Ivan Volkov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Non-easy fate has developed in Ivan Volkov. Since childhood, he was dull with the famous mom on the tour, and with his native father first met at 18 years. Ivan was realized as an actor of the theater and cinema. And established himself with a talented composer. The artist himself has repeatedly said that he loves to learn and self-improvement. And if he ever says, he knows and knows how to all, then you need to strike a man with a stick, because it will not be.

Ivan Nikolayevich Volkov belongs to the famous acting dynasty. Talented artist parents - Olga Volkov and Nikolai Volkov - know and love millions of television viewers in the entire post-Soviet space.

Full Ivan Volkov

Olga's marriage and Nikolai officially did not register and after the birth of the son lived together for a short time. From the first marriage of the People's Artist, Katya's daughter was left - the older sister of Vanya. Olga Volkova, after a break with Nikolai Volkov, took the son and left for tour. The next time Ivan saw the father only at 18 years old.

In Nikolay Volkov, Ivan has two brothers and sisters.

In Ivan, who was born in August 1974 in Leningrad, choosing in the question "Who to become?" did not have. He grown behind the scenes. Mom often took her son with himself in touring trips. The famous BDT turned to Volkova in the second hometown, where he knew every corner.

Ivan Volkov

It is not surprising that Ivan continued the acting dynasty. True, at first he manifested musical abilities. 8 years old Future actor studied in a chapel of boys. In addition to vocals, Ivan learned to play piano and flute. Then he graduated from the Leningrad pop school. But in 1994, Ivan Volkov realized that he had to continue his education.

He went to Moscow and entered Gitis. In the capital, Vanya lived at the native father Nikolai Volkov, with whom Mom had a short unofficial marriage. Ivan came close to the dad and the new family of Nikolai Nikolayevich.

Full Ivan Volkov

Two years before moving to Moscow, a young man stayed with her mother in the capital. Once the guy fell a chance to see his father, but they both were not ready to meet. But then the dad with his son has a warm relationship.


The creative biography of Ivan Volkov began in 1997. For the first time, the artist appeared on the stage in the clownade theater Vyacheslav Polunin. In the same year, he, together with a colleague, Nikolai Roshchin formed an acting directorial theater community (A. R. T. O.). Over time, it turned into a state institution, the name "Moscow Theater" A. R. T. O. ".

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In 2001, Ivan Volkov appeared on the scene of the legendary "contemporary", where he successfully debuted in the production of "three sisters", fulfilling the role of Andrei Transzorov.

Ivan Nikolayevich considers himself more theatrical artist than the film actor. Metropolitan Theatrians remember work in the productions of the School of Szitov, "Philoktt", "Savva. Ignis Sanat "and many others.

Music passion broke into fruitful work: Ivan Volkov is known as a composer. He writes music for theatrical performances.

The cinematic biography of the actor began significantly later the theatrical. In the first decade, after Gitis, the wolves appeared in one Kinoroli - he played the main character of the musical picture of Evgeny Serov "New Year's Adventures". It is noteworthy that in this film Ivan first met on the set with Mom, who played Vanya's aunt character.

The next major role went to Ivan Nikolayevich Volkov in 2006. Spectators and critics warmly accepted the actor in the image of Astronoma Peter Apple in the melodrama "We will be on you." After this film, the proposal to be filmed fell on the artist as an abundance horns.

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Until 2012, he replenished the filmography of several ribbons, the most brightest of which the mystical film "Other", the drama "Life that was not", the detective series "Thro. Simple guys-1, Thriller "Dead Daughters", Popular Melodrama "Tatiana Day" and "Mill of Hatspetovka".

Over the years Ivan Volkov becomes like a native father: outwardly and manner of the game. He thoughtfully and removed from the worldly fuss. Amplua actor - decent, slightly sad heroes philosophers. In such as the audience, the spectators saw Volkova in the new paintings - the melodraman "Mom comes married" and two-minded TV shows "Palach" and "Spider", where he played Major KGB.

Personal life

Attention to the personal life of Ivan Volkov is explained by marriage with actress Chulpan Hamaya. They got married young. But this student marriage lasted 7 years. In the 2002 pair broke up. It happened immediately after the birth of the daughter of Arina.

Ivan Volkov with Mom and Chulpan Hamaya

With Chulpan Ivan got acquainted in Gitis. Young people studied at one course. In the second year of study, Ivan made a girlfriend a proposal that she answered agree. Young wedding played twice: in Moscow and Kazan.

In the family, there were no children for a long time, and in 2002, a couple of Arina's daughter was born. Ivan did not have time to learn to swaded the girl, as Hamatova left her husband and was silent on shooting in Germany. A year later, the public found out that Chulpan became a mom for the second time: she gave birth to her daughter asya. The girl's father became the dancer Alexey Dubinin.

Ivan Volkov

The actress met Alexey on the tour "Contemporary" Theater, but then she was married, although he had no children. It is said that the couple twisted the novel, but Hamatov chose to save the family. After the birth of Arina, the actress realized that the feelings for the Dubinin were not passed. She left the baby to her mother, and he left himself to Germany, where he agreed with Alexei.

In some sources of Pope Asi indicate Ivan Volkov.

Now Ivan and Chulpan support good relationships. The actor does not like to remember the details of the divorce with Hamaya and does not give on this issue comments.

Full Ivan Volkov

The personal life of Ivan Volkov has improved in 2003. He married his former classmate Oles Yakovleva. It is concerned that some romantic spark slipped between a pair of student times, but Ivan stopped the choice of Chulp. And in 2003, when Volkov and Yakovlev went on tour to Germany with the production of "beekeepers", the long-burning sparkle suddenly flashed. The son of Georgy appeared in this marriage. However, the couple broke up after 5 years of living together.

In 2011, wolves married for the third time. And again on the actress. Lyudmila Kharitonov gave birth to her husband to the second daughter, which the couple called Alexander.

Ivan Volkov and Lyudmila Kharitonov

After marriage, Lyudmila officially took the surname of her husband. In the credits, the artist is sometimes referred to as Volkova.

For some time, rumors have been rumored that the spouses live separately. But statements about the divorce from the actors did not come.

Unlike many celebrities, Ivan did not start the name account in "Instagram". But the state of the actor leads microblog, where it is divided with subscribers of photo and video.

Ivan Volkov now

Ivan Volkov in demand in the cinematic environment. He writes music to films and performances. The writer made a composer for the "Banya", "Murder of Jean Paul Marat" and "Last Dad" in 2017.

Ivan Volkov

For 2018, the output of the multi-sized film "Celebrated" is scheduled. Lhai history builds around two families whose children seventeen years ago confused in the hospital. The Morozovy family finds out where his native daughter lives. They want to pick up a girl home. However, another married couple is not going to easily give the one who is considered to be their daughter.

Ivan Volkov will appear in the television series as a man named Lazar.


  • 2003 - "Passenger without baggage"
  • 2005-2006 - "Lyuba, Children and Plant"
  • 2006 - "We will be on you"
  • 2007 - "Other"
  • 2007 - "Tatiana Day"
  • 2008 - "Life that was not"
  • 2009 - "Hatspeetovka milkka 2: a challenge of fate"
  • 2010 - "Mill of Hatspeetovka 3"
  • 2010 - "Ivanov"
  • 2011 - "Group of Happiness"
  • 2012 - "I'll be near"
  • 2012 - "Mom gets married"
  • 2014 - "Palace"
  • 2015 - "Spider"
  • 2018 - "Celebrated"

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