Igor Andropov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, son Yury Andropova, Lyudmila Chursina



Igor Andropov dreamed of acting career, but at the insistence of an influential father, the policy of Yuri Andropov, tied life with diplomacy. Despite the high origin, differed by modesty and unassuming in everyday life, the theater loved and wrote poems.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born on August 18, 1941 in the Karelian-Finnish ASSR. His father Yury Andropov held the post of first secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol Republic, only divorced with the first spouse and at the beginning of the war married the second time - on Tatiana Lebedeva.

Igor Andropov in youth

10 years later, Andropov Sr. was transferred to the Central Committee of the Committee in Moscow, and the family moved to the capital along with the head, but there was no longer detached there. In the mid-50s, Andropov moved to Hungary, where Yuri Vladimirovich served as ambassador. There, the 15-year-old Igor became an eyewitness of the harsh dissemination of Hungarian rebels over the employees of the Communist Government during the 1956 armed rebellion. There is a version that revolutionaries even kidnapped a teenager, which influenced the son of Yuri Andropov in the future - he began to abuse alcohol.

Returning to Moscow, Igor got a certificate of secondary education and was thinking about the acting career, but the parents did not support the choice of a graduate. Therefore, the young man entered MGIMO and after graduating from the university went to graduate school to get a scientific degree of candidate of historical sciences.


Having received a diploma of the Institute of International Relations, Igor Andropov settled on the distribution of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Canada, where he worked as a researcher. But with a diplomatic career, it was not long ago: because of the intense international situation, Igor Yuryevich was the unstarted before the early 80s.

In the youth of Andropov, he trained students of the Diplomatic Academy, then moved to the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After the death of Leonid Brezhnev in 1982, Yuri Andropova was elected by the Secretary-General of the party, and after his son, his son received a long-awaited permit for the departure and the development of a diplomat career and flew to Sweden.

In 1984, the Son of the Secretary General appointed the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Soviet Union and sent to Athens. This event was overshadowed by personal loss: at the beginning of the year after the exacerbation of the renal failure, the father of Igor Yuryevich died. In 1986, Andropov Jr. returned to his homeland and settled an ambassador for special instructions in the Foreign Ministry, where he served until retirement in 1998.

In the early 2000s, Igor Andropov appointed an additional lifelong payout of a little more than 21 thousand rubles. as a former ambassador.

Personal life

For the first time, Igor married quite late - at the age of 27. Tatyana Kvdanakova became the first wife, who gave birth to her husband two children - Son costa and daughter Tanya. At the same time, I did not want to take the name of the spouse of the spouse of Kvardakov: the beetor was already a famous person in party circles, which would hurt Tatiana to build their own career in journalism.

After 17 years of marriage, Andropov's paths were separated, and Quartovakov became the initiator. For a whole year, Igor was waiting for the return of the ex-wife, and then continued to build a personal life.

Igor Andropov and Lyudmila Chursina

In 1987, Andropov became acquainted with the artist Lyudmila Chursina. She was charm in well-read new acquaintances, who himself wrote poems, but the first time had no idea what he was named. They got married, but the relationship was stretched, and the marriage existed only 4 years. Finally, Chaursina selected the Andropov living space, and the years later blamed Andropov in despotism.

Igor himself painfully worried about the gap and found consolation in the face of his native person - the first wife of Tatiana. Despite the fact that the woman managed to throw married for the second time, the former spouses again moved and at the same time decorated divorces. Igor Yuryevich insisted at the wedding, but Tatyana wanted to wait. Civilian spouses lived until the death of Andropov. All these years, Tatyana Kvdardakova regretted that he made a mistake and left her husband.

Shortly before the death of Andropov, the last time I made Tatiana proposal, with difficulty putting on my knee, and insisted on a joint photo: I wanted to leave the portrait for memory, but I didn't have time to go before the registry office.


After the second divorce of Andropov submorted the jaundice, then, after reuniting with Tatiana, he found oncological disease. The operation helped get rid of cancer, but a new attack happened: cardiovary-pulmonary failure, due to which the diplomat had a lot of legs, he could not even walk on his own and used a cane.

In the last days of the life of Andropov, he fell into the branch of rheumatology, where a new medicine was experienced on it. Medicine did not help: Igor Yuryevich fell into someone and no longer came into consciousness. On June 13, 2006, the diplomat died, a couple of months without surviving up to 65 years. An allegedly caused the death of the kidney.

Those who were present on the memorialist noted that Tatyana Kvdardakova was handled from grief, but Lyudmila Chursin did not come to the ceremony. The grave of Igor Yuryevich is located on the Troekhrovsky graveyard.

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