Alexey Kravtsov - biography, personal life, photo, news, union of skating, businessman, husband of Yulia Bordovsky 2021



Alexey Kravtsov is a Russian businessman and the head of the Union of Konkezhdsev Russia. His biography attracts attention not only by professional merits, but also a marriage with a famous TV presenter Zero Yulia Bordovsky.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Yuryevich Kravtsov was born on August 10, 1963 in the capital of the Southern Urals of Chelyabinsk. The boy's father was a professor at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, the mother taught a literature at school. Little Lesha has revealed a lot to the exact sciences, he shined at the city and district olympiads in mathematics.

Having received a maturity certificate, Alexey wanted to continue his education at the Moscow Physico-Technical Institute, but the parents intervened, insulating on training in Miit, where the father was taught. Kravtsov became a student of the faculty of automation and computing technology, which successfully graduated in 1985. The next two years, Alexey studied in graduate school at the Department of Electronics, he also worked as an explorer engineer. Years later, Kravtsov recognized that he was grateful to his parents for the impetus, since the specialty obtained was in demand in the labor market.

Sports and business

During the era of the restructuring and publicity of Kravtsov went to a private business in the field of information technology. In 1989, Alexey Yuryevich took the post of deputy general director first by the inter-sectoral company KRAFT, and after KRAFT-91, which was engaged in importing components and assembling ready-made computers.

Years later, in 1993, an entrepreneur from scratch created a Kraftway Corporation PLC company, which made computers and servers under the brand brand Grand Electronics GROUP. Two years later, Kravtsov became the general director of the company. Thanks to the competent strategy and management of Kraftway Corporation, it became the industry leader and the largest manufacturer in the field of information technology.

Alexey Yuryevich Kravtsov came to the Russian sport, when he was in a difficult situation - on the eve of the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. At the end of December 2009, he was elected President of the Union of Konkezhds Russia by replacing Vladimir Komarov as President. The main task for myself businessman put "creating conditions for high-quality work and achieving athletes of the highest results."

Thanks to the activities of Kravtsov, Russia began to regularly participate in major competitions: in the world championships in skating in Sochi and Kolomna and in the World Cup. The famous Korean short-trekist An Hen Sud received Russian citizenship and changed his name to Viktor Ana.

Personal life

In 2006, Alexey Kravtsov and the star of television of the 90s Julia Bordovsky rested in France. Future spouses were accidentally met on the beach, and the spark instantly ran between them. A year later, the couple got married and immediately thought about children. On January 23, 2008, the spouses welcomed the Son, who was named Fyodor.

The family lived happily, in an interview with Bordovsky recognized that she finally established a personal life, and was shared in social networks. The divorce of the exemplary family after 12 years of marriage became a complete surprise to the public.

From the first marriage, Alexey has an adult son Philip.

Alexey Kravtsov Now

In the summer of 2021, Julia Bordovsky gave an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, in which he told why they were collapsed with Kravtsov marriage. The TV host noted that the tension in the relationship of spouses appeared in 2013, after 6 years of family life. The couple began to quarrel, Yulia lacked attention and care of her husband. Then Bordovsky decided to change the place of residence and went to the United States. Despite the tension, originally, the spouse was going to move to his wife, but in the end he did not.

Bordovsky frankly admitted Sobchak:

"Sometimes I felt humiliation. It did not give birth to love in me, humiliation gives rise to only humiliation. "

Now the former husband of Yulia Bordovsky continues to lead the SCR, engaged in business projects.

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