Artem Okulov (rod) - biography, personal life, photos, records, rumors and last news 2021



The name of the young weightlifter Artem Okulov today is one of the most mentioned in the Internet, at least in his "sports" part. The guy is called the most gifted leaving from the Perm Territory, and sometimes they are classified as measuring Kazan. Both of these statements are true.

Born and grew up Artem in the town of Chusovoy, which is located in the Perm region. His father Maxim was a wizard sports for weightlifting. When the boy has grown, the man began to take him with himself on training in the simulator room of the sport "Metallurg". Okulov himself today says that his body did not have any features that foreshadow large sports vertices.

The main reason for the excellent result is the right sports education, which gave him a father, as well as strict adherence to all techniques and regime. And, of course, unshakable faith in itself and their strength.

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By 11 years old, Artem was already able to fulfill the standards for the title of candidate in the master of sports, and at the age of 14 became a master of sports in Russia. At about the same time, the young man and moved to Kazan, where he was offered incomparably the best conditions for classes compared to the fact that he had in the Perm region.

In the capital of Tatarstan, Okulov graduated from the Kazan School of the Olympic reserve, in parallel the amazing of sports lovers with their achievements. For example, Artem at the age of 15 raised the weight that became the third on the European rating and the fourth on the world.


Since 2010, gold medals began to fall into a piggy bank of a young weightlifter one after another. Artem Okulov wins the championship of Russia, becomes the best in Europe, rises to the highest step of the pedestal at the youth Olympiad in Singapore.

With a weight, which never exceeds 85 kilograms, the young man raises the rods of incredible gravity. To date, its record is 176 kg in a jerk, and 215 kg in the push. Thanks to such indicators, Artem became many times a winner and champion of competition under the auspices of the Russian Federation, and was also one of the best at the Universiade, world and European championships. Moreover, we are talking both about youth and adult level.

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To the question, what is the secret of his success, Artyom always answers that the case is in a setting. The guy simply does not allow the thoughts that can lose.

Personal life

The 22-year-old Artem of Okulov is completely concentrated on the achievement of sports heights. It carefully complies with the discipline and sports regime, does not allow itself such entertainment, which for its peers are the norm and commonplace. And, of course, living such a life is very difficult to think about serious family relationships. So the deep romantic relationship of young weightlifter is still ahead.

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Interesting detail from the biography of Artem Okulov. Returning home after the victory at the Olympics in Singapore, the young man together with the entire national team visited the Moscow Region Residence of the President of Russia. And there he headed at that time, Dmitry Medvedev not only thanked Artem for a phenomenal speech, but she personally handed him a gold watch.

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