Yana Sexte - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Maxim Matveyev, Films, Husband 2021



Yana Sexteke - Latvian and Russian actress Theater and Cinema. She is from those artists who conquer the viewer from the first minutes. And all because Yana loves his work: "I can't not go out on the scene. It is life, cheerful, filled, real. "

Childhood and youth

Yana was born and rose in the Latvian capital Riga. She has two sisters - Catherine and Inna.

The surname Sextela is translated from Latvian as a "rooster scallop", so later Russian colleagues Yana jokingly called her scallop. In school years, the girl showed himself as humanitarian, Yane managed to end with excellent estimates to complete Pushkin Lyceum. Already in high schools, Sexkene thought about the acting career.

At the age of 14, Yana fell into the theater studio at the Riga of the Tyuze, where Andrei Garkavi and Tatyana Cherkovskaya became Her mentors. After receiving the certificate of maturity, she went to Russia, where Oleg Tabakov was gained abroad on the program of assistance to Russian theaters abroad. The choice of master fell on Latvia. The competition to the MCAT Studio School turned out to be great, but Yana managed to convince the talent of the examination commission and from the first attempt to go to theatrical university.

The graduate artist returned to his homeland and spent three years on the stage of the Riga Russian Theater, having received the award in the nomination "Best Young Executive" in 2004. In Latvia, the actress played in the play "Seagull", "Cherry Garden", "Magnificent Cuckark".

Then Jan Sexte returned under the wing of his artistic director and entered the theater studio troupe under the administration of Oleg Tabakov. The repertoire of the actress was replenished with work in the performances "Fathers and Children" on the novel of Ivan Turgenev, "Uncle Vanya" Anton Chekhov, "Senior Son" Alexander Vampilova. In parallel, the girl was involved in the production of the Moscow Art Theater named after A. P. Chekhov "Starlavetsky landowners", "Forty-first. Opus Posth. " For the second performance in 2008, Yana was awarded the Oleg Tabakov Theater Prize. The actress also became the laureate of the Non-State Prize "Triumph", given for achievements in the field of art and literature.


In the cinema Yana Sexteke made his debut when he returned to Moscow for the second time and already in full voice declared itself as a theater actress. Yana appeared in the episode of the detective series "Diamonds for Dessert" and played a small role in the criminal melodraman "Trust Service". In addition, Janu was invited to several performances of performances, the most memorable and popular of which turned out to be a dramatic love statement "Forty-first. Opus Posth. " Also, Sexteh coped with the images in two parts of the lawyard "Heavenly Court" and the picture-novel "Heavenly Wives of Lugovy Marie."

From high-profile work, the actress is distinguished by the Biographical Ribbon "Thaw", where she appeared as a Lucy Women's Women's Film Selfiener, girls of low growth (the growth of the actress itself is 158 cm), but purposeful and severe spirit. The film became a turning point in the creative biography of Jan Sexte, she was remembered and loved by the audience.

Later on the screens, a detective tape "Farewell, Favorite!", In which the actress embodied the image of the wife of the main character, head of the Sat Andrei Trojanova (Alexander Grishin). The next creative victory was the work in the TV series "Wonderworker", in which Yana collaborated with Master of Revelover by Philip Yankovsky, Fedor Bondarchuk and Oksana Fander.

Yana Sexte - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Maxim Matveyev, Films, Husband 2021 19179_1

Soon, the actress filmography was replenished with participation in the Criminal film "City" and in the Comedy "Country of Miracles", where she got the secondary roles of nurses and waitresses.

In 2016, the filming of the full-length drama Valery Todorovsky "Big" was completed, where Sexte appeared in the bright episodic role of the Svetka heroine. The film came to hire a year later and brought the creators of $ 4 million, as well as the Golden Eagle Prize.

No less than bright premiere turned out to show the filmalman "Petersburg. Only for love, "in which Yana Sextee performed the role of Luba in the first part of the" Sna Joseph "directed by Renata Litvinova. Sexte was lit in the detective series "Investigator Tikhonov" on the works of the brothers Weiners and in the social drama "How Vitka Garlic was a pin in the house of disabled".

In 2016, the artist appeared on the transfer "alone with everyone." In an interview with Julia, M. Yana Sextex told about his creative path, the main role in the career, men and family.

Sex is equally successful on theatrical stage and movies. In 2017, she was awarded an independent award of the audience sympathy of the Star of theater for the role of a second plan in the play "Garden of Love". Her filmography was still replenished with significant projects.

In 2018, the artist worked immediately in five projects, among which the melodrama "heart of the world" and the drama "choir". Yana Sextex was shot in the director of the director Alena Zvankova "Universe particles", where he plays with Alexey Makarov, Sergey Pustpalyas, Vladimir Jaglyz, Victoria Isakova. The film tells the audience about the selfless work of people involved in the development of space, among which scientists, military, workers, officials and cosmonauts themselves.

In 2019, fans saw the actress in the paintings "Desperate" and "diplomat." And in the 2020th she took a pause and did not participate in the shooting of new projects.

Personal life

With the first husband, actor Maxim Matveyev, Jan Sextehe met while working on the film-play "Forty-first. Opus Posth. " They had a rapid romance, quickly grew into a wedding. But the family existed not long. Maxim on the next shooting gave the heart to the new chief, Elizaba Boyarskaya. The man initiated a divorce, moved to St. Petersburg and married the daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky.

Yana Sextehe, of course, heavily survived the betrayal of her husband, but soon the actress began to attribute romantic relations with the director Vasily Shenin. Young people worked together in Moscow, then visited Europe with theatrical tour of one troupe.

In 2012, the artist met a new love. The choice fell on the musician and composer Dmitry Marina, who writes sound support for films and performances. The meeting of young people took place during the collaboration of the play "Marriage 2.0", writing the music for which Dmitry invited his father - actor and director "Tabakcoque", student Oleg Pavlovich Alexander Marin. Prior to that, with the eight years, Dmitry lived with her mother in Canada, where he later received an education and stayed. But for the sake of his wife moved to Moscow.

In November 2013, young people became happy spouses, and at the end of the next summer a joint daughter Anna appeared on the world. According to rumors, the girl was called in honor of the actress Anna Chipovskaya.

In his free work and domestic affairs, Yana's time with pleasure is engaged in choreography, including modern, and also riding.

In addition, the actress is known as one of the first persons in Russia, which joined the movement of the hospital clownade. Since 2007, it has been working on a volunteer principle in a charitable fund to help with sick children "Dr. Clown". Yana is responsible for the administrative activities of the Foundation, and in favor of sick kids in a clown costume. Maxim Matveyev remains with artistic director of the Foundation from the first days. Later, the actor attracted to volunteer work and the second spouse Elizabeth. Last resentments moved to the background, Maxim and Yana remained friends and often appear in joint projects together with the second halves.

In the personal life of Yana Sexte, with permanent employment, there are no problems, since the spouse Dmitry organically joined the team of "Dr. Clown", and Yana's daughter together with Mom is always next to his parents. In 2017, the Fund was awarded award "Made in Russia" of the "Snob" project in the "Society" category.

Follow the personal life of the actress in "Instagram". There I will publish a photo with her husband, daughter, friends and colleagues. On the page you can find a photo of Sex without makeup and in a swimsuit - it is not shy to appear to appear in front of the fans what is.

Yana Sex Now

In early 2021, the 2nd season of the TV series "Trigger" came out. In the new series, Artem Streletsky still leads psychological sessions and helps its customers in solving problems. Maxim Matveyev, Svetlana Ivanova, Roman Mayakin play the main roles. Yana Sextee depicts a secondary character.

Now the actress is working on a large number of films and serials, so in 2021 the fans are waiting for a lot of prime ministers. Interesting is the "surviving" project. This is a dramatic mini-series, which tells about the postpocalyptic world. It has an unusual structure and consists of short episodes that develop in parallel and narrate how people survive after the fall of civilization and infection with a dangerous virus. At the same time, the fate of the heroes from different episodes is somehow intertwined.

Also, the actress received a role in the film "Children." He tells about Moscow, its inhabitants to the growing generation. The key thought of the drama comes down to the fact that we are all children who sooner or later have to grow up to be responsible for their lives and for the life of loved ones.

To see the favorite actress, fans will also be able to "Awaken" and the Criminal film "Roasted Chicken".


  • 2007 - "Trust Service"
  • 2009 - "Hunting"
  • 2010 - "Rat"
  • 2011 - "Heavenly Court"
  • 2012 - "Andreyka"
  • 2012 - "Heavenly Wives of Lugovy Marie"
  • 2012 - "Forty first. Opus Posth »
  • 2014 - "Farewell, Favorite!"
  • 2014 - "Wonderworker"
  • 2016 - "Country of Miracles"
  • 2016 - "Big"
  • 2016 - "Petersburg. Only for love"
  • 2016 - "Investigator Tikhonov"
  • 2017 - "Particle of the Universe"
  • 2018 - "Satan Operation" "
  • 2019 - "Diplomat"
  • 2019 - "Desperate"
  • 2021 - "Trigger-2"

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