Misha Marvin - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Misha Marvin is a young Russian and Ukrainian singer, a songwriter who collaborates with masters of Timati scene, Motom, DJ Cana and others. The solo composition "Hate" started in 2016 became a hit and is popular with young people.

Mikhail was born on July 15, 1989 in the Western Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi. Childhood and school years of the future artist passed in this city. But then the boy goes to the capital of Kiev, as it decided that I would like to devote the lives of show business. Mikhail managed to become a student of the State Academy of Governing Persons of Culture and Arts, in which Marvin studied at the Faculty of Musicology.

Singer Misha Marvin

During this period, Mikhail tries himself in creating lyrics, and also engaged in musical activities. In the end, a young man was even invited to a new project working in the style of a boyish team. The guys created the author's horses, who, although they were, according to Marvin, are too simple, they still sometimes got into rotation on radio stations.

The group even removed a series of video clips, the first of which on the song "Superpess" cost a team of $ 300. But then the project was closed, as it became clear that nothing grandiose would not work.

Misha Marvin

Returning to the Native Academy, Misha discovered that the session had already passed, and since the young man did not appear on the exams, it was expelled from the third course. However, the young man was not too upset. Misha already understood what would like to do in life. To ensure itself the most necessary Marvin begins to work as a leading in a karaoke club, as well as promote its own texts for songs. One of them was hit "modest not in fashion", which entered the repertoire of the singer Hannah.


In 2013, Misha Marvin met Pavlom Kuryanov, holding the position of general director of the popular music Moscow label "Black Star Inc.". This meeting led to cooperation, which influenced the creative biography of a young author. First, Mikhail created his lunches for Singers Nathan and Mota, for example, Marvin was written by the oxygen song, which Mota sang together with the VIA Gra group. Then Chernivtsi talent, together with Egor, became co-author of all albums of the latter.

Two years later, Misha Marvin was singing and himself. The first realized idea to try myself as a singer was the composition "Well, what's the case." Initially, he planned to execute a song in a duet with DJ Kan, but the famous Rapper Timati, having heard the track, decided to join the guys. As a result, it turned out a spectacular trio.

Later, Misha Marvin is already together with DJman, the song "Break" has released a song, and with a friend of Moton, he recorded the composition "Or maybe?!". In the middle of the summer of 2016, Marvin decided to give fans the solo song "Hate", which was shot by the clip. According to the singer, not many believed that the release will be successful. But this hit quickly became popular.

Already in the first hours after publication on the Internet, the song held the first place to Pop Chart ITunes, and also got into the top five leaders of the common chart, which also included the musical composition of Timati and Egor "where you, where I". For a few weeks, the number of views of the video clip on YouTube exceeded the mark in a million, which was not limit. The authority of the Ukrainian musician increased in the eyes of colleagues. Proposals on cooperation fell on Misha.

In the plans of Misha, release the first solo album, and the singer hopes that the outlet of the plate will not be delayed.

Personal life

Mikhail Marvin's romantic relationship does not comment on what speaks in an interview when journalists ask the musician questions on this topic. But the reporters managed to find out that during work in Kiev in karaoke bar, Misha had a serious affair with a secured Russian woman who had moved to his beloved from Vladivostok to Ukraine. Relationships did not stand the tests of life, and soon the young broke up. Marvin worried a break for a long time. At the moment, Misha, as reported in the last interview, is not officially married.

Now Mikhail Marvin tries to strengthen the position of popularity, and for this I decided to grow as a professional. The artist is studying acting skills and modern choreography in order to more naturally look in the video clips and at concerts. Also, the guy takes the lessons of playing the piano, as it is confident that each musician must own a keyboard tool.

Misha Marvin now

In early February 2018, Misha Marvin struck the photo of the photo posted in "Instagram", where she appeared with a girl who had just made a proposal. The newly-made groom and the wonderful stranger began to congratulate the subscribers, among whom were also colleagues on a musical workshop.

Soon the singer himself revealed the secret of this snapshot. In fact, the musician went to New York for filming a new video on the composition "With her", and the girl who performed his beloved, was the American actress Zhanin Casio. The actress participated in the shooting of the video and at the same time rummed up a Russian musician.

After the drawing of Misha Marvin thanked friends and fans for good words and congratulations and said that if he decides to serious relationships, it would not hide the second half from fans. According to the assumptions of the artist, his girlfriend can easily become a fan of his talent.

In March 2018, Misha Marvin finally summed up the results of the competition "I sing, where I want", which was held at the end of 2017 together with Radio Energy (NRJ) RUSSIA radio station. Together with the winner of the Masha Ring Misha, Marvin recorded the song "closer" and has already laid the track on the network.

Misha does not get tired of creating, composing new songs and participate in solo and prefabricated concerts. In 2017, the author of the artist presented the new track and the clip on it "silent", in which the rapper Bumble Beezy participated. Soon the release of hit "History" took place, the video for which in six months was watched by 5.8 million people. Among the premiere - the songs "Deep", "stand out".

In March 2018, the artist participated in the Gala concert "Spring on Muz-TV", where soloists of Serebro musical teams also appeared on stage, "Disco" Alarm ", Ivanushki International, Quest Pistols Show and Artists, Speakers, - Emin , Sati Kazanova, Denis Klyaver, Dominic Joker.


  • 2010 - "Superpess"
  • 2015 - "Well, what's the case"
  • 2016 - "Maybe?!"
  • 2016 - "Break"
  • 2016 - "Hate"
  • 2017 - "silent"
  • 2017 - "History"
  • 2018 - "With her"

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