Elena Yasievich - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Battle of psychics" 2021



Elena Yasievich - Belarusian and Russian clairvoyant, winner of the XII season of the popular mystical television project "Battle of psychics". The witch claims that the psychic is already in the fourth generation, and its own abilities are obliged to Prabababushka, who was a witch and handed this gift to Elena by inheritance.

Elena was born in the last month of 1978 in the Belarusian town of Volkovysk. Mom girls worked as an accountant, and dad - a military personnel, so the family had to change the place of residence several times. Lena was five years old when Yasievich moved to live in Buryatia, and then settled in the Murmansk region.

Extrasens Elena Yasievich

Another preschoolcar Elena overturned the saucepan with boiling water, got the most complex burns and was on the verge of life and death for several months. This incident is inclined to be considered an impetus for the development of its own extrasensory abilities, which Elena inherited the female line of the genus. Psychic assures that after that case began to see the aura of people and understand the human soul much stronger than it is characteristic of young children.

Consporates and rituals, the girl learned from the great-grandmother, with whom he lived in the summer months. Already at 10 years old, the girl began to predict death, and in 15 managed to make a spell. The mystical gift of Elena caused a negative response from his native girls. Elena Yasievich recalls that the mother begged the girl to be silent about the supernatural gift, fearing that the daughter would find the crazy and take away from the mother. The witch sees in this problem of modern society, in which fraudsters are considered the norm, and the constant rejection is believed to be believed.

Elena Yasievich

In high school classes, the girl solves consciously experimenting with magic, but not always these attempts led to positive consequences. For example, Elena Yasievich considers himself guilty of the disabilities of his brother Sergei, who had fallen into a car disaster, as a couple of hours before that, his brother was quarreled and his sister, and sister in the hearts said Sergey evil words. After this tragedy, Lena went out of the house, fell into depression, and then even began to take narcotic substances.

At that moment, Yasievich lived in St. Petersburg, and a difficult period of life lasted eight years. Then the woman found the strength to begin to live anew and radically change his own biography. Elena cured drug addiction, received a higher education at the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, becoming an engineer of biomedical electronics, and began to help people. Moreover, if I first, Elena tried to engage in "ordinary" work in the field of equipment sales, then the woman began to apply a congenital gift in the "Personality Center Natalia Banteva".


The main direction of his own mystical activity Elena Yasievich chose Agni-magic. The witch considers fiery witchcraft with one of the most powerful. At the same time, clairvoyant uses candles that are made according to the witch's old grandmother recipes.

Clairvoyant Elena Yasievich

But this is not the only potential of psychics. Elena Yelevich also operates with the past lives of those who applied: reads information about the past and activates the necessary spheres of further success in this reincarnation.

Psychic is constantly learning and self-improvement. Elena was trained by Thai techniques, after that the Witch learned to contactless effects on human energy points. Elena was dedicated and began working with ritual and ritual magic.

Elena Yasievich

However, even such a multifaceted personality has their own tabs and prohibitions. Elena Yasievich does not suit the rites, which cause harm to other people: does not cause damage, does not make love spells. Also, the witch separately notes that it does not give predictions of the future.

Today, learn about the methods of work of psychics and make an appointment can be on the official website of the witch. There are also dozens of useful articles and councils dedicated to mystical issues and self-development issues. In addition, the witch leads both personal consultations and massive seminars.

"The fight of extrasensories"

Later Elena Yasievich began to appear on local television and participate in various gestures of mystical topics. Elena went to the studio as a consultant or the counsel. And when the girlfriend of the hereditary witch, Natalia Banteaeva won the 9th season of the show "Battle of psychics", the woman began to persuade and Elena did not avoid this popular esoteric project.

After some time, Yasievich decided to risk and went to casting. And it should be noted that in the 12th season Elena Yasievich, literally from the first tests, became the main contender for victory as in the opinion of experts, and according to the audience. A young woman identified the main purpose of participating in the "battle of psychics" a demonstration of the fact that a person himself can change his own destiny for the better.

Elena Yasievich confidently reached the final and, having gained over 50% of the votes of the viewers, was named the winner of the 12th season of the TV show "Battle of Psychics".

Personal life

Elena Yasievich was never married officially, but for a long time consisted in close relations with a man named Alexander. From this, it can be said, the actual marriage among the clairvoyant is the daughter of Anastasia 2005 born.

Elena Yasievich with his daughter

Today, psychics does not seek novels with men and fully focused on the upbringing of daughter, as well as help people who need the hereditary gift of the witch. By the way, according to Elena, Nastya already shows the first signs that the mystical talent did not bypassed the girl side.

Elena Yasievich now

In 2017, Elena Yasievich began talking about speedy and sharp changes in his own life. Woman made a short haircut. The photo with the new way the witch shared on social networks, and also reminded fans that a short haircut is a step towards changing fate. But nothing foreshadowed that the changes are coming in the personal life of clairvoyant.

Moreover, the surprise of fans of clairvoyant, when, in the summer of 2017, Elena Yasievich announced that she was pregnant. The psychic shared the photo taken during the ultrasound photography, on which the future kid is visible, in "Instagram", than dispelled the last doubts of subscribers.

Clairvoyant Elena Yasievich

But it remains unknown whether Elena lives with a civilian husband who became the father of the first child of the witch, and whether the man is a kid dad. The name of the father of the child Elena Yashevich did not name the marriage of the last or coming, did not declare.

The only thing that overshadows the joy of a woman about maternity, is a threat that is clairvoyant receives on the Internet. Unknown Elena man wrote psychic message with a hint of suicide another clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova and offered a woman to do the same.


  • 2011 - "Battle of Psychics"
  • 2013-2018 - "Psychics are investigating"

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