Yuel Kinnaman - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Yuel Kinnaman - Swedish and American film actor, the most famous for such cash films, like a "suicide detachment", "Girl with a dragon tattoo", "cravings money" and "Robocop".

Yuel, whose full name in English sounds like Charles Joel Nordstrom, was born and grew up in Stockholm. His mother was a physician in Sweden, and Father Steve Kinnaman often moved between Europe and America because of his work. By the way, due to the fact that Kinnaman-senior is an immigrant in the United States from the UK, Yeily has double Swedish-American citizenship.

Full Yuel Kinnaman

Interestingly, Yuel is not the only movie star in the family. One of his five sisters, Melinda Kinnaman, also became a successful actress, and began to act as a teenager, and the most famous work is the television series "Modeus".

To master English perfectly, the young man has lived in Texas as a student in exchange. After graduating from High School, the young man entered the Theater Academy in the Swedish city of Malmo, and then served more than four years in the Gothenburg City Theater. Success came to Yuell Kinnaman after he was perfectly performed on the stage of Rodion Skolnikov in the formulation of the Russian classics "Crime and Punishment." It was there that the film director saw him and began to offer roles in Swedish cinema.


The cinematic biography of Yuel Kinnaman began in Sweden. Before he got into Hollywood, managed to play in a pair of tens of Scandinavian projects. The most striking works of the actor on local film studios were the romantic drama "In Your Viennes", a series of criminal militants "Johan Falk", in which the actor appeared in nine pictures of twelve, and the film with the famous thriller "Girl with a dragon tattoo."

But the Misal film "Crazy Money" brought the greatest fame in the native country of Kinnaman, after which Yuel and called the world film empire - in Hollywood. Yuel Kinnaman did not forget the franchise of the franchise to him and, already playing in Hollywood projects, appeared in the sequels of "cravings" - "Crazy money: Stockholm Noir" and "Crazy money: a luxurious life."

And the first project, the television series "Murder" turned out to be successful. Here the actor played a major role: a policeman who investigates the main case of the series - the killing of a teenage girl who turns into a confusing crime in which there are practically no witnesses. The Kinnaman Hero is a novice in the murder department, before the policeman worked under covering in the criminal world and investigated in general cases of drug turnover. Life among the criminals made a man especially aggressive, tough and unpredictable.

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And the remake of the science fiction militant "Robocop" in 2014, where the actor also performed the role of guarding the order. Yuel Kinnaman played the role of police Alex Murphy, who as a result of a conspiracy of sales police gets fatal injuries after the bomb explosion.

The tragedy unfolds against the background of a complex political and technological situation: all over the world in law enforcement agencies are used robots and drones, but in the United States after mass protests Act prohibiting police robots was released. Therefore, the police officer who is on the verge of life and death has become an excellent material for creating a proud hybrid law - a robotic policeman with a human brain - Robocop.

In 2015, the actor appeared immediately in three new paintings. In the criminal militant "Night Fuggy" Yuel, together with Liam Nison, played the son and father, who flew from the wrath of Boss Mafia. In the Thriller "Number 44", the actor played the role of Vasily Nikitin, the picture of the picture unfolds in the USSR, so the role of Russian is not surprising for the actor, also Kinnaman fulfilled a minor role in the melodramatic fantasy "Knight Cups".

In 2016, the actor joined the acting of the popular political television series "Card House". The series tells about the revenge of the offended and deceived Congressman's new president of the United States: the main character helped one candidate to get a post in exchange for a promise after the election to give assistant post of state secretary of the country. But after the presidential election, the new president does not fulfill its part of the persuasion.

In the fourth and fifth seasons, Yuel Kinnaman appeared in the role of presidential candidate from the Republican Party of the USA William Conveya.

Also in 2016, the actor fulfilled the role of Elliota in the picture "Remote Locality".

Yuel Kinnaman's Fike in 2016 was a fantastic comedy thriller "Square Square", which also demonstrate their acting talent and other stars: Ben Affleck, Margo Robbie and Ja Courtney.

The film tells about the group of dangerous criminals convicted on the life sentence, which the US government proposes to enter into a combat team in return for relief. The government suggests this group to use in dangerous, often fatal missions. The famous villains of the detachment are the famous villains of the film dealer DC Harley Queen and Deadshot, and the leadership of the combat group receives Rick Flag, whose role and performed by Yueel Kinnaman.

Yuel Kinnaman far did not immediately agree to act in comic blockbusters. It is worth noting that Yuel was the main challenger on the main role in the fantastic militant "TOR", but Kinnaman preferred other projects. The actor claims that it is not going to agree on every offer just because the American, profitable and promises to become popular with the viewer. The quality of the scenario and the level of colleagues and staff are important for the actor.

Also, Kinnaman was called on the main role in the Oscar-free postpocalyptic action "Mad Max: Road of Freak", but also the actor answered with refusal.

Personal life

For a long time, Yuel Kinnaman met with the American actress Olvia Mann, the star of the television series "News Department". By the way, the novel of the actors continued just during the time when this multi-sieuled film was broadcast on American channels.

Yuel Kinnaman and Cleo Wattenstrom

In mid-2014, the actor met Cleo Wattenstrem, popular in Sweden by a professional tattoos. They had romantic relationships, over time he had grown into something more. In April 2016, young people played a wedding and officially became her husband and wife.

The actor is regularly divided with fans of photographs from everyday life in a verified account in "Instagram". Kinnaman has hundreds of thousands of subscribers on this service.

Yuel Kinnaman now

In 2018, Yuel Kinnaman appeared in the lead role in a fantastic television series ordered by Netflix entertainment company, "modified carbon". The director of the painting was Laet Calogridis, and the plot of the film was based on the book of Richard Morgan, who saw the light back in 2002.

The film tells about the advanced future, in which cybernetic sciences have advanced so much that they allow to store a person's mind in a special device so that the physical body only becomes consumable.

Kinnaman plays the role of kovacha's mercenary. This is an ambiguous character, part of the heroes consider mercenar with a cruel and merciless terrorist, others belong to Kovach as a hero and chosen. No wonder, after all, the mercenary belonged to the group of people, openly opposed the unfair new order, mainly against the fact that the benefits of technological immortality are available only to secured people.

The action of a fantastic film unfolds in 2384, but at the same time the main character regularly sees flashbacks of events of 250 years ago, when he killed the present body of the hero. Two and a half times the mind of Kovacha was in freezing. At the beginning of the events of the film, the hero receives a new body, in such a form of Huel Kinnaman, and the choice: to spend the rest of life in prison or become a personal detective of the richest person in the world.


  • 2003 - "Another way"
  • 2009 - "In Your Vienne"
  • 2010 - "Crazy money"
  • 2011-2014 - "Murder"
  • 2001 - "Girl with a dragon tattoo"
  • 2014 - "Robocop"
  • 2015 - "Number 44"
  • 2015 - "Night Fugitive"
  • 2016 - "Card House"
  • 2016 - "Suicide Society"
  • 2018 - "Modified Carbon"

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