Nikita Volkov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The young Russian actor Nikita Volkov said loudly about himself in 2014, when he starred in the lead role in the complex dramatic picture of "Two Women." Later with the participation of the actor, significant projects "Santa Claus. Battle of magicians "," a crisis of tender age, "" Dancing to death. "

Nikita was born in the spring of 1993 in St. Petersburg. Nothing is known about the family and parents of the future actor. In school years, the boy participated in school productions, concerts and student performances. Nikita studied the choreography at a serious level and professionally engaged in swimming. The dream of becoming an actor was glad gradually, but at the same time Nikita did not cease to pay attention to his own education. For example, Nikita paid a lot of time to study languages ​​and today is fluent in English, and in French can explain with the native speaker.

Full Nikita Volkov

After school, the wolves finally decided to go along the way of acting. The young man did not see Moscow, the young man did not see sense, so he preferred the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art. After a complete study of the training course in the workshop, which was led by Anna Yakovlevna Aleksakhina, Nikita entered the Troupe of Studio at the Lensovet's theater.

In this theater, the Wolves soon played Gregory from the play "On all sages of pretty simplicity", Grigory Lvovich Murova from the production of "without guilt". Participated actor and in the play "Don Quixote", "Flute-Spine", "I am afraid of love." Nikita Volkov was lucky enough to work under the start of the director Yuri Butusov, the laureate of the National Theater Prize "Golden Mask".

Nikita Volkov in the theater

Later, a young actor also appeared on the scene of Bertold Brecht's theater, where he played in significant performances "Cabaret Brecht" and "Sleeping in the Summer Night." In total, about 20 theatrical artist. But the actor does not connect his own biography only with the theater. Nikita Volkov gladly accepts offers from cinematographers.


The first samples of the feather in the game movie Wolves Nikita did still in his student age. At first, the young man starred in a short ribbon "Fishing".

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In 2013, Nikita appeared in the episode of the criminal militant "Menting Wars" on the struggle of honest policemen with shorts in bulk. In the "Nevsky partisans" series, the actor received the role of precinct. Soon wolves appeared in a small image in the historical and biographical drama "Shagal - Malevich", which was created by the director Alexander Mitta. The film was told about the friendship of two geniuses - Mark Shagal (Leonid Bechevin) and Kazimir Malevich (Anatoly White), which one time worked together in Vitebsk.

And being a four-year school, Nikita passed the casting to the main role of Alexei Nikolayevich Belyaeva in the film by the famous play of Ivan Turgenev "Month in the village", which in the cinematic version was called "Two Women". As the young actor remembered later, he jumped to the ceiling, learning that he managed to impress the leaders of this project.

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The thing is that young talent was to cooperate with the mass of magnificent artists. The director of the painting was the legendary Vera Glagolev, and one of the roles played the British actor Raif Fayns, the star of famous films about Harry Potter and the series "Hotel Grand Budapest."

After this start, Career Nikita Volkova went to the mountain. The actor in the foreground appears in the militant "hot perimeter" and the youth comedy "crisis of gentle age", which was broadcast on the TV channel "TNT". In 2014, Nikita also appeared in the criminal detective "the best enemies", where they played an episodic role.

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Also in the account of the young actor, participation in the third season of the fantastic thriller "survive after" about the uprising of mutants in Moscow. The series became a springboard for many promising Russian actors and actresses, among which Eugene Rozanova, Dmitry Endalz, Sergey Godin, Lucherya Ilyashenko. In 2016, the shooting of a youth fantastic film "Dancing to death" about the city of the future, where dance tournaments are not on life, but to death.

In 2016, the Family Claus was replenished with the Family Claus. The battle of magicians, "in which Nikita Volkov played with Taisia ​​Vilkova.

Personal life

The talented actor Nikita Volkov has not built family relationships and does not intend to rush with it either. Nothing is known about the personal life of a young person to the public and journalists. While working on the film "Two Women" There were rumors about the novel between Nikita Volkov and Anna Levanova, but the speculation did not find confirmation from the mouth of the actors themselves. Apparently, wolves from the young age decided that fans should discuss creativity and acting skills, and not star girlfriends.

Nikita Volkov

Nikita is not fond of communication with fans through social networks, in particular the private life, the artist does not comment on "Instagram" or from the personal blog page. Nikita is enough of the page in the VKontakte network, where the wolves communicate only with their own friends and acquaintances.

Nikita Volkov now

Now the artist film engineer continues to evolve. Nikita has already proven itself as a talented performer, so regularly receives invitations to the iconic projects. In 2017, with the participation of Nikita Volkova on the TV channel "Russia-1", a show of the criminal melodrama "House of Porcelain" was started, the time of events of which tolerate the audience at the beginning of the 80s of the last century.

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In 2018, work on the Music film "Vocal-Criminal Ensemble", in which Nikita Volkov got the main role. In order to catch the main suspect in the case of the export of artistic values ​​from the USSR, the popular performer of Igor Zavevoshevsky, a musical group is organized from young operatives. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs operate under the cover, but at some point they are fond of new life.

Meeting with a young actor fans also expects in the paintings "Other Blood", "Gemini project" and "Chernovik", which are preparing for release in 2018.


  • 2013 - "Shagal - Malevich"
  • 2014 - "Two Women"
  • 2014 - "The Best Enemies"
  • 2014 - "Running Perimeter"
  • 2016 - "Survive after-3"
  • 2016 - "The crisis of tender age"
  • 2016 - "Santa Claus. Battle Mages "
  • 2016 - "Dancing to death"
  • 2016 - "Elasticity"
  • 2016 - "Other Blood"
  • 2017 - "House of Porcelain"

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