Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Cause and Date of Death, Films, Theater, Wife



This actor was called one of the most removed in Russian filmmaking. The legend of Soviet cinema, whose works not one generation of viewers has grown. For decades, his audience literally was hurt, the directors tried to get his consent to the role, and critics celebrated high mastery. Him Armen Gigarkhanyan himself considered himself created for the acting profession, although he got into the theater and not immediately.

Childhood and youth

Armen Borisovich was born in Yerevan on October 3, 1935, on the sign of the zodiac scales. Dzhigarkhanyan never hid his nationality and was not ashamed of origin - he is Armenian.

The boy was a second child in an incomplete family: when Armen was less than half a year, his father left his mother, leaving her daughter and son. Children brought up stepfather, which Armen Borisovich recalls with constant warmth.

After graduating from school, the young man went to Moscow to enroll on the acting specialty in Gitis. However, Armen denied admission - prevented accent. The young man returned home, but his hands did not lower and since 17 began to work in the "Armenfilm" film company an operator's assistant. Two years later, the guy entered the Yerevan Art and Theater Institute. Soon his acting biography began.


The debut in the movie was an episodic role in the film "Owl" in 1959, this appearance on the screen remained almost unnoticed for the world of the film industry. In 1966, the premiere of the film "Hello, this is me!", Bringing all-union fame to Gigarkhanyan. This is a dramatic story about a young scientist, war, love and misunderstanding.

In the youth, the popularity of the actor grew the day from the day, the real glory was waiting for the artist after replenishing his filmography of the movie "Hello, I am your aunt!", "Dog on Seine", "The meeting place cannot be changed" and two parts of the sequel "Elusive Avengers" - "New The adventures of the elusive "and" crown of the Russian Empire, or again elusive. " The image of a carp (hunchback), the head of the Karp (Humpback), head of the Banda "Black Cat", also brought to him, "the place of the meeting cannot be changed" in the ribbon.

In 1978, the actor played a stranger in the Soviet-Turkish art film "My love, my sadness", removed based on the play "Legend of Love", written by the classic Turkish literature by Nazima Hickmet. In the picture, foreign artists involved, but part of the acting staff still occupied Soviet artists Vladimir Samoilov, Anatoly Papanov, Vsevolod Sanaev and others.

In the 1980s, the fame and demand of Dzhigarkhanyan in cinema only increased. In the period from 1980s to 1989, the actor starred in 50 films, among which Tehran-43, "Tales of the Old Wizard", "Life of Klim Samgin", "Two arrows used the most popular. Detective Stone Age. "

Even the collapsed collapse of the Soviet Union could not damage the popularity of the actor. In the 1990s, Armen Borisovich starred as often as in the 80s, even despite employment in Vgik, where he taught and supervised one of the groups of students. In the early 2000s, he worked in several parts of the detective "Gangster Petersburg", where the image of the criminal authority of Guivi Chvirkhadze's criminal authority is nicknamed Gurgen.

As Armen starred in musical tapes, he often had to independently perform songs that later became popular. More than the other fans of the artist liked the compositions in his execution in the art film "Dog on Seine".

During the years of acting, Dzhigarkhanyan has repeatedly participated in the voicing of cartoons. His voice sounded in the paintings "New Adventures of the Babe Jun", "Treasure Island", "Tishka's", "cars" and many others. And in 1990 he was the opportunity to voiced the gray wolf in the doll-plasticine cartoon "Gray Wolf & Red Hap" for adults. The voice of the second leading heroine belongs to the soloist of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia Svetlana Stephenko.

In 2008, the artist tried on the role of the director, having released a performance on the play of Veniamina Stormov "Thousand and one night of Shahrazada".

In 2016, he took a break in work related to health. On March 5, the actor was hospitalized with a suspicion of myocardial infarction in research institutes. N. V. Sklifosovsky.

Despite the health problems, in the future, Armen Borisovich continued to appear on the screen. In 2018, the actor worked on the main role in the drama "love" from love "of the joint production of cinematographers of three countries - Georgia, USA and Russia is born. And then in production launched the drama "Angels dying twice," in which Dzhigarkhanyan got the main role.


Even at the Institute, studying at the 1st year, the guy began to go to the stage of the Yerevan Russian Dramatic Theater. Here he served 12 years, playing more than 30 performances.

The main characters did not trust the young actor, but often Armen was able to build in ambiguous images. The appearance of a young man was also facilitated by the appearance of a young man: an average height (175 cm with weight up to 80 kg), expressive features of the face, interesting facial expressions.

An important event in the life of the actor turned out to be an acquaintance with Anatoly Efros, who in 1967 was the director of Lenkom. Noting the talent of a young man, the director invited Dzhigarkhana to his theatrical troupe to Moscow.

The actor served in Lenkomom 2 years, and then began to play in the performances of the theater named after V. Mayakovsky. With this institution, Dzhigarkhanyan worked until the mid-90s, after which he founded his own "theater" D ".

After passing a rehabilitation course after a heart attack, a man returned to the previous lifestyle. He struggled with difficulty, but did not comply with himself the powers of the head of the Moscow Dramatic Theater. According to him, every time he was chosen to attend the theater premieres.

In early January 2018, he was again hospitalized, the ambulance carrier came to the door of the theater and delivered the artist to the Pirogovskaya clinical hospital. Armen Borisovich put several diagnoses at once - hypertensive crisis, suspicion of neuralgia and viral infection.

The next time, Gigarchhanyan was in the hospital in April after the suffered infarction, a man fell into a hospital to whom, but later came out of it. He did not appear in public for a long time, after which the media began to take the headlines that the artist allegedly left his life, but his relatives hide this fact.

Later in the news there was a refutation of rumors about his death: the actor alive. As an artist in the life of the theater, he no longer participated, but he watched the release of new productions and artistic films. Sharing health did not allow him to leave his native walls for a long time. Despite this, the name of the artist was not forgotten, it periodically appears in the media in the context of different news.

Personal life

About the first wife of the actor knows a bit. Armen Borisovich's spouse called Alla Vannovskaya, they were together in the Yerevan Russian Dramatic Theater. The actress was older than Gigarchhana for 14 years, for the sake of her beloved left the first family. The couple was in marriage less than a decade, they had a daughter Elena. After childbirth, it turned out that Alla had a serious mental disorder. She became jealous and aggressive. The actor was forced to pick up her daughter and submit for a divorce.

With the second wife, Dzhigarkhanyan met shortly before moving to Moscow, Tatyana Vlasova just moved to Yerevan from Russia. In the theater, she worked as the head of the literary part. Couple played a wedding already in Moscow. Tatiana took the daughter of Lena, and the actor became stepfather for Stepan, the son of Vlasov from the first marriage. There were no common children from spouses.

By the end of the 90s, changes in the personal life of Armen have changed, the actor bought a house in the United States, where she moved. The artist visited Tatiana 2 times a year, but soon these visits stopped.

In 2014, it became known that the actor has a new love - 35-year-old Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, a previously musical leader, and from June 2015 - Director of the "Theater" D ". Officially, spouses issued a relationship on February 25, 2016.

In October 2017, the scandal in the artist's family struck. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan filed for a divorce with Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. In court, the actor said that the fact of theft took place from the wife, but the woman denied it.

Previously, the couple seemed incredibly happy, they were inseparable and at home, and at work. The spouse trusted Vitalin in everything, for the sake of her left her former wife and rewrote to a new almost all the state, and also gave his theater on the board (she became its director). From that moment, no solution was taken without Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

In 2017, Vitalin made a sensational recognition that her husband was supposedly kidnapped and now want to capture the theater. The woman told that Armen had long been sick and did not give the report to his actions. All this wife of Dzhigarkhanyan told the leading program "Let them speak" Dmitry Borisov, who later found an artist in the metropolitan hospital. He allowed to allow only close people to himself, and there was no young spouse among them.

According to the actor, because of her he lost apartments and access to the theater. This was the last straw, which prompted Gigarchhanyan to give a divorce.

In September 2019, it became known that the artist returned to his wife Tatiana Vlasova, and the year later once again issued the relationship with her officially. The woman specially arrived in Moscow to be close to the artist and care for him. As Gigarchhanyan put it, "we will grow together."

News about the life and work of Armen Borisovich was posted in the group of artist fans in Facebook. There, fans published photos of the stars of different years.


After the ages transferred and the experiences of Armen Borisovich almost all the time spent at home in silence and tranquility.

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November 14, 2020 did not become Gigarharian. The fact that the director died, the representative of his theater reported. The cause of the death of a great artist served as a heart stop. This was mainly chronic kidney diseases that provoked the overall edema of the body. I buried Armen Borisovich on the Vagankovsky cemetery: he himself asked close to his grave was near his daughter.

Unfortunately, due to the questions of the inheritance, the name of Dzhigarkhanyan subsequently emerged in the media in this way. The main opponents in the difficult situation were his adoptive son Stepan and the former wife of Vitalin. And, even despite the fact that the inheritance of unpretentious wealth had not had to inherit, the conflict still received publicity in the transfer "Let them speak."

Film about graphy

  • 1965 - "Hello, that's me!"
  • 1968 - "New adventures of elusive"
  • 1975 - "Hello, I'm your aunt!"
  • 1977 - "Dog on Seine"
  • 1979 - "The meeting place cannot be changed"
  • 1980 - "Dulcinea Tobos"
  • 1980 - "Tehran-43"
  • 1992 - "On Deribasovskaya, good weather, or on Brighton Beach again come rain"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"
  • 1996 - "Queen Margo"
  • 2007 - "RUD AND SAM"
  • 2011 - "German"
  • 2018 - "First Guy in the Village"

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