Zulia Rajabova - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Battle of psychics" 2021



Zulia Rajabova - Dagestan Clairvoyant and Healer, Winner of the Second Season "Battle of Psychics", as well as participant in the paranormal show "Psychics are investigating. Today Zulia is also a practicing psychic.

Dagestan Clairvoyant Zulia Radjabov was born on November 30th. But the year of birth is clairvoyant does not report anyone, therefore said 1985 - only approximate to which some fans of sultry beauty are inclined. As Zulekhat explains (the full name of a woman sounds like this), it's not a coquette, but in the desire to protect your own aura from intentional damage to competitors. Zulia knows what he says, because the whole of Rajabov also has a numerologist.

Psychic Zulia Rajabov

Zulia Rajabov grew an impressionable and inquisitive girl. Parents rejoiced daughter's successes at school. When the daughter grew, fond of sports. Especially the unit had to do judo. In this form of Oriental martial arts, the girl reached considerable heights. But dreams of the future were not connected with sports, but with psychology.

Having received a school certificate, Zulia went to Makhachkala. 5 years later, the girl had already become a certified psychologist. But with the specialty Rajabov worked for a long time. An understanding came to the girl that you need to move on. Zulus moved to Moscow and received the second higher education. Now Zulekhat had a specialty "psychotherapist".


A woman guess his own extrasensory abilities for a long time. This gift at the healer is hereditary, Rajabov belongs to the ancient genus of the healers of the Caucasus. Extraceptor abilities were manifested in this family long before the birth of Zulia. Praparadyshka healers predicted the appearance of "driving boxes" and "Iron Birds" - trains and aircraft. Also, Rajabova's ancestors belonged to the prediction that the first USSR president would be surname Gorbachev.

Zulia Rajabova

Zulus argues that in her family there were at least 9 generations of healers and magicians, as there are some documentary evidence. Mystical abilities, according to the Dagestan healer, manifested itself from her at 9 years old.

But the girl was afraid and did not want to develop extrasensory abilities. Subsequently, in an interview, the healer admitted that she did not want to go along the path of the ancestors. Nevertheless, the girl had to change this decision.

Clairvoyant Zulia Rajabov

Zulia began to get blind rapidly. As the girl explained aware people, it caused the rejection of the adoption of a healer dar. Then it was even worse. According to Rajabov, the girl survived 3 clinical deaths. During clinical death, the girl saw unearthly people, and also faced with her old age. So the gift of Zulia appeared to predictions.

Returning "from that light", the girl began to develop a given ability. Healer's health has come to normal. All childhood Zulus treated the suffering and advised family problems. The girl constantly worked and helped others, so the childhood after the 9 years had no Rajabovaya.

Zulia Rajabova

Today, psychics no longer denies his own gift. On the contrary, Zulia sees his mission to help people with extrasensory skills. At the same time, Rajabova, he does not consider himself a witch or psychic, but refers to the genus of gifted and today calls one of the seven dedicated.

To help people, Zulus conducts personal techniques, and also writes books on self-knowledge and psychic. Zulia Rajabova believes that every person can escape and independently if his own sins. And the books of psychics only sends and instructs.

"The fight of extrasensories"

Testing their own abilities and demonstrate the gift to all the Dagestan Clairvoyant decided on the 2nd season of the "Battle of Psychics". So the Biography of Zulia Rajabova enriched himself another bright chapter. Friends and relatives clearly decided not to inform.

Rajabov brilliantly coped with almost all difficult tasks invented by the administrators of the popular project. The psychic with ease guessing objects and people who were hidden behind a tight shirma. In addition, Zulia Rajabov mystically learned the meaning of the task before the organizers told what to do psychons in this issue.

The most difficult to investigate the death of people. Zulus argues that the pain of people who kill, like the moral suffering of their relatives, psychics passes through themselves. And this is incredibly hard. Also, such cases have already been completed, and the psychic assistance is not required there - such tasks are needed only to demonstrate the mystical forces of Zulila TV presenter and viewers. Clairvoyant more liked the tasks, where a woman could have real help: find a child, explain the strange events, find out the past.

Psychic Zulia Rajabov

Zulia Rajabov managed to cope with all the tests best than all and became the winner in the 2nd season of the project. Even a skeptic program - Illusionist Sergey Safronov - acknowledged that Zulia Rajabov has a strong extrasensory talent.

After participating in the rating project, a huge army of fans appeared in a clairvoyant. But competitors, and just unscrupulous people did not miss the opportunity to buy on her behalf. In social networks, fake pages appeared, allegedly owned by the unit. Rajabov warns that he never tries to "warm his hands" on someone else's trouble. She gives any answers to the questions only at a personal meeting, not remotely on the Internet. Extrasens does not lead to a skype or by phone.

At the same time, the extrasens will avoid technology. Zulia Rajabov is leading a popular account in "Instagram", where the clanidentiary is laid out photos of icons, motivating quotes and occasionally own photos. Also, Zulia has an official website where you can find all the necessary coordinates of the Dagestanisanist and Numerologist.

After the end of the "battle of psychics" Zulia Rajabov did not stop appearing on television. In 2012, the extrasensus became a member of the third season of the "Psychics conduct an investigation". The Zhulius Rajabovoy and her colleagues told about the death of a boy from Chapayevsk. Psychics found that the child was killed because of the money and that the man who took the blame in the death of the boy was only an accomplice, and the search for the real perpetrator was hampered by the prosecutor.

Later, clairvoyant appeared in the fifth season of this mystical show.

Personal life

Bright Caucasian beauty has long been married. Personal life Zulia Rajabova is a husband and a 11-year-old son, who claims psychic, was transferred to her abilities. His native woman hides from journalists and all curious eyes away.

Zulia Rajabova

Recently there were rumors that Rajabova divorced her husband. But there is no confirmation. Zulekhat does not comment on this information.

Zulia Rajabova now

In 2017, Zulus became the participant of the special season of the show "Psychics conduct an investigation" - "Psychics are investigating. The battle of the strongest. " This season of the paranormal show united the efforts of 16 psychics, which perfectly demonstrated their abilities in the "Battle of Psychic" seasons. The official prize or the tournament table in the show was not supposed, but also TV presenters, and the audience noticed that this season was a clear competitive character.

The organizers of the show admitted that they went on the audience and arranged a paranormal battle of the winners of various seasons "the battle of psychics". To have already proven their own forces, participants briefly showed themselves, the organizers have prepared special tasks for psychics. Each investigation was transformed into an unofficial duel of the strongest magicians.

Zulia Rajabova was investigated in Tandem with the finalist of the second season "Battle of Psychics" Leonid Konovalov. Clairvoyant investigated the destruction of a young couple in Kursk. After filming Konovalov, said he throws lessons to psychic, as the gift takes a lot of strength and health.

In 2018, Zulia Rajabova continued to be filmed in the new issues of this show.


  • 2006-2007 - "Battle of Psychics"
  • 2012 - 2018 - "Psychics are investigating"
  • 2017 - "Psychics are investigating. The battle of the strongest "

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