits and other prominent celebrities Anita Gigovskaya, Alena Detsetskaya, Peter Aksenov.

The guests of the evening were also presented in the production of People's Artist of Russia Sergey Filina Single Ballet "Vision of Rose". Anastasia Stashkevich and Vyacheslav Lopatin, soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, performed a performance in the walls of the Oval Hall of the Museum-Manor. Guests of the event were satisfied, noting the media representatives in an interview, which are ready to participate in such initiatives again.

On November 15, 2017, Natalya Shkuleva gave birth to Son in the Lapino clinic clinic. Boy weight - 4,020 kg, height - 54 cm. The child was born at 23:30, while the TV presenter was waiting for his appearance in the ward. The boy was called Alexander.

Miniature Natalia (her height - 168 cm, weight - 55 kg) suffered childbirth without complications. After a week, she visited the party on the occasion of the 63th anniversary of the Chief Editor of the "Independent Newspaper" Konstantin Remchekov.

In January 2020, it became known that Natalia was pregnant with a second child. A married couple visited the Koma Movie Prime Minister, where a woman appeared in front of the camera in a spacious outfit hiding the figure. The emergence of the second heir to Andrei Malakhov was expected in the summer of 2020.


Being a student MGIMO, Natalia Shkuleva began working in the specialty. The girl settled a lawyer to the Moscow Publishing House "AFS". Later, she became an executive editor in this company, and began to lead the corporate department in the holding of his father IntermediaGru.

Since 2008, a young woman is directly engaged in publishing. The magazine Departures became the first tabloid that Natalia began to publish. Then there were projects "home. Interiors plus ideas "and female glossy magazines Marie Claire and Elle.

Thus, Natalia Shkuleva supports family publishing business organized by his parents.

Natalia Shkuleva now

Now Shkuleva continues to successfully combine publishing business and family life. Natalia Viktorovna tries to diversify the corporate life of his subordinates. Every year, ELLE edition holds New Year's balls for its employees.

So, on the eve of 2019 evening at the Ruski Restaurant with a panoramic view of the capital from the 85th floor of Moscow City for the Brenda Friends. During the festive evening, jokes and interesting stories sounded, plans for the future were discussed.

In May 2020, the publication of the Starhit publication about the son of Yana Rudkovskaya was the cause of a large conflict. In the article of the journal, whose chief publisher is Natalia Viktorovna, it was suggested that the boy suffers from a rare disease - Asperger's syndrome.

This disorder of the autistic spectrum is practically not studied. But an anonymous specialist is a defectologist, the opinion of which journalists relied on the opinion, managed to diagnose, having studied a few videos with a gnome dwarf.

The information outraged not only the parents of the boy, but also other celebrities - Alexey Yagundy, Tatiana Navka, Maxim Trankova, Alexander Kerzhakova, Philip Kirkorov. Representatives of show business and sports have already spoken up to defend the Son Yevgeny Plushenko.

According to Yana Rudkovskaya, she sent a message to Natalia Shkuleva demanding to delete content from the site. The answer did not follow. In the future, the owners of the publication sent apologies to the famous marital couple, but the article remained on the pages of the Internet media.

Rudkovskaya intends to defend its interests in court. Producer stated that slander should be punished by law. Yana does not deny that many famous people raise children with deviations, and this is perceived today as a norm. She would not hide this fact if the gnome dwarf really was a child with the peculiarities of development.

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