Inna Solovyova - biography, personal life, photo, news, daughter in Natalia Durov, daughter Elizabeth, legacy 2021



Inna Solovyova is a Russian linguist and translator, the daughter-in-law of the famous trainer Natalia Durra. The lady became known to the general public in 2010 after participating in several issues of the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Let them say," where the scandal associated with the inheritance of the son of the circus legend is also discussed - Mikhail Baldman.

Childhood and youth

Inna Maratovna Solovyov was born on August 8, 1969. In 2004, he graduated from a Red Diploma to the Faculty of Archival of the Russian State Humanitarian University, also studied at the Russian University of Peoples Friendship.

Inna Solovyova - biography, personal life, photo, news, daughter in Natalia Durov, daughter Elizabeth, legacy 2021 1916_1


In the early 2000s, Solovyov was engaged in translations in the publishing house "AST", in 2007, 4 months worked in the United States. In 2010, there was a tutor in the English spoken language.

Personal life

Dynasty of the Durov was one of the most famous in Russia and approximate to the royal surname. In the family were bedrooms, Sagittarius, Governors, eight Obolnikov Peter I, Duma Dyack with Alexei Mikhailovic, one of the ancestors of Natalia Yurievna named Thomas in the Zemsky Cathedral, who chose to the kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova. And the biography of the cavalarism of Hope Andreevna Durov, according to some critics, became the basis for the film "Hussar Ballad".

Natalia Yurievna, like her relatives, appreciated the names jewels and antiques, the list of rarities included a registered ring of hope of Durov, blue diamonds of Empress Catherine II, a table of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin from Karelian birch and a table service that belonged to his family. The only person who was indifferent to the wealth was the son of the trainer Mikhail Baldun.

Inna Solovyova and Mikhail Baldunum

The man refused to work in a circus, because of what he quarreled with his mother, wrote poems, painted portraits, although he graduated from the biological faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. After serving in the army, Mikhail became a unique specialist in algae. With Inna, they met in 1999 at a party, engaged together with translations of books. Baldman of all the mistresses warned that he did not want to be a father, and Solovyov showed him a false certificate of infertility.

On May 9, 2000, they had a daughter Elizabeth, but Mikhail broke up with Solovyva, even during pregnancy and said that he only liked his hair in his beloved. In response, Inna took the scissors, cut off the braid and gave Bolduman to memory. The poet died in 2010, shortly before that was driving the train on a literary evening in St. Petersburg and felt bad, he was put in the hospital of the city of Chudovo. The cause of death remained unexplained, according to one version, there was cirrhosis of the liver, on the other - hemorrhage in the stomach.

In the life of Bolduman, Inna proved paternity through the court, a genetic examination was conducted. Natalia Durov died even earlier, in 2007, so Elizabeth remained the only pretentual for inheritance. But in the birth certificate, the girl was incompletely enlisted and the birthplace of the parent, was required confirmation from the words of Mikhail himself, already deceased. Death Certificate refused to give him uncle Yuri Yuryevich. He and Solovyva had a general lawyer who decided the question in favor of a woman.

Inna Solovyova now

In April 2021 in the program "You will not believe!" They told about the further fate of Solovyva. The granddaughter of Durora Elizabeth, who dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, worked by a pledge holder in a bookstore. They lived at the dacha in Peredelkino, who were inherited, Inna sold apartments in Moscow, and still had real estate in France.

Inna Solovyova - biography, personal life, photo, news, daughter in Natalia Durov, daughter Elizabeth, legacy 2021 1916_3

According to the lady, she was a guardian of his daughter and could not dispose of property, nevertheless, journalists had information that the family relics were still left with the hammer. In the transfer also told Bolduman's personal life and showed his photos.

On July 12, 2021, Solovyov became the guest of the transfer "Let them say," saying that Elizabeth disappeared, and earlier I tried to commit suicide. Inna also spoke about the family of the Durov: According to her, the only man there was a chimpanzee Yasha, and everyone else in communication was unpleasant.

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