Andrei Grigoriev-Appolone - biography, personal life, photo, news, group "Ivanushki International" 2021



The path to the glory of Andrei Grigorieva-Appolonova was not easy, but one day the young singer woke up famous. In 1995, the men's team "Ivanushki International" was formed, where Andrei became one of the soloists. Although the group is now not so popular as in the 90s, Grigoriev-Appolonov knows all Russia. The artist is recognized on the street, ask to give an autograph, invite to talk shows and take interviews.

Childhood and youth

"The Red Ivanushka" is so called the soloist of the Ivanushki International Group Andrei Grigorieva-Appolonov - Born in Sochi in the summer of 1970, under the sign of the zodiac lion. By the time of his emergence, the elder sister Julia was already grown up in the family.

Mother Margarita Andreevna worked as an administrator of the Sochi Winter Theater. Henrich's father Svyatoslavovich worked as a surgeon in a children's hospital, which was later headed. Julia first went on his footsteps and settled by a doctor to a local military enlistment office, but then he began to answer the scenic costumes of Ivanoshek.

In the school, Andrei loved, because he had already established himself in primary grades, he participated in cultural events and theatrical productions. Parents sent her son to a music school, where he learned the game on the piano. And the Andrei as a child professionally played table tennis.

After graduating from 9th grade Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov decided to receive education in the pedagogical school. For some time he worked as a teacher. But familiar and friends saw charismatic, high with a bright color of the guy's hair as a model. It is not surprising that the singer tried himself as a mannequin, because the growth of Grigorieva-Appolonov is 190 cm.

In 1988, the young artist with his team participated in the All-Union Festival of the theaters of the modes and received the first prize. Later, Andrei performed the director of the Sochi Creative Team.

In 1991, Grigoriev appolone understood: everything that he could reach in his hometown, they have already been achieved. And at the 21st age, Andrei went to conquer Moscow. In the same 1991, he became a student of guitis by choosing a pop office. The university had to finish in absentia.


On the 2nd course of Gitis, the creative biography of Grigoriev-Appolonov made a steep turn. The Warsaw Drama Theater announced the competition in the capital: artists were gained in the new Music "Metro". Andrei took the dancer. The statement was successful, and the troupe went to tour in the United States, during which the guy from Sochi met Igor Sorin.

Andrei offered him to work together - he has long been thinking about creating his own musical team. Kirill Andreev joined the guys. So the group "Ivanushki International" was born. In the 1995th "Ivanushk Int." Already knew the whole country. The producer of the collective was Igor Matvienko. Interestingly, with Him Grigoriev-Appolonov met on the filming of the clip of the group "Lube" "not Valya Fool, America," where Andrei starred in one of the roles.

In 1996, the first album of the creative trio was released, the named "of course he". The hits filled with the "Ginger Ivanushka" along with Syrin and Andreev, were the songs "Tuchi", "I love", "for the horizon", "gold clouds", "poplar fluff" and others. Then 2 more disks came out, called "Of course he. Remix "and" Your letters "with the legendary" doll ". Clips appeared on many tracks.

In 1998, Oleg Yakovlev took Igor in the group. With Oleg, the band recorded 3 studio albums: "I'll shout about it all night" (1999), "Wait me" (2000) and "Oleg Andrei Kirill" (2002). Each disk contained his immortal hit: "Snegiri", "Reviy" and "Golden Clouds", which forced fans to cry at concerts.

In 2005, the team released the anniversary collection of "10 years in the Universe". The "Ivanushki" themselves performed only 5 tracks, the remaining 9 songs recorded their colleagues: the singer Glyc'oza, the group "Lube", "roots", "Factory" and other performers. At the 2015 Collection "The best in our lives" idol girls, all the compositions performed independently.

Oleg Yakovlev remained in the team until the beginning of 2013. In February, he announced that he wanted to realize a solo career. He was replaced by the Ukrainian Cyril Turgulko. In November 2015, Ivanushki Int. Dali Anniversary Concert in Crocus City Hall. The former soloist Yakovlev also took part in the speech.

In 2018, Grigoriev-Appolonov took part in the recording of the song and the group "Ivanushki Int." "Only for red". Musicians continued to work on a new material, but they performed with an old concert program on the scenes of Russia and other countries.

The cinematic biography of Andrei Grigorieva-Appolonova is not as rich as musical. The episodic roles went to the "red Ivanushka" in the popular TV series "Club", "Do not be beautiful", "My beautiful nanny", "Zaitsev + 1" and "happy together". Episodes He played in the tapes "Love-carrot - 2", "Election Day", "1st fast". More often Grigoriev appolone appeared as a chameo.

Personal life

Andrei's first love in early youth became Polina Lake, known today under the name of Polina Griffis, ex-soloist "A-Studio". The familiarity of the couple occurred in Sochi, where the girl arrived in the dance group of Lime Vaikule. Later celebrity together conquered Broadway with the Musicom "Metro".

Maria Lopatova became the first wife of Andrei. Together, the couple lived in civil marriage for 5 years. But then romance from the relationship destroyed, and the spouses broke up. Masha found another Andrei - Basketball player Andrei Kirilenko, and Grigoriev-Appolonov found the second Masha - Maria Banks. It is noteworthy that women became friends.

The first child in the family became Ivan. After the birth of the firstborn, the pair legalized the relationship, and in 2005 the second son of Artemy was born. Parents have different views on the upbringing of boys. Andrei taught - "It's impossible to fight," and Maria, on the contrary, that the surrender should be passed right away. I did not like the artist and the passion for the sons hockey, but did not let it.

In the summer of 2017, there was a terrible news about the death of Oleg Yakovlev. The tragedy occurred due to the stop of the heart of the artist. A month later, the older sister of Andrei Julia died. The official cause of death became bronchial asthma. 3 years before, Andrei and Julia said goodbye to Mom.

Andrei Burdukov, who took himself the scenic pseudonym of Grigoriev-Apollon-Jr., remained at the late sister. The spouse was younger than Julia for 25 years. Together with Pasyanka (Andrei's nephew), he founded the music group #appolonovgang. The debut song "I and you" the team devoted the dead.

In 2019, the program "In fact", the famous singer criticized the Widset of Julia and accused of using his name for commercial purposes. Andrei directly called his complete thesis by Alfons. Other relatives of Grigoriev-Appolon also responded negatively about him, especially in view of his coming soon after the death of his wife into the scandalous TV show "Dom-2" as a member.

More about one serious year for herself, Grigoriev-Appolonov told in the program "Fate of Man": in 1998, the father of the musician and his friend Igor Sirch were left one after another. According to the artist, fantasy helps him hard losses: Andrei represented that Igor today is in Tibet, Oleg Yakovlev - somewhere on the islands, and the sister rests in Sochi.

A series of deaths could not pass without a trace. In September 2017, the press wrote that the struggle of celebrities with depression led the singer to alcoholism. There was information that after the departure of Julia, Grigoriev-Appolon was worsened by health. The fatal troubles happened before - in 2003, the car Andrei fell into an accident, one of the passengers died on the spot.

In 2019, it became known about the separation of Andrei and Mary. The reason for the dissolution of marriage in the media was called the novel of the girl with basketball player Andrei Zubkov. It is noteworthy that the official divorce took place in September, and in January next year the former wife of the musician gave birth to a Zubkov son. In fact, the woman was dispersed with the star, being pregnant from the athlete.

In early 2021, Maria Zubkov laid out Storsith, which had not to like the fans of Grigoriev-Appolonov. In it, the blonde said that for wealth it is necessary to be creative, read books and know the world. Well, to get married with 2 children, it is important to "love yourself and be in harmony with you, to understand why you need a husband and who is a good man for you. And then he himself will appear. "Despite the fact that the artist respectfully responds about the ex-wife, after parting he took the children to himself. The singer explained that her sons would not suffer from a lack of communication with Mom: leaving on the speeches, he dismissed the guys to Masha.

After divorce the stars, the fan of the group Olesya Sazikina announced to the whole of Russia, which brings up the Son from Grigoriev-Appolonov. He denied fatherhood and immediately called the lady crazy fan. DNA test confirmed that Sasikina Laskala.

Andrei lays out bright photos from his concert life in "Instagram", there are also rare videos from the group's history. And he suits contests for subscribers. So, in Sochi, a redhead "Niva", kicked by the texts of the songs "Ivanushki". Those residents and guests of the city, who managed to take pictures on the background of the car, received a gift from idols.

Possessing a large margin of optimism, Andrei claims that it is now open to change in personal life.

Andrei Grigoriev appolones now

All 2020 "Ivanushki International" planned to hold in tour, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the team, but the concert tour had to be postponed to improving the epidemiological situation in the world.

New 2021 Year of Grigoriev-Appolone met in Dubai. On social networks, the musician reported that shortly before that, he asymptically suffered coronavirus and quit smoking. And, according to Producer, Matvienko, Andrei also promised to finally get rid of alcohol addiction.

In the Arab Emirates, the group accidentally met with the popular Russian rapper by Morgettern and even arranged an improvised performance. In recent years, the team increasingly performs in closed events.


  • 1996 - "Of course he"
  • 1997 - "Your letters"
  • 1999 - "I'll shout about it all night"
  • 2000 - "Wait me"
  • 2002 - "Oleg Andrei Kirill"

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