Elena Majorova - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Elena Majorova - the star of the Soviet and Russian screen of the 80-90s. The actress became popular after he starred in the films "fast train", "Makarov" and "Lost in Siberia". Until now, the conversations around the causes of the death of a 39-year-old actress.

Elena was born and spent school years in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Family belonged to the class of workers. Father worked as a car, and Mom worked on the meat processing plant. And the girl herself since childhood dreamed only about the scene. Already at 9 years old, Lena began to attend theatrical studio at the Palace of Pioneers and established himself in thought that being an actress is that the life path she would like for himself.

Actress Elena Mayorova

Majorova was an open and friendly child. In school, Lena studied at "excellent," participated in the life of the class and became the start-up for the guys. Already becoming famous, Elena Majorova came to his native town, gathered classmates and satisfied joint picnics or other activities. As the actress peers say, in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Lena loved everything without exception.

At the end of the school, the girl goes to the capital and submits documents to all theatrical universities. And in each of them, fiasco is waiting for an applicant. But Majorova decides not to return home. Elena enters construction versions, and without looking at the specialty: the main criterion was the provision of students with a hostel. During the year, the girl studied and worked, and he worked hard. Since Majorova hit the specialty of the islers, then the future star accounted for in the cold all the shift to wind up the pipes with glass wool, fix the material with wire and concrete.

Elena Majorova

Nevertheless, for that year Elena Majorova managed not only to complete the school with a red diploma, but also successfully prepare for entrance exams in the Theater Institute. As a result, the girl was able to convince the adoptive commission of Hitis and in 1976 he became among the student of the screen of Oleg Tabakov's screen. As the master was expressed, in the young attorient it was interested in the ability of Elena to observe the manifestation of someone else's gift and life emotionality. During his studies, Elena had to get rid of the speech defect - the girl did not speak the letter "P". But already in the second year, Elena managed to overcome the flaw.

The first theater of the newly minted actress was the "contemporary", and then Majorova performed on the stage of the Moscow Art Academic Theater, by performing the role of a classic and modern repertoire.

Elena Majorova in the theater

Especially remembered by the theatrical public of her Masha from the "three sisters" Anton Chekhov. With partners in the "Orestea" spectard, Tatiana Dogileva and Evgenia Mironov Majorov supported friendly relations until the last days. The production fell not only in the capital of Russia, but also Europe and Japan, where MCAT often toured. In Greece, Elena Majorova, who performed in the performance, the role of Athena, was awarded the unofficial title "Russian Greta Garbo".

In Mkhat Actress came at the request of Oleg Efremov. The director was not indifferent to the talent of Helena and to her. But the relationship between them was platonic. According to colleagues, Elena became the last love of the master, and he even made an artist's proposal in 1996, from which Majorova refused.


The debut actresses Elena Majorova took place in a cult teenage melodrama "You did not dream ...", where the artist played a neighbor of the main character. And the first major role in the filmography of Helena appeared in 1981 in the film-catastrophe "34th fast." Directors noted that the actress always worked at the limit, without leaving the image, even during the rest.

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Soon, Elena received a proposal to play a comedy "Lonely a hostel" with Natalia Gundareva and Alexander Mikhailov starring. Not one generation of viewers was loved by the story of a lonely matching, which arranged fate of the girlfriends in a simple way, sending photos to potential grooms.

Majorova appeared in the social drama "Zina-Zinulu" with Evgenia Glushchenko and Melodrame "Forgotten Melody for the Flute", in which Leonid Filatov and Tatiana Doglev also shone. The sports drama "Vesuchaya" was popular with popularity, where the actress reincarnated to a young athlete who had thrown a career for the sake of birth of a child.

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But the best roles in the creative biography of Elena Majorova, according to fans and critics, became the waitress of the Wagon-Restaurant Olga in the family-social film "The Fast train", Dr. Anna Ilinichna in the tragedy "Lost in Siberia" and Natalia, the wife of the main character in the picture. Page "Makarov". From the last films to the public, the adventure comedy "Return of the" Barny "and the drama" on the knives "took place.

Elena Majorova managed to play for a brief life in 47 films, and several works came to the screens after the death of the artist. It is noteworthy that in the last role in the film "Listen, whether it rains ..." The actress was transformed into the ghost of death.

Personal life

Elena Majorova was married twice. The first spouse was a classmate for theatrical institute Vladimir Chaplygin. But this union was fragile. The mother-in-law, a radical Muscovite, did not take a visit to the house. Husband and wife first lived in the hostel of Mkat, after which Vladimir returned to his native nest. However, some acquaintances argue that this marriage was originally fictitious: Elena needed relevant documents to get the opportunity to stay in Moscow after graduating from the university.

Actress Elena Mayorova

For the second time, Majorova married the son of General, the favorite of the girls, the artist-hyperrealist Sergei Schestyuk, who incredibly loved the actress.

In general, it was love at first sight. One day, Elena sat with her friend and suddenly said that she would go into the room. Literally after a moment, a helmshotuk appeared there, with whom Elena had not yet met. With Sergey, the artist lived until the last day of life, but there was no children from the pair. Elena lost the opportunity to have children before studying in Gitis. Working for hours on the frost, the girl received strong inflammation.

Sergey Schestyuk and Elena Majorova

It was in life, according to Elena colleagues, another passion that happened shortly before the tragedy. On the set, the film "Strange Time" Majorova was fascinated by the young artist Oleg Vasilkov. At first, the lovers did not advertise the relationship, but soon they could not restore interest in each other.

The actors spent the evening, talked a lot, were interested in one music. Having learned about the novel, the spouse of Elena was very worried, but did not go to household disassembly. After filming in a relationship between Oleg and Elena, a crack was outlined, which, most likely, led to a protracted depression.


On August 23, 1997, Elena Majorova decided to rinse the throat of kerosene to improve the vote. Fuel droplets fell on chiffon dress. Going into the entrance of the house to smoke, the actress was inaccurately threw a match, which was the cause of flavors. I have not been able to put out the fire yourself, Elena rushed to the street.

Elena Majorova

The actress managed to reach the Mossovet's official entrance to the theater, which was located in the courtyard of her at home, but he lost consciousness on the threshold. In the hospital at the Institute of Skliffosovsky Actress, he arrived already with burns by 85% of the body surface. Return Elena to life, medical workers failed.

According to the official version, this tragic death is recognized as an accident. But relatives, acquaintances and neighbors insisted in their opinion, which was based on that, then Major had been removed several times over the last time with the windows of the windows, with the head of the racing trains, and once even found a gun from the actress.

Elena Majorova's grave

Especially it is known that the last few months the artist was in an depressed state, bordering a deep depression, so among the colleagues Elena Majorova, the version of suicide suicide was emerged. But the Orthodox Church did not consider Elena to the number of suicides, since during a fire actress wrote about help.

Sherstyuk survived the spouse for only 9 months, dies from cancer. The last picture of the artist was the canvas "You and I", dedicated to his love for Elena. Both spouse are buried on the Troecorsky cemetery.

Another mystical event is connected with the death of the actress. A year after the death of Majorova Oleg Vasilkov was very beaten by unknown, the actor received a fracture of the skull. The attack occurred on the birthday of Elena.


  • 1981 - "You never dreamed ..."
  • 1981 - "34th fast"
  • 1983 - "Lonely a hostel is provided"
  • 1984 - "Parade Planets"
  • 1986 - Zina-Zinululy
  • 1987 - "Forgotten Melody for Flute"
  • 1987 - "Vesuchi"
  • 1988 - "Fast train"
  • 1991 - "Lost in Siberia"
  • 1993 - "Makarov"
  • 1996 - "Return" Bremen All
  • 1997 - "Strange time"
  • 1998 - "On the knives"
  • 1999 - "Listen, is it raining ..."

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