Andrei Karako - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Andrei Karako - the Belarusian actor and cinema actor, familiar to the fans of cinema for the television series "Son of the Father of Peoples", "Stars shine all" and especially the "cop wars". The actor is distinguished by extraordinary productivity by the number of roles. The number of films with Andrei Kakoo has long passed for a hundred. But at the same time, Andrei Karako rather can be called an artist of secondary and episodic roles. The main roles in the career of the actor can be counted on the fingers.

Andrei Karako was born in the Belarusian city of Gomel in the theater family. Vladislav Vladislavovich Father is the actor of the regional dramaater, and Mom Christina Konstantinovna still leads the local troupe. But at the same time, the Son in childhood is of great desire to go in the footsteps of the parents did not experience. The boy grew up behind the scenes, looked at the pros and cons of this profession, so I made a different choice for myself.

Actor Andrei Karako.

Caoo after graduation leaves to Sevastopol and enters the Higher Naval Engineering School. But on the same year, when Andrei was enrolled in the university, the Soviet Union collapsed, and if the future actor decided to stay in the school, Andrei would have to take Ukrainian citizenship and oath to the faithfulness of the people of Ukraine. Andrei takes the documents, returns home and has time to become a student of the Belarusian State University of Transport.

But then the guy quickly disappointed: Andrei realized that the specialty of the engineer was not at all what the young man wanted in life. Capao is again deducted from the institute and goes to serve in the army. After the demobilization, Andrei thought about the future lesson, and just at that moment in the Gomel Drama Theater, the famous Belarusian writer Vladimir Korotkiewicz was gaining an experimental group of students from five people who would study at the acting branch of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, and in parallel played play in Gomel.

Andrei Karako

The young man decided to try and entered the cherished five, and also realized that he wanted to engage in the actor all his life. Kakoo went up to the Gomel scene until 2008, while it was time to obtain a second, already directorial education during this time. The actor even put two performances in his native theater: the children's fairy tale "Small Baba Yaga" and the philosophical formulation of "Magic Violin". In addition, the actor has experience performances on the Moscow scene. Karako on one spectrum played in the center of Vsevolod Meyerhold and in the theater "Art Project".


The cinematic biography of Andrei Karako began in 2005. At first, the actor appeared in episodic roles in the paintings of both Belarusian and Russian production. But gradually the actor became recognizable, and Karabo began to invite to more interesting roles. For the first time the main character, the actor played in an effortless detective "I am a detective".

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By the way, an interesting moment is connected with this film. Caoo In one double, it was necessary to smoke a cigarette and drink a glass of beer. And although the drink the actor was applied non-alcoholic, it turned out to be not easy, since the director took more than 10 doubles. After the 11th cigarette in a row, Andrei decided that she would smoke, and kept the promise to himself.

Andrei Kakoo never refuses the proposed scenarios, regardless of what movie genre is planned to shoot, whether he gets his role or episodic and so on. Therefore, in 10 years, the actor managed to appear in the credits of more than 75 paintings. Then the paintings became twice as bigger, and the number of films with actor participation continues to grow.

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Basically, the actor participates in television series, of which the historic tape "Son of the Peoples of Peoples", the criminal melodrama "Capacan for the star" and a plenty fighter "Mental Wars", in which the actor played dressed with the needle of the unprincipled careerist David Dadiani on nicknamed "Prince "

In 2009, Andrei Karako fulfilled the main role in the film "Trepanation of the Heart", the detective TV series "Court", the continuation of the series "Your Honor".

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In 2014, another major role appeared in the creative biography of the actor. Andrei Karako played the role of banker Igor Glukhovsky in the melodrama "Stars shine to everyone". At the beginning of the plot, the film shows an exemplary family of banker with a beautiful wife and a little son. But then Igor enters jail for theft, and the wife finds out that Igor had a mistress all this time.

Personal life

Andrei Kakoo does not like to talk about his own private life, the actor is also extremely rarely agreed upon interview. It is only known that Caoo divorced with his wife.

Andrei Karako and Son

But the actor tells about his son, the 14-year-old Egor, which at the professional level is engaged in hockey in the Youth Youth Team and has already managed to become a champion at international competitions in the Czech Republic.

After the divorce of parents, Egor lives together with his mother in Minsk, but Andrei Karako pays a lot of attention to him, as this is his only child. And when a man tells about the boy, it is immediately seen that he not only loves her son, but also respects him, and he is very proud of them.

Actor Andrei Karako.

Later, the actor had another romantic relationship, which he did not want to spread, as they ended tragically. Children in this relationship did not appear.

To date, Andrei Vladislavovich's heart is free, but he would very much like to re-create a family that would become a reliable rear for him, and for his chosen.

Andrei Karako now

2017 brought the actor 12 roles, but all secondary. The only ribbon of this year, shot in the native country of the actor - Belarus, has become a four-range melodrama "It was by the sea."

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In the criminal militant "Cuba", the actor fulfilled the role of Rinat Safiulin and did not even appear in the titles of the picture. In the melodrama "single" played the role of Roman Arkadyevich. The actor played the role of a businessman in the middle of the "midwife", and in a melodraman, telling about the life of the stewardess, "the girl with the eyes of the sky" - the pilot of Victor.

In December 2017, Andrei Karako played the role of Mikhail, the first husband of the main character of the detective film "Three in one" Inhi (Natalia Rychkov). The girl works in the parting agency "Chao-Cocoa" and accidentally becomes a witness of the tragedy during the scandal about the treason, after which the fate of the heroine is intertwined with a detective story and investigative work.

Sergey Kleonnya and Andrey Karako in the film

Despite the fact that in this detective picture, Andrei Kakoo got a small role, this image became cross-cutting. In the same image of the former husband, the actor appears in the continuation of the "three in one-2" detective. Moreover, in the second film, the role of Caraco goes to the fore. At the beginning of the painting, the new worker ingi dies, and expedible women's husbands become suspects in this death.

Also, the actor appeared in the melodrama "Revenge as a medicine" and "I want to be happy", as well as in the criminal film "Host". The last film of 2017 was released only on the first day of the next year. The festive melodrama "New Year's passenger" CTC channel showed on January 1, 2018. Here the actor performed the episodic role of a policeman.

Andrei Karako

Also in 2018, Andrei Karako appeared in the new film - the Mystical Melodrame "Black Blood" of Russian-Belarusian production. The next picture also added an actor of international demand. In February 2018, the actor appeared in the Ukrainian melodrama "Grapes". Also, the actor began working on the picture "Flamingo", this time again Russian production.


  • 2007 - "I am a detective"
  • 2008-2010 - Margosha
  • 2012 - "Love as an accident"
  • 2013 - "From pure sheet"
  • 2013 - "All Treasures of the World"
  • 2013 - "Son of the Father of Peoples"
  • 2014 - "Stars shine to all"
  • 2014 - "Snow melts in September"
  • 2014-2016 - "Mentings Wars"
  • 2015 - "Drong for Star"
  • 2015 - "State Border"
  • 2016 - "Tears on the pillow"
  • 2016 - "Plastic Queen"
  • 2017 - "Girl with the eyes of the sky"
  • 2017 - "Three in one"

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