Svetlana Romashina (synchronous swimming) - biography, personal life, photos, victories, rumors and last news 2021



Svetlana Romashina is a young Russian athlete, which, despite age, is already one of the most titled synchronies in the history of the Russian national team. She won gold medals of the world championships 18 times - Europe and rose five times to the top step of a pedestal of honor at the Olympic Games.

Svetlana was born in Moscow, although her parents are esital from Astrakhan. When the girl was 5 years old, Mom led her pool, "Floor" so that the daughter was learned to stay on the water. The basics of navigation Romashina learned quite quickly and the first coach of the future star, Olga Gerasimov, said that such data could not be disappeared.

The teacher proposed his mother's movements to translate it or into a group of academic sailing, or to girls - in synchronous swimming. Having consisted, the parents recorded Romashin into a more feminine sport. After some time, the girl was additionally fascinated by ballroom dancing. She went there following the example of an older brother, who had already shown certain successes on the parquet. The child's schedule was incredibly saturated: to lunch school, fast snack, swimming pool and dance studio. And in the evening you still need to prepare lessons for tomorrow.

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In 10 years, Gastritis was found at Svetlana Romashina. She spent many weeks on the hospital bed, after which it was spread with ballroom dancing and focused on synchronous swimming. It should be noted that right up to senior classes The girl managed to attend a secondary school, and not a specialized sports, like many guys who decide to make a career associated with physical exertion.

But at 15 years, the world has already fallen into the national team and for several months was at the charges. By the way, it is the youngest member of the Russian national team, and its age record still does not break. At the same time, she had to translate home tuition, and the last two classes of Romashine ended remotely, sending completed tasks by email.

Moreover, it studied not bad, and according to the results of the exams was enrolled in the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. The fact is that the girl specifically wanted to get a non-core sports education. Later, she still arrived at the second higher, at the Faculty of Sports Management in the Moscow State University.

Synchronized swimming

For his sports career Svetlana Romashina conquered many vertices to which every professional athlete seeks. She began to conquer the main awards from the first discipline at the World Championships in Montreal, when the girl was only 16 years old. She then became famous for the Olympics in Beijing, but a special scale brought a Romachine duet with a partner for the national team Natalia Ischenko.

Girls were so superbly held their speeches in London that they received the Olympic "Gold" twice. By the way, the only among all athletes. Later, the Romashina performed in the doubles of synchronous swimming along with Svetlana Kolesnichenko. But at the 2016 Summer Olympiad in Brazilian Rio de Janeiro, she again united with the previous colleague.

For all sports lovers from Russia, Romashko, Ishchenko and the young synchronist Maria Shurocha were the main hopes in water sports. And girls all expectations justified. Svetlana Romashina and Natalia Ishchenko did not leave a single chance of rivals in duet competitions, and a couple of days later, Romashina became the five-time Olympic champion.

Personal life

Svetlana Romashina for quite a long time consisted of a romantic relationship with a young man, whose name is Nikolai Zakharov. He is not a professional athlete, although sometimes plays hockey at the amateur level. By the way, thanks to him, the girl was also fascinated by the "game for real men" and tries not to miss interesting matches on the ice site.

In 2015, young people decided to issue their relations officially. In mid-December, they played a beautiful wedding and became her husband and wife.

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Few of the fans of Svetlana Romashina know that she is an incredible sweet tooth, especially can not imagine a good day without a chocolate, which calls "Hormone of Joy." However, athlete's workouts are so serious that all extra calories are spent.

But even the main hobby is connected with the water element. Recently, Romashina was seriously interested in sailing sports and has already participated in the regattas several times, although it was necessary to do without prizes. But the yachts, sails and the steering wheel so attract the athlete that she is thinking about switching to this sport when the career in synchronous swimming is coming to an end.

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