Dmitry Mazurov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Dmitry Mazurov - a Russian actor, known in many Russian TV shows. In total, the artist's filmography has more hundreds of roles in various television and cinematic projects. Moreover, the directions see it in completely different images - from a lawyer to the owner of the supermarket, from Killer to the surgeon, but still in its service list the most characters related to law enforcement agencies.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born and grew up in Novosibirsk. Another little boy became interested in the scene, and the parents gave the Son to the Children's "Studio Plastics", which worked at the Novosibirsk Youth Academic Globus Theater. The head of this institution George Erasek, seeing the efforts of Mazurov at rehearsals and self-denial during the game in children's productions, recommended Dmitry not to bury the dream of acting career.

However, immediately after school, a young man to leave for a thousand kilometers to the Moscow university did not dare. Instead, Dmitry became a student of the Novosibirsk Theater School, where he was engaged in the Honored Artists of Russia Tamara Kocherzhskaya and Alexander Kuznetsov. His studies in the School of Mazurov combined with the performance of the "Globus" theater troupe on the stage.

In 2002, the guy becomes the owner of the diploma, having received an education in the specialty "Theater Actor". By this point, Mazurov was already ready to experience fate and went to conquer the capital. As a result, he managed to enter the All-Russian Cinematography Institute, and Dmitry took immediately to the third course, and even in the teachers workshop Vitaly Solmin and Alexander Lenkov. Under the leadership of Professors, the young artist appeared in the main role of the graduation play on the play of Moliere Tartuf, as well as in the image of Perrtti Orace in the formulation of the "ugly elsa".

After moving to Moscow, Mazurov first became to appear in Anhydrous. Later began to play in the performances of the Moscow Modern Art Theater. The actor appeared there in the image of the Vronsky in the formulation of Anna Karenina. And on the stage of the Theater Loft "Compass" still plays the role of Dima in the play "Satisfaction" in Evgeny Grishkowtsu.

Personal life

With the first wife of Natalia Dmitry Mazurov met when he arrived in the Novosibirsk theater school. But first, young people were friends and only 2 years later began to meet. After the Institute, Dmitry went to Moscow, and Natalia remained in the capital of Siberia, as the girl accepted into the troupe of the local theater.

A year later, Mazurov returned and made a proposal of hands and hearts. The wedding was played in Novosibirsk, after which the newly-made spouses went to Moscow together. Two sons, Georgy and Dmitry were born in the family, but by 2010 this union broke up. Both boys visit the music school, Dmitry plays a violin, Georgy - on the piano.

Speaking by the ensemble, the children of the artist became laureates of the II premium at the Moscow Cameratus Music Competition, in the jury of which the Professor of the Moscow Conservatory was included.

Soon the personal life of the artist is cool changed: Dmitry Mazurov met a childhood friend, which Natalia is also called the fate. The guys were familiar with the 9th grade, were in the same company, but then they did not feel at each other strong romantic feelings. Although, as an later actor, he got into the theater "Globus" in his youth because of Natasha. The girl then attended the choreographic studio at the Globus, and Dmitry wanted to be closer to her.

Later the path of young people diverged. Natalia Mazurov graduated from the Pedagogical University, became a teacher of a foreign language. After the fleeting meeting in 2010, with Natalia Dmitry realized that he would like to associate life with her. Soon the second woman moved to his beloved to Moscow, and since then young people are inseparable.

The actor leads a personal account in Instagram, where he announces new projects with its participation. They meet on the page and photos with colleagues in the theatrical scene and the cinematic area. Information posts Dmitry Mazurov duplicates on a page in the social network "VKontakte".

Despite the permanent employment in the cinema, Dmitry has time to follow the appearance and physical form. With an increase in 180 cm its weight is 80 kg.


In the cinema, Dmitry Mazurov made his debut immediately after release from Vgika. The actor was shot in episodic roles, managed to work with the stars Elena Cinnov, Vladimir Shevelykov, Yuri Kuznetsov, Andrei Soskov. The first projects in which the artist appeared was the melodrama "Poor Nastya", the Detective "Kulagin and Partners", the youth tape "Doomed becoming a star", the criminal drama "Rublevka Live".

Interesting experience became for Dmitry film Alexander Cotta "Pechorin. The hero of our time, "where a young artist appeared in the company Igor Petrenko, Yuri Kolokolnikova, Avangard Leontiev. In the late 2000, the repertoire of Mazurov was replenished with works in the rating series "Autumn Detective" and "University". In 2009, the actor was lucky to receive the first major role in the 2nd season of the "Two Sisters" melodrama, where Dmitry reincarnated in her husband of one of the main characters Lucy (Julia Telpukhova).

True popularity came to Dmitry in 2011. At first, the artist played a major role in the romantic film "Two tickets to Venice", and then appeared in two criminal series, which Mazurov glorified the whole country. We are talking about the detective "Pyatnitsky" and the Motheric militant "Karpov".

In addition to the theater activities and filming in the cinema, Dmitry managed to try himself as the leading program "Cinema-kitchen" on the channel "Sony Mature Television", and also made a dancer. The actor participated in the rating entertainment reality show "Dancing with the stars", in which he worked in a pair with the Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Anna Gavrilenko. The project added the artist of popularity and became a bright page in the creative biography of Mazurov.

It is also worth noting the military tape on the "Night Swallows" pilots and a fighter "bodyguard", in which Mazurov collaborated with the actor Evgenia Sidichene.

In 2016, a new film "Explosive Wave" was released on the screens, where Dmitry was again at the site of a key character, as well as the detective series "Sasha Kind, Sasha Angry."

In 2017, the artist pleased fans by the appearance in the project of the CTC of Psychologies in the project, where the employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the beloved of the main heroine of Alina (Anna Starshenbaum). TNT stars were also starred in the film - Anastasia Panin, Sophia Kashtanova, Roman Mayakin.

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At the same time, Dmitry played in a criminal detective "Pure Moscow killings" in the main cast along with Lyudmila Chursina and Sergey Belyaev. Among the significant prime minced the detective series "Morozova", where Dmitry got the role of the former wife of the main character - Anna Morozova expert (Tara Amirkhanova).

In the film "Infigured Hope", the artist embodied on the screen the image of Yuri Makarsky, the groom, and then the husband of the main character of faith (Anna Levanova).

In 2018, the TVC channel started showing the TV series "Dr. Kotov", the director of whom Ashot Keszan became. Together with the actress, Svetlana Antonova Dmitry Mazurov plays a couple in love, the wedding of which is canceled on family circumstances.

Then the artist appeared in the form of the Security Head of the Seeds of Borisovich Rogov in the picture "Her secret", played the main character in the 2nd season "Morozov" and starred in the film "General Interests" along with Veria Voronakov, Maxim Kerin and Lyudmila Prinjeva. The last tape is dipping the viewer into the world of his own fears and delusions. Mazurov also appeared in the criminal detective "Murder on Fridays".

2019 also did not leave the actor without work. In mid-March, the historic film "SIFR" came out on the first channel, which became the adaptation of the British mini-series "Kill Code". During its creation, much attention, cinematographers paid a special atmosphere, which helped viewers to plunge in the 50s. Each detail is worked out: suits, locations, hairstyles, makeup and props. The director of Faith Watchtown led preparations for shooting throughout the year, without distracted by other projects.

The main roles in this tape went by Maryan Spivak, Elena Panova, Jan Osipova and Catherine Vilkova. Dmitry Mazurov played other key characters, Oleg Gas, Sergey Pustpalims and others.

In the summer of the same year, the premiere of the Melodrama "Teachers" took place, where Dmitry played the director of the Schishkin School. In the center of the plot - Sergey, who has the father of Masha and Tanya. He occupies the post of Deputy Minister of Education and constantly changes women who are often rendered to his daughters. One of the girls with joy uses the Pope's position, while the other refuses his help, preferring to do everything herself.

At the end of the year, he appeared in the 5th part of the Comedy "Policeman from Rublevka" director Ilya Kulikova. A year before, he was removed in the 4th season. The artist talks about his work there that be in one project with Sergey Burunov for him is real pleasure. He calls a colleague professional and a man of a broad soul, being close to which it is simply impossible not to laugh. Mazurov got the role of Brother Hero Burunova, Major General FSB.

Dmitry Mazurov now

Dmitry Mazurov and now remains in demand by artist. The diligence and talent of the artist appreciate the director of television series, so Mazurov regularly appears in the main roles of rating meloders, detectives and comedies.

In the spring of 2020, Dmitry Mazurov and Anton Batyrev took place in "Instagram", the artists discussed the projects in which the upcoming plans already participated.

Then the artist played small roles in the 4th season of "Layek" and in the Criminal detective "Kidnapped".

At the end of September, the premiere of the detective melodrama "Children of the Wind" took place on the TVC channel. Together with Anna Health, Alexander Koston, Pavel Savinkov, Valentina Pavlova Mazurov performed a major role.

The production of 4-serial tape was engaged in the "Gamma" film company, as the main locations chose picturesque places in the Novgorod region.

The plot is tied around the pair. He is rich, and seemingly happy. But life is overshadowed by a child's disease, which can be saved, only give birth to the second - the perfect bone marrow donor. She is a teacher with a challenging fate, whose husband owes a huge amount of money. Trying to survive, both make mistakes, but no matter how much to surrender, there is no choice, for the sake of children they have to become happy.


  • 2007 - "Labires of Love"
  • 2009 - "House for Two"
  • 2011-2014 - "Pyatnitsky"
  • 2011 - "Two tickets to Venice"
  • 2011 - "Casnokradda"
  • 2012-2014 - "Karpov"
  • 2012 - "Night swallows"
  • 2013 - "Two moments of love"
  • 2014 - "Bodyguard"
  • 2015 - "History"
  • 2016 - "Explosive Wave"
  • 2017 - "Psychologies"
  • 2017 - Morozova-2
  • 2018 - "Policeman from Rublevka-4"
  • 2018 - "Practice. Second season"
  • 2018 - "Murders on Fridays"
  • 2018-2020 - "Nothing happens twice"
  • 2019 - "Teachers"
  • 2019 - "Pure Moscow Murders-2"
  • 2019 - "SIFR"
  • 2020 - "Wind Children"
  • 2020 - "Iczka-4"
  • 2020 - "Kidnapped"

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