Daria Kasatkina - biography, personal life, photo, news, tennis player, "Instagram", "Roland Garros", rating 2021



Daria Kasatkina is a professional tennis player, the first racket of Russia, the winner of two WTA tournaments. The sports biography of Daria, as well as most of her colleagues, is similar to the movement of the pendulum. Here, victories and lesions, big and small, replace each other regularly.

Childhood and youth

Daria Kasatkin was born in May 1997 in Tolyatti. In the family sport was fond of everything: Mom Tatiana was athletics, Pope Sergey - Hockey. Brother Alexander played tennis at the amateur level, often grabbing his younger sister with him. It is not surprising that at one moment and Dasha wanted to take a racket into his hands.

Sasha persuaded his parents to give sister to the tennis section. He immediately saw that Daria is all grabbing on the fly and focus on the court. The elder brother and today plays an important role in Darya Raskin's sports career: Alexander is its physical training coach. And he is still holding administrative issues, such as booking hotels, buying tickets and others.


Among the success, which we managed to achieve tennis player in the junior period, the largest fixed in 2014. Kasatkin managed to become the winner of the Open Championship of France. And she was leading in 7 ITF tournaments, filming the title of the third racket of the Junior rating. In the youthful qualification, Daria managed to reach the third line of the ranking.

In adult Tennis Kasatkina declared itself in the fall of the same 2014. In just a year athlete managed to make a name and conquer the respect of the senior colleagues. The promising athlete was sent twice to the competition of a large helmet.

Among the loud victory, which the tennis player achieved over the past 3 years, the successful Tournaments of the Grand Helmet US Open - 2015 and Australian Open - 2016, in which Daria was able to reach the third round, as well as the Indian Wells Masters, where the tennis player reached the final.

Many tennis fans remember how the Kasatkina Daria played brilliantly at the Kremlin Cup. She was able to reach the semifinals in a single discharge. Thus, at the 18th age, Dasha received its first title in the WTA-tour. Then she spoke in a pair with Elena Spring.

It is noteworthy that the athlete did not want to move from Tolyatti to Moscow. Daria lives and trains in Slovakia, in the town of Trnave. Here the whole necessary infrastructure for professional tennis players is compact.

A few months before the start of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, it became known that Daria Kasatkina will replace Margarita Gasparyan, who received serious knee injury. Daria represented Russia in a single discharge together with Catherine Makarova, Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova and Svetlana Kuznetsova, she also acted as a pair.

The 2018 tournament in St. Petersburg has passed for Darya at the average level. Here the athlete reached the semifinals. But at this stage, Kasatkina faced the court with a representative of France Christina Infanovich, last year's winner of this tournament, and lost to her.

In mid-March, Kasatkina went to competitions in Dubai, where she showed itself better. Now the athlete has already reached the final, beat a number of strong rivals: Johann Conte, Elena Spring and others. But the champion of this tournament, Russian tennis player also did not, in the final she lost to Elina Svitolina.

But the main result of the beginning of 2018 for Darya, the title of the first racket of Russia, which she received, reaching the final of the largest Indian Wells season tournament. This event is remarkable by the fact that the change of the first issue of the National Women's rating happened for the first time in 2 years.

In an interview with the new status of Daria Kasatkin, this conditionality was stated - and the title of the first racket of Russia, and even the 11th racket of the world. The athlete believes that the rating position does not reflect professional data, and supports Roger Federer in his words that the athlete is so good as his last match was.

Almost without a break, after participating in Indian Wells, the tennis player went to the starting matches in Miami. But there, physical exhaustion made itself felt, and the athlete lost and dropped out of the tournament.

The next season Kasatkin did not show outstanding results. The tennis player failed to spectacle at the open championship of Australia and St. Petersburg. Only in Miami, she got to the Third Round, where Vinus Williams lost.

As a result of the subsequent losers on the herbal segment of Daria, for the first time in 3 years, he left the thirty rating leaders. Continuing the rapid fall in 2020, she failed to keep even in the top 70 WTA world rankings. A turning point for the Kasatnaya was the tournament in Leone, in which she reached the final.

Personal life

While the personal life of Daria Raskina is a meeting with friends in a rare leisure hours, which fall out between intense training and competitions.

Dasha itself was confirmed in an interview that it was difficult to find a suitable person: several applicants for the role of her boyfriend did not pass the test and bakery period. True, there was one fan, who surprised an unusual gift: Butsami with the names of Nymar, the beloved football player of tennis players, and the rocket. But on this his fantasy was exhausted.

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The spark of romance, according to journalists, flashed between the athlete and its coach from Belgian Philippe Dejas. A few of his pictures lit up in Dasha's account in "Instagram". But, apparently, the fruitful relationship did not work out, and after 2 years, the coach returned to his homeland, where he had a family.

Despite the constant physical exertion, the athlete is characterized by elegant physique (height 170 cm, weight 62 kg) and smooth forms. The figure she demonstrates not only on the court, but also during the rest on the sea coast in a swimsuit.

How often Daria is trained, noticeably on the instagram account of the athlete. Almost all the photos that laid out the tennis player are made on the court.

Daria Kasatkina now

Now Daria is trained by Spaniard Carlos Martinez. Collaboration led to a number of victories that are significant for Career Raskina. At the beginning of 2021, she became the winner of the tournament in Melbourne. In the final, the Russian woman struggled with the Czech athlete Maria Bowkova. In parallel with the competition in Melbourne, Australian Open - 2021 passed, which did not conquer the athlete: she lost in the second round.

St. Petersburg met Casatkin Heat. WTA Dasha's tournament played easily, bypassing such stars as Veronica Cudermetov and Alexander Sosnovich. Tennis player called his victory special.

To go out into the third round of the Open Championship of France by Kasatkin, due to the victory over the representative of Switzerland Belinda Benchich. "Roland Garros" ended for tennis players after the match with a backdrop of Kyrus.

Birmingham Classic tournament in Birmingham remained not conquered by the Russian woman. By walking Marta Kostyuk, Teresu Martintsov and Coco Vandeva, she stopped in a step from victory, losing the Once of Zhambers in the competition final.

Not all colleagues with understanding belong to the successes and failures of the athlete. So, in July 2021, the tennis player posted on the network of the screenshots of its correspondence with the midfielder of "Alania" by Vladimir Habulov. In his commentary, he insulted Daria after she lost in the second round of Wimbledon, the ex-fifth racket of the world Elena Ostapenko.

Kasatkin's herself is benevolently refers to other tennis players, with whom it went to the court or only planned matches. So, after the German tennis player Julia Görges reported that she completed his career, Daria congratulated her and expressed regret that he had never played with her in a pair.

In July, the Olympic Games were launched - 2020, transferred to the 2021th due to a coronavirus infection pandemic. Daria became part of the Russian national team.

Awards and achievements

  • 2013 - the title of Junior Cup Federation as part of the Junior team of Russia
  • 2014 - Title at the open championship of France for tennis
  • 2014 - Silver Junior Olympic Games Medal
  • 2015 - the first title in the WTA-tour
  • 2015 - Victory at the Kremlin Cup
  • 2017 - the first title in a single discharge at the WTA level
  • 2018 - the title of the first racket of Russia

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