Anastasia Shubskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Alexander Ovechkin 2021



A girl with a model appearance, flawless manners and a difficult character, who has not known anything, but not accustomed to silent money. Thoughtful mom and a faithful wife, understanding which burden of responsibility lies on the famous spouse. Someone will say that Anastasia Shubskaya was born with a silver spoon in the mouth, and will be surprised by learning that she does not avoid simple homework.

Childhood and youth

The parents of Nastya Vera Glagolev and Kirill Shubsky, the famous actress and the head of the Holding "RT-Chemical Technologies and Composite Materials", which is part of the "Rostech" structure, met at the Film Festival in Odessa in 1991. Older sisters Anna and Maria were born in the first marriage of the mother with director Rodion Nakhapetov. Father, as media writes, there is an extramarital son from the Olympic champion in sports gymnastics Svetlana Khorkina.

Shubskaya was born in Switzerland in 1993, under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio. Since childhood, she grew in a friendly atmosphere, she was engaged in tennis, figure skating, gymnastics and ballet. And the attractive appearance of the girl gave advances to success if she had a desire to make a career in art.

By nationality Nastya - Jewish. Separate publications came to this conclusion, relying on the Galachic tradition of the "transfer of genes" on the maternal line.

By barely graduating from the external general education school, Anastasia, striving for independence, moved to a removable apartment and began to prepare for admission to the institute. The choice, of course, fell on the acting faculty of Vgika, because the shubskaya at a young age debuted into the movies. However, Glagolev, which does not know what he is a hell and dependent labor, dissuaded the daughter from an aggregative act.

It was decided to make a bet on the profession of producer. At the end of the corresponding faculty, a girl who did not doubt dreams to become an actress went to Los Angeles to study at the New York Film Academy branch. But it is unknown, if Nastya was the believed diploma, since it had a grand change in her personal life in America without exaggeration.

Personal life

On the absence of cavaliers, a long-legged beauty (height 177 cm) did not complain. True, Vera Vitalevna said that men would have difficult to: the daughter is pretty capricious and selective.

For the first time, Anastasia's heart doubled after acquaintance with the financier Artem Bolshakov. Young people met for three years. The guy made a shubsk offer, and she agreed. The girl was shared by joy in social networks and reported that parents warmly accepted the groom, but before the wedding did not come. Artem flew away to learn to the Master in the United States, and at a distance of the relationship quickly faded.

Nastya's acquaintance with Alexander Ovechkin took place in 2008 at the Olympic Games in Beijing. Hockey player, who has just concluded a space contract with NHL and not even dreamed of the title of the most famous Russian league player, and a beginner model was played at the disco and exchanged phones. There was a common acquaintance - dancer Egor Simachev, Anna Nakhapetova's husband.

The shubskaya then changed the number, and the contact was interrupted. The Internet came to the rescue. The girl almost drowned on vacation, as told "Instagram" subscribers. Ovechkin asked her well-being, and until the end of 2014, friendly communication continued. Anastasia during his studies in the United States visited Alexander's matches, and arriving at the next tournament in Washington, back to the city of Angelov no longer returned.

Roman couple developed rapidly. In March 2015, the athlete published a joint photo, in April introduced the elect with her mother and dad, next morning the lovers appeared in a public event. Ovechkin vacation spent with the Nastya family, and in September, as it should be, asked her hands from her parents.

To present the Wedding Ring of Van Cleef & Arpels with an immodest diamond, Alexander forced the bride to get out of the shower. Although even angry, but I consensus. However, Vera Glagolev warned the son-in-law that Anastasia quickly starts and quickly moves away. And the mother-in-law advised the Shubskaya after each match to give a spouse to speak out.

The public was notified of the wedding planned in a year, and Alexander's friends were performed on a banquet for the engagement in the Moscow restaurant, "Ivanushki International".

On his personal page in one of the social networks, the hockey player wrote that he considers a huge successful meeting with Anastasia and hopes that a joint life will be happy and long.

For the girl, the stormy past groom did not matter. Ovechkin walked down with a note slave. Hockey star attributed novels with a dancer Anna Samsonova, singer Jeanne Friske, a secular lioness Victoria Lopierva, and on the tennis player Mary Kirilenko, he was going to marry himself.

However, the wife of OVI, as the scorer nicknamed in America, in August 2016 she became a shubskaya. Moreover, the newlyweds were signed without the presence of friends and even parents, although in the same registry office as faith with Cyril.

At first, none of the parties commented on this information. But soon after articles in the media, Anastasia posted a photo of wedding rings in "Instagram" and hinted fans that married. Grand and memorable celebration postponed Alexander in a relaxed atmosphere to prepare for the World Cup.

"We try to do everything for each other. He often says to me that I combine a friend, girl, mistress, wife. This is important, because with this person, when children grow up, you will stay alone. This is the same, my man, and I want to live with him all my life, and I see him in old age with him. "

Before one of the main events in life, Anastasia organized a bachelorette party. The party was named Ovechkina Party. The restaurant selected on the occasion was decorated in humorous style - lamb figures holding hockey sticks. Difference for guests of the event was chosen by democratic jeans with white T-shirts decorated with inscriptions Ovechkina Team, and the word Bride was conquered on the blouse of the bride.

In March 2017, rumors appeared that the family is waiting for replenishment. The shubskaya was surprised and subsid for the quality of the media, they say, thought that journalists carefully check the information before publishing news. The model assured fans that there is no children while planning, and in the proof put in the "Instagram" in a bikini bathing suit, demonstrating a flat belly.

In July of the same year, on the day of family, love and loyalty, the long-awaited holiday of Alexander and Anastasia took place, which was a classic romantic character. The event passed in Barvikha and was different. For the honor of sewing a wedding dress fought Israeli brand Galia Lahav, favorite houses of Fashion Nastya Zuhair Murad and Elie Saab, but the choice fell on the Svetlana Lyalina brand.

Among the guests were attended by Ilya Kovalchuk, Yana Rudkovskaya, Joseph Kobzon, Angelica Agurbash and still dozens of stars from the world of show business and sports. The wedding led singer Nikolay Baskov. In addition, the newlyweds decided to congratulate the President of Russia. Vladimir Putin sent a solemn telegram and personally called during the festival. Nastya gave a chosen song Kati Lel "I'm at your feet" and a duet with love Uspenskaya.

Anastasia's accurate weight hides, but, as they say, enviable harness is obvious. On the face - minimum makeup. In clothing, she prefers convenience, follows food, does not eat meat, flour and sweet. For breakfast - yogurt and egg, for lunch costs salad, for dinner - fish or chicken. In the intervals between meals - coffee, some cheese and fruit. To live with an athlete - how without sports, Nastya is engaged in the gym, dancing on Pilon and running.

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In the spring of 2018, it became known about the pregnancy of his wife Alexander Ovechkin. Anastasia did not hide an interesting position, demonstrating the Follovers rounded figure. Health problems were not observed, so together with her husband she decided to make a transatlantic flight at the beginning of summer.

Before that, in his homeland, the spouses visited the memorable premiere of the film of the Faith Glagoleva "not strangers" and at the World Cup. In addition, Alexander decided to celebrate the Stanley Cup in a circle of Russian friends.

Son Sergey, whom Nastya gave birth in August 2018, has dual citizenship. In addition, the family came to Moscow to baptize the boy. The child, according to the mother-in-law of Tatiana Ovechkin, was born large and looked like her father. In an interview, the athlete not without pride stated that the son had no other chances, except to become a hockey player.

The little thesis of the deceased brother Alexander is already looking to play football and basketball. There are miniature hockey gates in the nursery, and without a seller's club does not come out of the house.

Now the shubskaya enjoys maternity. In February 2020 her "Instagram" was replenished with eloquent photographs confirming the news of the expectation of the second child. And in May, Anastasia became a mom for the second time - the son of Ilya appeared.

Alexandra Washington Capitals Club did not stay aside. In NHL, they noticed that in one week, a hockey player had several reasons for joy. Ovechkin for the first time in the career scored 700 piles and approaches the top five league bombarders led by Wayne Gretck.


Anastasia's creative biography began when she was a teenager. Back in 2005, the shubskaya was held in the lead role in the psychological drama "Ka de-Bo". True, the film was released only in a few years.

A year later, the girl together with Alena Khovanskaya and Ilya Shakunov, for a while with her on-screen parents, appears in the melodraman of the "damn wheel", which Vera Glagolev was delivered. Interestingly, in the credits of the actress under the home name Nastasya Shubskaya.

The last picture today, in which Anastasia was attended, there was a television series about women's fate "The woman wants to know ...". Here she was lucky to work in the frame with her talented mother.

Even before marriage, Nastya said that both the American Earth sees his own development as an actress. Over the ocean opportunities for this abound, there is a different level.

In 2011, the girl first reached the fashion podium, presenting the house "Chanel". Then he took part in a professional photo shoot, the shooting of which was held in California. Then, as a model appeared on the fashion show, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Russian Silhouette Foundation. This institution is headed by Tatyana Mikhalkov, the spouse of the legends of Russian cinema Nikita Mikhalkov. At the show, Shubskaya appeared before the public in a dress from the famous Kuturier Valentina Yudashkin.

The successes of Anastasia in the model business caused many rumors that her appearance was the merit of plastic surgeons. Shubskaya attributed to the lip plastic and nasal correction. Beauty did not confirm, but did not deny the presence of surgical interventions. On the deposits of the heater to their address, including in social networks, it tries not to respond.

Anastasia Shubskaya now

Ovechkin family (Nastya took the surname of her husband) lives in the suburb of Washington, an analogue of the Rublulyk near Moscow, in a 3-storey mansion with nine bathrooms and five bedrooms, a library and a swimming pool. There is where to raise black Labrador Blake: Villa Square - 1200 square meters. m, plus the land plot in half atener. The house of the couple knows everything: Alexander in the city adore.

The most expensive player in the history of NHL (under the contract, operating until 2023, Ovechkin will receive $ 124 million) provided a wife to envy. Anastasia and the work does not need. But "there is an understanding how money goes. Not even in sports, where everything is later and blood, but on the example of Pope: he spent the time that could spend with his family, nerves, it was morally hard. "

The peaceful furnishings of Macline has to relax. Free time, the pair is conducted as the average and the Americans, the TV, at the national football league match either in the theater. On vacation travels in Miami, where Alexander bought an apartment, or to Tuscan Porto-Santo Stefano, where the shubsky house has. They say Ovechkin is building a house in the Istra region of the Moscow region, where plans to move upon completion of the career.

Hockey player has a strict mode, and the shubskaya, like an exemplary wife, with his head plunged into concerns. By the farm Nastya is managed by itself, the kitchen delivers the unraded to pleasure, and the assistant comes a week twice a week. However, the mother's status on the female decree does not impark. It does not want to disclose all the cards, it only says that he thought a couple of projects. One is associated with the design, the second is joint with his spouse.

About producing, apparently, speech no longer comes. Anastasia does not want to leave closest to the cinematic center of Los Angeles, used to accompany Alexander everywhere, although he trusts him completely. Alone Ovechkin leaves for Greek Athos.

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