Natalia Gulkin - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Natalia Gulkin - Soviet and Russian singer, ex-soloist of the famous group "Mirage", leader of the Star Group.

Natalia Valeryevna Pharirokov, so the name of the future star discos in childhood was born in the usual Moscow family. Love for music from her dad. He taught the daughter of Azam musical letters and taught the first guitar games lessons.

Singer Natalia Gulkin

Natalia sang perfectly and composed songs herself. At school evenings, in recreation camps, the girls under the accompaniment guitar collected the first deserved ovations. Young singer decided that singing was her fate. Natalia has never dreamed of anything else.

Natalie Gulkina singer has become shortly after graduation. She married Nikolai Gulkin, but family life was short. But the surname remained forever.

Natalia Gulkin in youth

To continue the musical career, Gulkin went to the metropolitan jazz studio. Here the girl has improved vocals and studied acting. Here the performer met with a colleague Svetlana Razin. And she brought a girlfriend from the then still-known composer Andrei Liatigin.


At the time of the meeting, Lytyagin was just looking for. The team left Margarita Sukhankina, who decided to make a career of the opera singer. After a long persuade, Gulkin agreed to try his hand in Mirage.

Natalia Gulkin, Mirage Group

So the star musical biography of Natalia Gulkina began. The first songs "Mad World", "Sunny Summer", "I don't want" and "electricity" instantly turned into hits. The beauty of the blonde sneaked the whole country. In 1987, the album of the group was released, the named "Stars are waiting for us", which entered Hulkina's hits.

Natalia, along with the team began to tour in the country. Concerts gathered huge stadiums. Mirage and Natalia Gulkin were waiting at all ends of the USSR. To interrupt these trips that brought a considerable income, the head of the Lytyagin group did not decrease. But it was necessary to update the repertoire of the team, and there was no time for this because of the constant absence of Natalia. Therefore, the composer asked to record new compositions Margarita Sulankin.

After returning from the next tours of Natalia Gulkina, it was suggested to learn songs and act with them under the Okhankina phonogram. The singer did not like such an idea, she considered that it smacks fraud. Therefore, Gulkin left the team.

But if Natalia left the "Mirage", then it did not mean that she threw a sing. The singer organized its own music team, called the "Stars". For ignorance, continued to perform songs with which it was solired in the last group. This caused court proceedings.

After the ban, Gulkin did not lower the hands of Gulkin's hits. The debut hit "The Sun burns" immediately took a place in the rotation of popular Russian radio stations. The second walker written by Natalia Gulkin, became the song "Believe and love".

Soon the acquaintance with Leonid Velichkovsky. The composer suggested a musical material, Natalia recorded new songs that immediately won the hearts of disco lovers. The first joint album was called "Little Prince". At the beginning at concerts, where Natalia was already in the composition of his own group, the name of the singer and the name "Ex-Mirage" sounded. But on one speech, where the musicians of the operating group "Mirage" were present, Gulkina had to urgently come up with a name for his team. So the name "Stars" was born.

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The "Star" group in the first half of the 90s released the "Disco" album, thanks to which Gulkin became the second most popular singer of the USSR. Alla Pugacheva and Irina Allegrova also entered the top three. Then the release of the disk "It is necessary only to dream", the author of the songs for which was the leader of the KAR-MEN group Sergey Lemokh. Both collections were sold with huge circulations. The first Gulkina clips on the song "Ivango" appeared, "this is China".

Natalia Gulkin turned out to be the first Soviet pop star, which went to the tour of China. The trip has become possible after the victory of the singer at the International Festival of Inter-Chance Pop Artists.

The concerts had a huge success, but the popular performer understood that it was necessary to move forward. Therefore, I started the solo career.

Soon the solo disk "Day Angel" came out, with the songs of which Natalia became the 9th in the ranking of the "Song of the Year" of the publication "Moscow Komsomolets". Gulkin regularly recorded new songs and records. Natalia has his own choreographic group, which accompanied the singer in all concerts. In the mid-1990s, the artist took up teaching activities by creating a school for talented children "New Generation".

Gulkin did not stop at the achieved. Natalia understood that herself was needed, so in 1995 he became a student of guitis, the faculty of the species of pop-mass spectacles in the workshop of the People's Artist of Russia Andrei Nikolaev.

In 2004, fans of the Mirage group received a huge surprise. Natalia Gulkin and Margarita Sulankina joined and began to sing together. The actors appeared at the "disco of the 80s" concert with the song of Gulkina "Ivango." And in 2005 released a disk called "Just Mirage". Soon there appeared a video for the song of the same name.

Natalia Gulkin and Margarita Sulankina

In 2007, Gulkin, Sukhankina and Lyatyagin revived "Mirage". A year later, the singer became the winners of the show "Superstar 2008. The team of dreams", which was broadcast on the NTV channel. In 2009, the team issued a thousand stars album. 4 songs in it solo Natalia Gulkina, as much as Margarita Sukhankina.

And in 2010 Natalia Gulkin, together with the group, took part in the opening of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Since 2011, the singer again returned to the solo career. The reason was the disagreement in the team, where Svetlana Razin occupied soon her place.

Natalia Gulkin

Natalia Gulkin continued to go to the scene. The artist sings old hits and new songs. The singer is a compulsory guest at retro concerts, which are held in Russia in recent years. Gulkin still love and remember.

Personal life

The first marriage of Gulkina was short. But the firstborn of the singer Alexei Gulkin appeared in him. The young man went to the feet of Mom and also chose a musical career. Alexey writes the music that Natalia calls "difficult".

The second marriage of Natalia Gulkina was happy, but quickly collapsed. Husband and part-time Concert Director Konstantin Terentiev helped the singer to build a solo musical career. Possessing an irrepressible fantasy, Konstantin once presented Natalia European MTV reporters as a real pop star, which has its own train and a plane. Terentyev died of a stroke in 2006, after a divorce with Natalia.

Sergey Mandrik and Natalia Gulkin

The third marriage with the head and dancer of the show ballet "Street Jazz" Sergey Mandrik. But in this union in 1999, Yana's daughter was born.

After the third divorce, the personal life of Natalia Gulkina began to better. The singer had a relationship with the pediatrician-pediatrician Sergey Reutov, who also, like Sergey Mandrik, was for 10 years younger singer. After the wedding, lovers lived two years and diverged.

Natalia Gulkin now

Natalia Gulkin still continues to create and record new songs. In May 2017, the singer, together with the musicians, the "Star" group released the hit "Eyes in the eye". Soon there was a release of the song "Troat". A performer of the Illusion Group was invited to record ("Illus!` I ") - graduates of the Music Show" Battle of Chorus ". The composition was also released clip. The director of the video was Vitaly Kapitonov, a stylist - Pavel Lagunov.

Now the new song of Natalia Gulkina is being prepared for the exit, which has already been released in the clip "You have I". Announcements of new songs, presentation of clips and information about Natalia Gulkin's speeches posts on an "Instagram" account. There is also a place for family photos. A snapshots made with the Russian pop stars are periodically flashed on the page - with the group "on", Alena Apina, Lolta Milyavskaya, as well as with the producer of the Star Group Lion Kuashev.


As part of the Mirage Group

  • 1987 - "Stars await us"
  • 2009 - "Thousand Stars"


  • 1991 - "Day Angel"
  • 1994 - "We just dream"
  • 1995 - "Disco"
  • 1996 - "Dancing City"
  • 2004 - "Queen of Disco"
  • 2012 - "By itself ..."
  • 2014 - "SE WA"
  • 2015 - "Clock"

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