Anton Kuznetsov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, husband Marianana Spivak, films 2021



Anton Kuznetsov took place as an actor in the theater and cinema, on his account - roles in dramas and comedies. The artist masterfully enlightened into the images of his characters, can convey their depth and psychologism. Now he is in demand among leading Russian directors.

Childhood and youth

Anton Kuznetsov was born in Moscow on July 10, 1980. His childhood was such as in thousands of Soviet schoolchildren: lessons, mugs for interest, reading books, playing in the yard. But the main hobby of the young Moskvich was the theater. Anton became interested in the scene in early childhood: the first roles performed on matinees in kindergarten. In secondary school classes, he finally decided that he would connect the future with theatrical stage and a kinopavilion.

At the school, the young man was "good", preferring the Russian language and literature: he was preparing to enter the Theater Institute. Having received a school certificate, went to the B. Schukin's WTU and from the first attempt was the student "Pikes". Anton was enrolled on the course Pavel Favimtsev, where he studied the Ase of acting skills. In 2007, Kuznetsov was awarded a diploma on the end of the university.


The Satirikon Theater troupe Konstantin Raikina Anton Kuznetsov took after the end of the theater school. At the stage of Satiron, the talent of the actor was revealed. The debut performance "grief from the mind" made him the laureate of the theater award "Golden Sheet - 2007" for the best male role, the artist played Chatsky.

Moskvich's theater biography rapidly overtook new roles: he was involved in the main performances. In the formulation of the director Yuri Butusov "King Lear" Anton played Edmond, in the "kitchen" the audience saw him in the role of Alfredo, and the actor was convinced by Cassio in Shakespeare "Othello.

In the future, Satiron's artist trusted key roles. In the formation of a "blue monster" Kuznetsov played Pantalon, in the play "Money" - Episkina, and in the "Seika" reincarnated in three characters: Trepleva, Shamraev and Medvedhenko. The skill of reincarnation allows directors to use the actor in different amplua. In the "Little Tragedies Pushkin" Anton played Don Guan and Chairman.

In 2010, Konstantin Rikin put on the stage of Satiron, the comedy performance "revenue", in which Anton got the image of the leased. Maxim Averin and Mariana Spivak appeared in the lead roles. Study was shielded, and theater, and television shooters were able to see it.

The actor collaborates with the "Practice" theater - playing in the play Black & Simpson. Several images embodied in the formulation of the theater. Mosovet "Engched".


The cinema Kuznetsov debuted simultaneously with the exit to theatrical scene. In the student years, he appeared in the comedy TV series "FM and guys", playing pizza pedenters in the "Brother's brother or not brother" series.

In 2005, Anton got the role of bigger: this year its cooperation began with Peter Fedorov. In the directorial debut of Fedorov - Gay-Tresh drama Per Rectum - the actor played a friend of the main character.

After a 4-year-old break, Kuznetsov returned to the shooting platform. In the Arthaus Drama "Russia-88" directed by Pavel Bardina, he played the official, the main role of the leader of the bayona gang went to Peter Fedorov. "Russia-88" is the first Russian film about neo-Nazis. The project caused an ambiguous reaction of viewers and stormy discussions. In 2009, the picture was shown at the Berlinale Film Festival.

In 2011, director Sergey Loban called Kuznetsov to his musical comedy "Shapito Show: Love and Friendship." A serious and at the same time a humorous tape consists of four connected novels: "Love", "respect", "cooperation" and "friendship". In each of them, its main character trying to deal with one of the "problems" novels in the title. Anton played the sound engineer Nicholas. The picture received the Grand Prix at the "Film School" and fell into five nominations of the Nika Prize.

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In 2012, Pavel Bardin again invited the actor into his project, in which the main role again went to Peter Fedorov. Kuznetsov appeared in the musical criminal comedy "Gop Stop", which film crimits called "Bumbara-2". On the set, Anton met with Lvom Durov and Anna Mikhalkova.

The breakthrough in the career of the artist was marked by 2012. Director Sergey Ursulak called Anton's main role in Drama "Life and Fate" based on the novel of Vasily Grossman's named. The artist got the image of Major - the commander of the regiment Ivan Berezkin. The premiere of the series took place in October on the TV channel "Russia-1". In addition to Kuznetsov, Sergey Makovetsky, Alexander Baluyev, Sergey Putuspalis and Lika Nifontova played the main heroes of the drama.

In the same year, Moskvich appeared in the 8-serial melodraman Mikhail Herborodov "Ahead of the shot", in which Oleg Palenova played. The premiere of the tape took place on the first channel. After 2 years, the audience saw the actor in the role of Bart in the 8-serial detective "head hunters", over the scenario of which Valery Todorovsky and Dmitry Aleinikov worked out.

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In 2015, Mikhail Herborodov called an actor to his comedy-criminal series "temporarily unavailable", which spectators first saw in December on the first channel. Anton brilliantly played a criminal in his nickname, and in a key character, Gold official, Sergey Bezrukov reincarnated.

Kuznetsov got a star role in the project Sergey Ursulak "Quiet Don", the audience saw him in the image of Ivan Kotlyarov. In the 14th-serial film screening of the novel of Mikhail Sholokhov, Evgeny Tkachuk, Sergey Makovetsky, Daria Ursulak and Nikita Efremov starred. The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, analyzing the preferences of Russians in the field of cinema, called the draft television series of the year.

In November 2016, the premiere of the Military Drama "28 Panfilovtsev", in which the audience saw Kuznetsov as the main character - the commander of the Fedor Reshetnikov battalion. In Russia, the picture was viewed by 1 million 700 thousand spectators. The budget of $ 1.7 million fees from drama rental amounted to $ 6014796.

In the same year, Anton starred in a mystical thriller Alexei Mizgirev "Duelist", playing the advice-gunsmith. The main roles in the project went to Peter Fedorov, Vladimir Mashkov, Pavel Tabakov and Sergey Harmosh.

In March 2017, Kuznetsov's fans rated his game in the image of the robber name, psycho in the short film "Major Thunder". The international premiere of the film was held in February 2017 on Berlinale. The next year was marked in the creative biography of the artist, the release of several new projects.

In the Mystical Thriller "Lapsy" telling about the mysterious movement of the group of scientists on Sariola Island, Anton appeared on the screen in the image of the writer. He got not the main role, but the actor managed to become unforgettable for the viewer. He did a bright work, playing in the TV series "Izkaka-3" of the former husband of one of the heroines.

Fans also saw Kuznetsov in the paintings "Embassy", "bullet". The most noticeable filmography of this period was the role of Bogdan Belsky in the historical Miscellaneous film "Godunov". Directors Alexey Andrianov and Timur Alpatov managed to collect the brilliant cast in the project - Sergey Bezrukov, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Viktor Sukhorukov, and others were invited.

In 2019, Anton starred in the Military Drama Pavel Lungin "Brotherhood", telling about the late 80s, the time to start the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The actor also started shooting the family New Year's comedy "Our Children", the main role in which Peter Fedorov was played.

Personal life

Anton Kuznetsov is a civilian husband of Marianana Spivak. They met in the "Satirikon" theater, when the "Seagull" performance rehearsed. The actor got the role of a hero who seek the favor of the heroine of Spivak. In the play, the finals are sad, but in life the romance of artists turned out to be happy, although at the time of dating both were not free: Anton was married to a classmate, Mariaan - married for a classmate.

The first marriage of Kuznetsova ended in divorce. Relations with the first spouse and Mariaan are not found. When both officially issued a divorce, they decided to live together, but without a stamp in the passport. Mariana Spivak says that love formalities do not preserve. The case of the actress is also adhered to the same opinion. Two creative people under one roof, they do not compete, but help each other, building a harmonious personal life.

In 2016, Anton became the father - Maryan gave birth to the son of Grigory. Father attended childbirth and saw the appearance of the firstborn. They called the child in honor of the main character of the series "Quiet Don", in which Kuznetsov was shot at that time.

The premiere of the detective series "Parliament" took place on the TV channel "home" in 2016, in which Mariaan Spivak played the main character of Larisa Larisovich. Anton got the role of a second plan - a pear photographer.

The shooting of the series was held in Yaroslavl and turned out to be a considerable test for a couple: the work on the project began just after the birth of the Son. Kuznetsov, who got the role of smaller, nursing a 4-month gris until mom worked on the set. Nanny Spouses did not hire.

Mariana says: Anton is the world's best father, caring and responsible. Spouses dream that there will be at least three children in their family. In the future, the couple wants to open a cozy restaurant with artistic cuisine and vegetarian dishes: Kuznetsov has been for many years a vegetarian, and Mariana loves to prepare. The actor does not lead an account in "Instagram", but joint photos lay out on his page of his spouse.

Anton Kuznetsov now

In 2020, the actor continued his career in the cinema, in particular, was filmed in the picture "To the Sun". In the musical melodrame of the director Yevgeny Semenov, telling about youth, friendship and first love, Anton got the role of Urmas. The project is also involved by Makar Zaporizhia, Elena Curchaschenkin, Jan Tsaznik, Asya Damskaya, etc.

In 2021, the artist's filmography was replenished with new pictures. So, the TV series "Mediator" with the participation of Kuznetsov came to the screens. The main role of a professional negotiator, saving human life, performed Andrei Burkovsky. Also in the acting ensemble entered Julia Peresilde, Daria Moroz, Irina Starianbaum and others. Together with Anton on the set appeared his wife Mariaan Spivak.

Another work of the artist was the role in the film Sergey Ginsburg "Cathedral". The action unfolds in Russia in 1700 - Emperor Peter I prepares great reforms. In addition to Kuznetsov, the project is engaged in the project, with whom he has already collaborated earlier: Maxim Averin (as Peter I), Alexander Baluyev (Prince Badarin), Jan Tsaznik (Count Alexander Menshikov) and others.


  • 2002 - "FM and guys"
  • 2005 - "PER RECTUM"
  • 2009 - "Russia 88"
  • 2010 - "Gop Stop"
  • 2011 - "Shapito Show"
  • 2012 - "Life and Fate"
  • 2012 - "Ahead shot"
  • 2014 - "Head Hunters"
  • 2015 - "temporarily unavailable"
  • 2015 - "Silent Don"
  • 2016 - "28 Panfilovtsev"
  • 2016 - "Duelist"
  • 2016 - "Parliament"
  • 2017 - "Major Thunder"
  • 2018 - "Godunov"
  • 2018 - "Iznika-3"
  • 2018 - "Lapsy"
  • 2018 - "Embassy"
  • 2018 - "bullet"
  • 2019 - "Brotherhood"
  • 2019 - "Odessa Steamer"
  • 2020 - "To the Sun"

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