Marina Ladynina - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Marina Alekseevna Ladinina - Soviet actress of cinema and theater. In 1944, he became the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1950 - the People's Artist of the USSR, was the laureate of five Stalinist premiums.

Ladinina Marina was born in a peasant family in the village of Natnino Smolensk region. After her birth, the family moved to the village of Nazarovo, located next to the city of Achinsky. Father Marina, Ladinin Alexei Dmitrievich, had only three classes of education, and Mom Maria Naumovna was not illiterate. In addition to the eldest daughter, another three more children were grown in the family - Tolera's brother and sisters of Klava and Valya. Since Marina was the eldest, home duties were resting on it: washing, cleaning, cooking. On the summer holidays, the girl worked as a militant in a local farmer.

Actress Marina Ladinina

Since childhood, Ladyna showed interest in creativity. I learned to read early and always retells read by rustic friends. Thanks to this, the girl took a souflery in the amateur theater. Soon, Marina began to give episodic roles in performances.

The first serious work was the role of Natasha in the play "Mermaid". Then Ladyna began to invite to Achinsky drama theater to replace the actors who got sick. There the girl was finally convinced to choose art as a profession.

Marina Ladynina in youth

At the age of 16, after graduation, Marina Ladynina became a teacher in the village of Nazarovo. According to a happy occasion, the artist of the Moscow theater of Vsevolod Meyerhold Sergey Fadeev arrived in the village, who saw the acting data of the girl, advised her to pass the exams in Gitis and even gave the book "My Life in Art." Ladynina did this: in 1929 she moved to Moscow and entered Gitis from the first attempt. In 1933 Ladynina graduated from learning.

Soon, Marina was accepted by Mkhat's troupe, where the girl found the whole color of the theater Russian school. The actress was lucky to play on the same stage next to Konstantin Stanislavsky, Olga Knipper-Chekhova, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Olga Androvskaya. The game of Ladynina in the play "Egor Bulychev and others" noted Maxim Gorky himself. Then other successful roles followed.


In 1934, the girl was invited to shoot the film "Rogue Trails", where Marina Alekseevna met the director Ivan Pyriev. The meeting turned out to be a fateful for the creative biography of Marina and her personal life. For the sake of Pyrhev, the girl left his thoughts about the scene and began a film actress career.

Marina Ladynina in the film "At six o'clock in the evening after the war"

At that time, Pyriev began to shoot the film "Rich Bride" and took Ladyna to the main role. After the filming, the scandal was played about the fact that the film mock the Ukrainian language. However, when Joseph Stalin saw the film and was delighted with him, the young actress and director were awarded the Order of Vladimir Lenin.

The next successful work of Ivan Pyrhev and Marina Ladynina became the film "Tractorsty", after which the actress and director became stars. For this work, both of the Stalinist premiums received. Later, the collection of state awards Marina Ladianina was replenished with four more Stalinist prizes. Soon the director decided to change the theme of the films. The new picture was the melodrama "Favorite Girl", where the actress played the work plant Warry Login.

Marina Ladynina - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death 19092_4

Later, Ladyna starred in the comedy "Antosha Rybkin", the musical comedy "Pinagka and the Shepherd", the melodrama "at six o'clock in the evening after the war." At the end of the 40s, the screens came out the musical tape "Tale of the Earth Siberian", where Ladyna appeared as singer Natasha Malinina.

The artist played the role of the chairman of the collective farm in the Comedy "Kuban Cossacks". After this film, the popularity of the actress has increased repeatedly. Two portraits hung on Gorky Street. On one was Joseph Stalin, and on the other - the photo of Marina Ladynina.

Marina Ladynina - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death 19092_5

The fatal in her life turned out to be a role in the film "Test of Loyalty". After the exit of the Ladian and Pyrieval tape parted. The actress no longer wanted to film. The actress filmography and remained small - only 9 significant works created in collaboration with Pyrievis, not counting several passing films. Later, the actress was often offered to be filmed, but Marina Alekseevna refused the films, she did not want to play age roles.

In 1946-1992, Marina Ladynina served in the theater of the film actor. In addition, the actress gave creative evenings in many cities of the Soviet Union. With the program "Comrade Cinema" Marina Ladynina broke the whole country. The salary allowed Marina Alekseevna for a long time not to think about pensions.

Marina Ladynina - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death 19092_6

In 1998, the actress was awarded the Nika Prize in the nomination "For the honor and dignity". To receive the award, the artist went on stage, accompanied by Vladimir Zelddin, a partner in the film "Penag and Shepherd." After working on the film, artists remained friendly for life. Vladimir has become one of the few people who are in the house of Ladynina until the last days of life actresses.

Personal life

The first time Marina Ladynina married even at the Institute - for the classmate Ivan Domasnov. The marriage lasted for a short time, soon young people divorced, but friendship was preserved for life. Ivan still remained a relative Marina Ladynina - the artist married her younger sister Valentine.

Ivan Ladynina and Marina

According to rumors, Marina Ladynina immediately after the divorce happened to a novel with a foreigner, an Italian diplomat, who was considered a spy in the NKVD. The actress began to regularly invite to Lubyanka to conclude to cooperation. The girl did not agree. Because of the problems with the authority, Marina had to quit the Mkat.

The girl went to nowhere - I had to work as a laundry, as there was no profession, except the acting, Ladyna did not have. Personal life of the artist once again went to a small round. Marina met a doctor from Siberia and even decided to move to him, but at the same time the young man went to Moscow, and the paths of lovers were burned. After such failures on the personal front, the girl was waiting for big changes.

Ivan Pyriev and Marina Ladynina

The life of the actress has changed on April 14, 1936, after meeting with the film director Ivan Pyriev. At that time he was married, love for his son for a long time did not allow the director to submit for a divorce. But in the end, Ivan Alexandrovich decided to take this step. On January 14, 1938, Son Andrei was born in Pyryaev and Ladyanina. The boy Marina bore secretly, because before that she took place an unpleasant conversation with the first wife of Ivan - Hello Mochik. Marina did not want to continue the relationship with Ivan Pyriev, but the director insisted on his.

For 20 years of marriage with Pyriev, Marina Ladynina was located as a stone wall. Spouse fully provided family. Permanent enhancements in service made them with legal people. Ladynina and Pyryev lived in the house on the boiler's embankment. Dresses actress Sila Modist, serving Kremlin wives. But in the 50s, the Ladyan began a depression associated with the outgoing age. Marina could not communicate with his relatives, closed in himself.

Marina Ladynina and Son

During the filming of the last joint film, the director became interested in the young actress Lyudmila Marchenko, who was the younger than 40 years. This was the conclusion of the relations of Marina Ladynina and Ivan Pyrhev, the actress could not forgive her husband.

Andrei stayed with his father. The young man went in the footsteps of talented parents and chose the profession of the film director.

Ladynina never wanted to make a new relationship and chose to live alone. Marina Alekseevna led a secluded lifestyle, but was fond of singing and practically 70 years old worked with vocal teachers. Later, when grandson was born, Marina Alekseevna began to visit the family of his son, buying them delicious products on grace cards.

Marina Ladinina

After the death of Father Ladynina transported her mother. The actress trembled to relatives and helped to settle in Moscow. Ivan Alexandrovich actress did not forget until the end of his days. According to the girlfriend actresses, the director the day before his death was dreamed of Marina. At the funeral of the former husband, when one of the journalists asked, whether the actress loved him, Marina Alekseevna quietly answered that he had loved now.


In the last ten years of life, the actress stopped communicating with anyone. The new bosses fired Ladinine from the theater of the film acter for absenteeism without a valid reason. Sometimes Nain Yeltsin came to her, helped money, products, gave a refrigerator.

In that fatal day, Marina Ladynina slipped and fell in the bathroom, having lain all day unconscious. Only in the evening the housekeeper returned home, discovered the actress and immediately caused doctors. It turned out that the actress was a fracture of the neck of the thigh. Specialists fought for the life of Marina Ladynina, but her heart could not withstand the load.

Ladian marina grave

On March 10, 2003, the actress died. Marina Alekseevna buried at the Novodevichy cemetery near the burial site of Yuri Nikulina, Boris Brunova and Galina Ulanova.

In 2012, the monument to Marina Ladynina, the only one in the country, opened in Nazarovo.


  • 1929 - "In the city it is impossible to enter
  • 1935 - "The enemy trails"
  • 1937 - "Rich Bride"
  • 1939 - "TRANSFER"
  • 1940 - "Favorite Girl"
  • 1941 - "Pinwork and shepherd"
  • 1942 - "Antosha Rybkin"
  • 1942 - "Secretary of Rayoma"
  • 1944 - "At 6 pm after the war"
  • 1947 - "Tale of the Siberian Earth"
  • 1949 - "Kuban Cossacks"
  • 1951 - "Taras Shevchenko"
  • 1954 - "Test of Loyalty"

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