Evgeny Kafelnikov - biography, photo, personal life, news, tennis 2021



Evgeny Kafelniknikov is a Russian athlete, a tennis court star, the first of the Russians rose to the first place a pedestal of Roland Garros-1996 tournament, and after three years already wore the title of the first racket of the world. Olympic champion (Sydney, 2000), winner of the Davis Cup (2002), Golf Champion (2011).

Russian tennis player, which is called the most titled in the history of the country, was born in the south, in the Krasnodar Territory. In Sochi, the children's and youth years of Evgenia Kafelnikov were held.

Tennis player Evgeny Kafelnikov

The first noted the excellent sports of the son's father-volleyball player. In 5 years, Eugene picked up a tennis racket and soon demonstrated the amazing "feeling of the ball." This was confirmed by the first coaches of the boy Valery Peschanko and Valery Shishkin. In 6 years already participated in tournaments. In 7 Kafelnikov included in the group of the Olympic reserve of the Soviet team of tennis team.

The reaction rate and skill that demonstrated Evgeny Kafelnikov was amazed. Young athlete extremely quickly studied the secrets of the game. At 11 years, Zhenya has already demonstrated its own intellectual style.


The promising of the 13-year-old Kafelnikov was assessed high, but the coach Valery Shishkin did not want to force the events and "held" an athlete for a jerk. So it happened: in the 1990s, Eugene won on the youth World Cup.

Evgeny Kafelnikov and Anatoly Lepheshin

Next year, a young athlete was a training session at the Academy of Nick Bulletieri in Florida. After that, Evgeny Kafelnikov returned to the country and finally moved to the capital. The young athlete was accepted in the VFSO "Dynamo". The leading Master of Russia Anatoly Lepins became coach of Kafelnikov for many years. According to Evgeny, it was this mentor who made a real athlete from the young man. For the sake of promotion, the coach found sponsors, as the family of a young athlete could not afford to finance the training and son's trips to tournaments.

Lepeshin, along with Evgenia, traveled to all competitions, accustomed to iron discipline. Higher education The young man received in the Kuban Academy of Physical Education.

Evgeny Kafelnikov and Andre Agassi

The sports biography of Yevgeny Kafelnikov is similar to the rapidly taking off rocket. From the initial 423 place in the world ranking, which occupied in the 1991st, tilenikov managed to reach the first hundreds of the best tennis players in the world. And after another year, the Russian approached the top ten leaders of the tennis court. Eugene took on the elite of global tennis.

Since 1995, Evgeny Kafelnikov has consistently enabled in the top ten strongest tennis players in the world. The rivals of the Russian became Pete Smps, Patrick Rafter, Michael County, Andre Agassi, Thomas Muster and others. Kafelnikov won and went to the final and quarterfinals of the Kremlin Cup tournaments, the "Grand Slam" and "Davis Cup".

Evgeny Kafelnikov - Winner of the Roland Garros-1996 tournament

But the main victory Evgenia Kafelnikov happened in 1996. The Russian tennis player among compatriots won the Roland Garros tournament in a single discharge.

In the 1998th, the athlete set an ambitious task: to achieve leadership in the world ranking. For this, the tennis player changed the coach. Larry Stefanka was taken by Lepeshin.

The goal of the tillery achieved and soon won the 2th Helmet tournament, and in the spring of 1999, Eugene called the first racket of the world. But the real triumph brought the tennisist XXVII Summer Olympiad in Sydney. Evgeny Kafelniknikov became a champion, chasing in the final of the German tennis player Tommy Haas. The state of the Russian Star Tennis for 2001 was estimated at $ 15 million.

Evgeny Kafelnikov on Sydney

In 2002, another sign Victory: the Russian was leading at the most prestigious tournament in the history of world tennis - the Davis Cup. Since then, tennis players are considered a real legend of sports. Kafelnikov is famous for the unique attacking style of the game, for which he received the nickname "Kalashnikov".

Having reached the unheard of height, the athlete quietly left with the "advanced". Eugene did not declare it and did not suit any "farewell" competitions. Takes just stopped participating in tournaments. But, sowing to get to the top, could not leave the sport. Eugene switched to golf, which also managed to achieve victories. Since 2005, the athlete participates in the highest level competition. In 2011, he was leading the championship of Russia, literally pulling out the victory in the last minutes of the round.

Evgeny Kafelnikov and Wayne Ferreira

In the late 2000s, Eugene had renewed a tennis player career. Kafelnikov became a member of the tennis veteran tournaments. Tennis fans could observe a friendly match between the Russian athlete and Thomas Muster, who shone in the "Grand Slam" tournaments in the mid-90s. The meeting of two sports legends took place in the framework of Roland Garros 2009.

In the year of the tilenikov re-entered the court against Andrei Medvedev, Harran Ivanishevich and Michael County. In the same year, Eugene for the first time for the sports career reached the final competition Wimbledon, speaking in a pair with Wayne Frearyra.

Marat Safin and Evgeny Kafelnikov

In 2010-2011, Kafelnikov became part of the participants in the tournament "Legends of Tennis in Moscow" along with Jim Courty, Andrei Cherkasov and Marat Safin.

And Evgeny Kafelnikov pilot planes and plays poker shiny. The athlete participated in the World Series of Poker-2005 tournament competitions. Does not forget the legendary athlete and about charity. In 2001, Evgeny won the Kremlin Cup and the entire gain of $ 100 thousand. Relociated the relatives of those killed as a result of a plane crash over the Black Sea. In the hometown of Kafelnikov financed a section for young tennis players. Eugene also became a sponsor of a local clinical hospital, purchasing expensive equipment.

Personal life

Huge tennis player employment did not allow everything to be distracted on everything that sport concerned. But at 23, the personal life of Evgenia Kafelnikov changed. The athlete met the beauty model Maria Tishkov. Masha traveled for a long time with Evgenia in various cities and countries where the spouse participated in tournaments and the Olympiads.

Evgeny Kafelnikov and Maria Tishkov

In the 1998, the news of the pregnancy of Masha "hurried" a couple with marriage. In the same year, the daughter of Alesya was born. For Mary, the girl was a second child, because the model had already grew Diana's daughter, born in the first marriage with the singer Christian Ray.

After the second daughter of time, Mary was left behind Mary. Wife with her daughters waited for a spouse at home. Among other things, Masha was fascinated by the religious course, the prominent adept of which was her father. A woman sacrificed to the needs of the Canadian sect. Considerable Sumy, with which the husband did not want to put up. Relationships were smashed and led to the divorce.

Evgeny Kafelnikov, Maria Tishkov and Alesya Kafelnikova

Parting the pair that occurred three years after the wedding, turned out to be painful and scandalous. Takes led daughter Alesu at his wife. Eugene tried to arrange a personal life, but soon again reunited with his wife. Together with Maria Evgeny managed to light up in secular events. Later, Maria again disappeared from the near environment of the former tennis player.

Now the daughter of tennisist Alesya Kafelnikova lives with his father and makes success in the model career. As a child, Alley lived in Sochi with the parents of Eugene, where he spent time on the tennis court, at the riding school, then studied in Moscow and abroad. At the age of 15, the model career began. Higher education Girl decided to get in Russia and entered two universities: Financial Academy and Television School "Ostankino". On the blue screen, Alesya debuted in the talk show "Let them say" with Andrey Malakhov.

Evgeny and Alesa Kafelnikov

For some time, there was no misunderstanding between the Father and Alesa, which provoked the post of father in Twitter about the drug addiction of her daughter. Alesy outrageed this entry, the girl publicly refused to communicate with his father. Soon the relationship between relatives was improved.

Evgeny Kafelnikov Now

For the last years, Eugene Kafelnikov holds the post of vice-president of the Federation of Tennis in Russia. In 2016, Eugene suffered an operation, whose character was silent. But according to the hiker photos from the hospital chamber in "Instagram" it can be seen that surgery was performed at the bottom of the back. In the media there were assumptions that the athlete suffered the removal of hernia. Now the champion periodically passes the diagnosis, which also informs subscribers.

Awards and achievements

  • 1996 - Roland Garros champion in a single discharge
  • 1996, 1997, 2002 - Roland Garros champion in paired discharge
  • 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 - the winner of the Kremlin Cup
  • 1997 - US Open Champion in steam discharge
  • 1999 - Australian Open Champion in a single discharge
  • 2000 - Gold Medal at the Sydney Olympics
  • 2002 - owner of the Davis Cup 2002 as part of the Russian national team
  • 2000 - Medal "For an outstanding contribution to the development of Kuban"
  • 2001 - Special Fair Play Prize from the Russian Olympic Committee
  • Recognized in Russia the best tennis player century

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