Stas Starovoitov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, standap-comic, movies, "instagram" 2021



Stas Starovoitova is called the pioneer of the new comedy genre called Standap. The humorist was famous for the "branded" direction of jokes. Often they concerned the family, wives, daughters and, of course, the mother-in-law comedians. Now the comedian changed the usual viewers image, began to expand the scope of jokes and master the new yumor niches.

Childhood and youth

Stas Starsovtov was born in October 1982 in the Tomsk region, in the village of Bachek. Children's years of the boy passed in the village. The mother was engaged in the child who was helped by grandparents.

Parents diverged when the son was very small. But Stas himself calls childhood happy. True, the grandmother so fed his beloved grandson with pies that he then had to drive overweight. Fortunately, to make it old workers with the help of dances. Mother of humorist - choreographer.

Dancing for the first time brought the future artist on the scene. In a young age, he understood what it means to be in the center of attention to the audience. Starovoitov's school years took place in the city of abundant Stavropol Territory. The choreography was so fascinated him that he was even going to arrive after the 9th grade in the choreographic school. But then I decided that you need to get a "male" profession.

When taking the certificate, the young man took the documents to the Polytechnic Technical School in Tomsk. After entered the Polytechnic University. But on the 2nd course finally realized that he was an artist when he participated in the speeches of the University KVN team. Therefore, Stas left the university walls, and without having received higher education.

Humor and creativity

The creative biography of Stas was connected with KVN until 2009. After leaving the university, he went on the stage as an artist of the club fun and resourceful, and then 3 years wrote scenarios and jokes for the team. Then Starovatov realized that this occupation was tired of him. Work in the team began to resemble a collective farm. Yes, and the flight for the work of the project framework was greatly limited. Therefore, the young man drew attention to other comedy genres.

Since 2004, Starovatov lived in Krasnoyarsk. Here, the humorist for the first time tried himself as a resident of the regional Comedy Club. Soon the artist became the creative editor of the show. Working in "Comedy Club" brought not such big money, and the family needed to feed. Therefore, Starovatov worked as a copywriter in the Krasnoyarsk brand agency.

In 2007, Stas returned to Tomsk, where the editor's career continued in the Comedy Club regional branch. In addition, Starovoytov was a leading TV show. But in Krasnoyarsk, the comedian met with a colleague Sergey Platizian. Together they created the duet "Revolver".

Stas Starovoitov and Artemy Lebedev

It is this project that has become the happy ticket that brought the artist to central television. Revolver first appeared in three seasons of the popular TV show "Laughter without Rules". 7 and 8th seasons were successful. The duet went to the final and got into the "slaughter league."

2009 became for Starovoitov the year of completion of the Comedy Club era. Stas first met with the work of the famous English comedian Eddie Izard. Interested in seen, he revised the concerts of other legendary stand-comedas, among whom Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence and George Carlin. But the last and decisive drop was acquaintance with the work of Louis Si Kay. He became a cumier for Starovoitov. But the main thing - inspired on his own creativity.

Moving to Tomsk, Stas Starovoitov began to write its own monologues. Successful speeches posted on the Internet. There's a talented artist and found the Moscow producer Ruslan White. He offered an artist to participate in his new Stand Up show. Stas did not make himself wait and immediately moved to the capital.

Personal life

With the future spouse, Marina Mamatov Stas met in Tomsk. The girl was beautiful and, moreover, an interesting interlocutor. The lover of humorist learned the translator, besides this, received a diploma of the bodybuilding and fitness. For some time, Marina worked as a dancer in a nightclub.

First, the couple, having met at a party from general friends, just talked. Then everything turned into a novel. The relationship of young people lasted a year, after which Stas made his favorite proposal of hands and hearts. In 2010, Stas and Marina married. A year after the wedding, daughter Masha was born. Since then, the personal life of Stas Starovoitov proceeded in a happy family bed. Then Starovytov moved to Moscow, and after a while he transported a family to the capital.

Spouses dreamed of the appearance of the second child, Stas wanted the heir. However, in the summer of 2016, information appeared in social networks that the comedian was divorced and he had a new novel. The humorist himself tried not to communicate with the pen sharpies on this topic. The Girl of Stas, 27-year-old Azazhistka Irina Kryuchkova turned out to be frank. Joint photos from a rest girl posted on her page in the social network. At the accusation that she broke the family, Ira replied that at the time of dating with Stas in December 2015, the comedian broke up with the first wife.

The common daughter of Stas and Marina remained to live with her mother, but the artist often visited the child. The media is still unknown by the reason for the rupture of former spouses. Stanislav refused comment on this issue. Soon the network has information that Stas and Irina got married. In the fall of 2017, the girl gave the heir artist. Now Starovatov - father of two children.

Like many celebrities, Stanislav registered an account in "Instagram". In microblog, the artist shares with fans of workers and backward photos, but sometimes private comedian pictures are slipped. Starovoitov's life companion, on the contrary, do not mind to devote subscribers to the events. To break away from humor, comedian listens to sad songs. With friends, he organized the Music group "Arychikari". Together they play Caverits of the Colive Defense team.

Stand up

Since 2013, a new chapter has begun in the biography of Starovoitov. The humorist easily jumped about different sides of life, but among them the topic of relationships with the first spouse prevailed among them. The comedian simply marked the nuances of behavior in their pair, conducted comparative analyzes between female and male worlds, accompanying them with bright epithets and comparisons. A special part of the speeches amounted to monologues about a pregnant wife, which Stas in a speech called "Puzate General".

After the birth of the daughter, the themed field of jokes expanded - here "notes" about the first months of life of the hear, about the role of Starovoitov and Marina in her upbringing. Jokes were very popular among the public, as they were clear and close to many. There were no less than the audiences of the comedian speeches, devoted to the topics of intimate relations, politicians, music and others. In the spring of 2014, the artist officially issued activities on television as an individual entrepreneurship.

Changes in personal life also added new colors in the bright monologues of Stas. Twice attending the appearance of their own children to light, the artist did not fail to joke about the birth of the first and second wives, the payment of alimony. After the birth of the son, the artist doubled the share of the "family" humor, without forgetting to concern those relevant at the moment.

In early 2017, the book of Olga Buzova "The price of happiness" was published. Standap-comic tightly responded to the publication and ridiculed the work of the TV presenter. According to the humorist, the book looks like a toilet paper.

By 2018, Stas Starovoytov prepared an interesting program, and later a solo concert of humorist was held on the stage of DC them. Lensovet. The show entered the topics of family sketches, as well as the argument of a humorist about political, social and personal problems.

Stas Starovoitov Now

In 2020, the humorist continued his creative career, presented new monologues about women and men in the framework of Stand Up. In addition, Stas managed to become a member of several entertainment shows. So, the fans saw the comedian as a guest of the program "Improvisation", in which he, together with the permanent participants of the project, demonstrated the skill of spontaneous humor (in particular, in the "loud conversation" competition).

Also, the fans rated the release of the transmission "where logic?", In which he got into one team with the actor and comic romance to Popov, the star of the series "Policeman from Rublevka". Opponents of Duet were performed by the artist Alexey Bazanov and Intellectual Anatoly Wasserman. In November, in an interview with the podcast "From time to time", the Commissarenko's glory, which left Stand-Up, Starovatov shared revelations about their alcoholism.

And later on the air show "Makarena" on the Yutiub-canal Karena Adamyany Stas admitted that he envies the colleagues in the stands of Nurlan Saburov and Alexey Shcherbakov, who, according to the artist, achieved more success in the audience. But these realities did not stop creative gusts - the comedian tried himself as a film actor. The first in the artist filmography was the series "Bath", which was released on the screens in early January 2021. Together with Starovoitov, Vladimir Vdovichenko starred in the film.


  • 2004 - Comedy Club
  • 2007 - "Laughter without rules"
  • 2007-2008 - "Dead League"
  • 2012 - Stand Up

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